Disneyland Virginia


Well-Known Member
We can paint them to look like wood.. I watched the home and garden channel a year or somthing ago and. they showed how they put to layer of diffrent color coats of paint on the steel.. and they used a ruber pattern thing.. it looked so real!


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Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
We can paint them to look like wood.. I watched the home and garden channel a year or somthing ago and. they showed how they put to layer of diffrent color coats of paint on the steel.. and they used a ruber pattern thing.. it looked so real!
sweet, I think that is a good idea.


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Hey guys I can post from my cousins house so I won't be gone all this week. Here is the Bambi Darkride. It is a log flume type ride, with a very small drop(just for the little kids:animwink: ) The ride will follow the adventures of Bambi after his mothers death. The ride starts and you witness Bambi as a baby, then you hear gunshots and you see bambi run and get scared, this is when the drop occurs. After this Bambi meets new friends including Thumper, and the skunk. You witness Bambi grow in to a Buck. That is it, it's kind of sketchy but I am not that good with low paced dark rides. (my cousin helped me a little:D ) I will post Frontierland later see ya


Well-Known Member
I like the Bambi ride. One question, what will the logs look like? Will they be like Splash Mountin's logs, will they be more like POTC/IASWAA, or will it be something different. :king:


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Originally posted by Mouse3268
I like the Bambi ride. One question, what will the logs look like? Will they be like Splash Mountin's logs, will they be more like POTC/IASWAA, or will it be something different. :king:
the logs will look like trees that fell in the river, they each will hold 4 people, but there will be tons of logs so don't worry about the lines.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by james4023464

the logs will look like trees that fell in the river, they each will hold 4 people, but there will be tons of logs so don't worry about the lines.

Cool so it will be for kids who are not tall enough for Splash Moutain but still want to ge a little wet. :king:


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sorry about the big delay, I have been very busy. I leave for Canada tomorrow night so this might be my last post before I leave. Frontierland will be a little different than the others it will not have Big Thunder Mountain, instead it will be center around a river raft ride. This frontierland will center a lot on indians. The main atraction will be called Swimming Fish's Water Trek. This ride will be heavilly themed and will take place partly in an Indian village. Here is the line, when you enter the line you walk through an indian village, and then you go through a dark cave and you learn that you will be going on a river trek searcing for Swimming Fish an indian in the tribe. After this you go back in the village and board rafts simmilar to the ones on Grizzly River Run, and Kali River rapids. After you board the raft you enter a cave with wild animals you almost get attacked by a wolf, the exit of the cave is misted and when you exit the cave you unexpectitly drop. After you get splashed by a drop you go through some waterfalls and hit some rapids. You pass by bears fishing , and you see running animals on the land. After you go through the waterfalls you enter a cave and get chained up, while you are going up you here a faint yell calling for help. Could this be Swimming Fish. After you get chained up you here rumbling and rocks start to fall, you think you are doomed but you see light ahead. The rapids get heavier, and the rocks fall more. While you get closer to the exit you here the call for help more, you can see Swimming Fish, he is trapped under a rock, you are now at the exit and you see Swimming Fish free himself, he runs out, and when you exit you go down a large drop that is covered in mist. After this you see swimming fish and he thanks you for finding him. After this you arrive in the station. You should be very wet after this ride. Thats the ride, do you think it was good, can anyone think of a better name. I will post the Tall Tale ride in about an hour. The tall tale ride will also be a water ride.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by james4023464
After you board the raft you enter a cave with wild animals you almost get attacked by a wolf.

How about the raft just passes a snarling Wolf Pack? ;)

Originally posted by james4023464
While you get closer to the exit you here the call for help more, you can see Swimming Fish, he is trapped under a rock, you are now at the exit and you see Swimming Fish free himself, he runs out, and when you exit you go down a large drop that is covered in mist.

OK Swimming Fish is yelling for help. And then he frees himself.. What do the riders do to help him? And if he's under a big rock. How did it get on him>? A boulder would smush him. Also Indians are well built in the arms and pretty strong so that wouldnt be technically right. Hmm.. And then he runs out.? Why was he in a cave anyways? Sorry to critize your work. Just some things i would like to be improved to bring more realism to the ride and for more enjoyment out of it. GOOD JOB THOUGH!!...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by james4023464
can anyone think of a better name.

I cant think of one but the one you have is too long.. A way you can make it shorter is changing Swimming Fish's name to a shorter more effective name. Like Running Bear. etc. I'd pick Running bear over swimming fish just because it seems to fit. <--- Just a suggestion.. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


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o.k I like the snarling wolfpack idea, remember we are in a cave that is about to cave in, a medium sized boulder fell on Swimming Fish, he got stuck when you pass him the boulder slips and he is set free. And then he gets up and limps off. I thinks this part needs more, do you think you can help me ceo on this part of the ride. I mean you just pass a guy and the boulder mysteriously slips out, could you plese help on this part I would greatly apreciate it thanks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by james4023464
o.k I like the snarling wolfpack idea, remember we are in a cave that is about to cave in, a medium sized boulder fell on Swimming Fish, he got stuck when you pass him the boulder slips and he is set free. And then he gets up and limps off. I thinks this part needs more, do you think you can help me ceo on this part of the ride. I mean you just pass a guy and the boulder mysteriously slips out, could you plese help on this part I would greatly apreciate it thanks.

Only thing i could think of is the raft bumps " into" the boulder setting him free.. Tinker Bell isnt gonna do it. Ill draw somthin really quick brb.

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