Rich T
Well-Known Member
Nicely put, but—I’m sorry—Dex Jettster is the best character in the franchise.To each their own. I like the new movies. New Hope is still my favourite, but I much prefer the new films over Jedi by miles. Empire is great, but has some big flaws thanks to Lucas.
With most families drawn to the new trilogy and not some movies from over 40 years ago, I think this was a smart choice. Kylo Ren is my favourite Star Wars character and leaving the best character out of a land which celebrates the entire franchise would be a shame.

On a more (relatively) serious note, I really believe that most familes would pick OT over IgerSW, just as they’d pick the Wizard of Oz over Oz the Great and Terrible. Maybe I’m wong. One way or another, though, I have a feeling any decisions regarding the future focus of Galaxy’s Edge will depend on merchandise sales more than anything else.