Disneyland Virginia


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Originally posted by Mouse3268

So far I like The Modle-T ride and The other Indisterial (sp) Reviloution(sp) rollercoaster. (sorry I don't know the names I forget easy:o ):king:
the name of the industrial revolution coaster is The Assembly Line.


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Originally posted by Mouse3268

I like your I idea a lot. I think that you will probley have to give a warning out at the beginning of the line telling that it is going to be a little violent. Kind of like what Univerisal dose with giving Terminator 2 : 3D , Horror Movie Make up, and Hickock a PG-13 lable. Which they tell people before they get in line. Agin I like your idea a lot!:king:
ya, I was also thinking to put a warning at the entarence of the ride, and also little speaker will also warn you during the line.


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Guys I have been doing my play all day today and all dat tommorow, I will be done with my drama camp after my night show tommorow. I will try to post Wildwest Boomtown on Saturday, see ya.


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I am done with my play, it was hard learning a full legth musical in 8 days, and putting on 4 preformances in 2 days. We had to learn the whole kitten cabudle dancing, blocking, singing, and memorizing your lines in about 2 days. But we were awsome and we pulled through. Wildwest Boomtown will be up tommorow.


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I am going to a birthday party in about 15 min so I don't have time to post Wildwest Boomtown. I will try to post it tommorow. Here is a sneek peek, it will have a Tower of Terror type ride called Geyser Falls, It will have a maliboomer type attraction called Dynamite Blaster, and a dueling mine train coaster called Gold Rush. I will have a detailed description on these rides tommorow. Oh ya this area will have a large arcade, and a saloon bar/grill.


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Guys I am getting ready to watch the Imagineer, and Disney Sea special on Travel Channel, I will try to post Wildwest Boomtown after the specials. I can't wait these shows are going to be awsome, and tommorow they are going to air an Animal Kingdom special maybe we will get some of the dirt on Beastly Kingdom.


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Guys here is Wildwest Boomtown. This area of the park celebrates the boomtowns in the wildwest in the early 1900's. This area is loaded with awsome attractions. it has a dueling mine train coaster called Gold Rush, a mailboomer type attraction called Dynamite Blaster, and a Tower of Terror type attraction called Geyser Falls.Please do not get this area confused with Frontierland. This area also has a saloon diner and a large wildwest themed arcade. When you enter the town you go down a street of old boomtown type buildings. Some are real shops and some are just props. And when you enter you can see this large rock mountain(could this be the gold source) And you see tracks swerving in and out of the mountain(that would be the tracks of Gold Rush) And 3 towers that form a triangle(like mailboomer) Jutting out of the mountain out of a big patch of smoke(Dynmite Blaster). And then on the other side of town out in the distance you see a geyser go off once in a while and you see a strange object travling in the geyser(Geyser Falls). This is just a warm up intro on the area I will give a in deph description of the rides tommorow.


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Now I will explain the rides, I will start off with
GEYSER FALLS- this might be one of the most popular attractions in the park, it uses the same technology as Tower of Terror. The area for this ride is very unstable. When you enter the area it is a muddt area with lots of steam and water shooting out. But you see a sign Geyser tours and this sign leads you to the ride. There is a bunch of advertisments in the area advertising for the tours. Whe you enter the line you go down a crickety walway leading to underground, it has a good mine feeling to it, you think the mine is going to colapse any second. While you are underground you can hear the geysers going off, and there is lots of water dripping in the line. When you arrive in the loading area you see your cars similar to ToT, but they are wooden with rickity windows and a little ghetto light on the top, and you also have cheap headlights in the front of the car, basically the cars are very ghetto. You enter the car and get ready to go. When you start you enter a very dark tunnel and the only thing letting you see in the head lights in the front. You see some wildlife running in the tunnel(animatronics). And then you come in to a fork in the tunnel there is one way that says active geyser and another way that says tourist route(unactive geyser). And what do you think, somthing bad happens boulders fall on the side you supposed to go on so you have to go to the active geyser and hope it does not errupt. So you turn and the tunnel starts to shake water starts to drip, and you suddenly stop. The rumbling gets worse you see bats that were hanging fly away after that your lights die out and you here a blasting noise your glass cracks(its fake its like how they crack the glass in Alien Encounter, visual effect) And you shoot out from underground you are right on top of an active errupting geyser. Real water is under you, the water will hide the track, you fall down after you get some airtime and repeat a couple times. After this you come up to one more geyser that happens to go off when your over it. This one is a little smaller, after this you finally arrive atr the station safely. When you exit you can get your picture that was taken right when you errupt for the first time. That's it how was it, any suggestions or comments. I will post Gold Rush and Dynamite Blaster a little later.:D


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I like your ideas a lot of using Tower of Terror type ride in a different theme I think I might do something like this in my Diseny Studios Park. One Question will people be able to see the cars and people like the Tower of Terror? :)


