Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Lost Souls
Dr. Jones has found a new and un-explored temple in Peru's heartland. As Jones known from extensive research that this temple was unfamiliar and dangerous, he kept edging towards it. As he slowly walked up to the beginging of the Temple's steps; He saw some anchient writing on the side of the temple step.
Translating it he read " Here who walks the foolish wonder. All that waits is inside." Struggling to understand this Dr. Jones got on his hands and knees to see if there was anything else. He brushed the corners the bottom. He couldnt find no other words.
Dr. Jones took past experiences in his mind and thought of a good way to go along going inside. He headed back to a town in Peru and got 4 strong men. Headed back to the temple to investigate further. Dr. Jones went in first. Slowly the four men crouched like little cowards after Dr. Jones.
Up-ahead Dr. Jones saw some strange looking writing. He stopped.. Opened up his sack. Got out a match. With the light from the match, gave the men a climpse of the writing. Knowing what it meant and starting to belive they wouldn't come out alive, ran like little cowards back to their village.
Dr. Jones wasnt that easy reading the transcript either.
Dr. Jones tried to read this foriegn writing as best he could. It said, " Ones who enter this temple will bring suffering and death to those who procede." As anyone would they would do what the 4 men did.. But Jones didnt. He went inside for himself.
All the towns people waited out by the temple hoping to see Dr. Jones come out alive. You know its already been a couple days without sign of him and they need to send someone in to find him.
A village boy ran back to town and sent a letter to Sallah to come down and help.. Sallah, being the big chicken he is, is so reliable. A few days later Sallah arrived to find this temple. Since its been a couple days he just found out that 8 other villiage people tried to go in and find Dr. Jones and have been lost.
Sallah, confused and stumbled, called all people to go home to their huts. Sallah acting foolish and clumbsy, slipped from walking towards the temple and landed on a large pallet. By his surprise he saw some writing on this ruin. Reading it is said " Temple Of The Lost Souls." Frighten he sat away from the temple thinking. What must we do Indi.
Thinking of a marvelous idea he jumped up almost to fast for comfort.. Got on his pony and calloped back to the villiage. Asking for vollenters he would send people into the temple with state-of-the-art vehicles. With these they will look into the temple for Indi.
Ofcourse finding vollentiers will be hard. But.. It would work.
Sooner we get people into the temple. The sooner we can find our Dr. Jones.........
OK thats the STORY LINE.. Thats all hehe.. Hope you all like it

.. Suggestions? I will do the ride later. k?
~ Justin...