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Here are the two other atractions. I will start with
DYNAMITE BLASTER-this attraction is just like Maliboomer. The towers will be in the mountain Gold Rush is in. Half of it will be in the mountain and the other half will be outside. Lets just put it this way you shoot out of the mountain like you are a dynamite blasting it out. When you shoot out you will shoot out of a big thing of smoke, and an explosion noise will go off when you blast off. That's that now I will go on to

GOLD RUSH-this is a dueling mine train coaster. The ride will go in and out of the mountain. The two tracks are a little different. There are a lot of cross overs and near collisions. Here is the story. There are two mining companies and they are competing and trying to get to the big gold spot first. At the end you get to the spot at the same time and that is where you get off and the cars go back to the station. During the ride you ride through mines almost crash with the other train and almost get trapped in a caving in mine. The ride is filled with lots of suprises. And both of the tracks end at the same spot . Both tracks deliver different rides. When you are in line it is sort of like Big Thunder Mountain Railroad it has a lot of wild west theme. There is a pre show and the phead of each company depends what track you chose, tell you about your mission to get the gold. There are also couple of splashes in the water near the mountain like the splash on BTMR in Disneyland Paris. If I had not said it this ride is a lot like BTMR but it is dueling and offers a new story and goes through a different type mountain. That's it, how was it do you like the wild west section. It is one of my favorite sections in the park. Any ideas for Gold Rush, what was your favorite ride in this area? I will try to post Victory Field tommorow, see ya:D


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Originally posted by Mouse3268
I like your ideas a lot of using Tower of Terror type ride in a different theme I think I might do something like this in my Diseny Studios Park. One Question will people be able to see the cars and people like the Tower of Terror? :)
Yes, You will be able to see the cars, and probally hear the screams of the people. And you can probally see the faces of the people a little bit but there will be a lot of water splashing


Well-Known Member
I like Dynamite Blaster. I have an idea to make it a little better. First once you enter the line no one can see the ride untill it's your turn to ride. Second once you are straped in a show starts, showing an AA Donkey or some sort of animal kick's over a can of gun powder that falls all the way over to the dynamite that is under the thing that gets shot up. Then a CM (dressed Western) comes out of a cave were it's dark with a candle. He then trips on a shovle in his way. While thats happening the CM drops the candle a lights the fake gun powder. Which then lights off the dynamite and sends you up good. :)


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Originally posted by Mouse3268
I like Dynamite Blaster. I have an idea to make it a little better. First once you enter the line no one can see the ride untill it's your turn to ride. Second once you are straped in a show starts, showing an AA Donkey or some sort of animal kick's over a can of gun powder that falls all the way over to the dynamite that is under the thing that gets shot up. Then a CM (dressed Western) comes out of a cave were it's dark with a candle. He then trips on a shovle in his way. While thats happening the CM drops the candle a lights the fake gun powder. Which then lights off the dynamite and sends you up good. :)
Good ideas I like the one about the donkey kicking the gun powder, after that you could have a rumbling noise and a candle on the shelf falls on the gun powder. I just don't think we could have a cm do that. But the rumbling could be from the other explosions going off on the mountain. What do you mean about not seeing the ride till you get there you will only be able to see the top half shooting out of the mountain, you won't see the bottom half and show area till you get there. Thanks for the ideas.


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Here is Victory Field, this area is themed to celebrate American aviation and its airforce. It is a road with hangers in the side. It looks a lot like the Condor Flats at DCA. The attractions are Stuntflyer where you are in a Red Baron plane and preform stunts this is a simulator, Gunner a ride simular to Buzz Lightyears Space Rangers Spin. You are in WW2 planes and shoot down enymies, a classic darkride attraction that show the history of the plane, and a dumbo type attraction. I will start with

HISTORY OF THE PLANE-this a classic darkride attraction(the cars are like spaceship earth) It follows the history of the plane, it goes from scene to scene it starts off with the story on the wright brothers and goes all the way to the stealth jet. There will be about 9 different sections starting with first ever plane and going all the way to the most technolygy advanced plane.

GUNNER-this is a fun attraction, you are in a WW2 fighter plane and you are shooting down other planes, it uses the lazer gun technolygy used in Buzz Lightyear, and MIB. You will get points, on how much youve shot down, the cars will seat 2 but they will be on a continuous track like in Haunted Mansion, JIYI, Buzz Lightyear, etc. You will be able to spin your plane., this is a good ride for the kids who are to scared to ride the other atractions.

FLYING ACE-a dumbo type attraction but you are in airplanes, you will be able to move your plane up, and down.

STUNTFLYER-this is the main ride in this area, it ia a simulator. The simulator is like Back to the Future. There will be multiple planes watching one screen. The planes are Red Barons, they will seat six. You are a stuntflyer at an airplane stuntshow. The plane will be able to go upside down, and also do barrel rolls. There will be a pre show with a man telling you about you are about to enter a stunt flying compitition. Then you enter a little room like in BTTF and you enter the plane your propeller starts up and you rise and the fun begins. There will be wid effects, and your plane will shoot out smoke like in real life. After the ride there will be a post show you won the show and it is basically an award area. After that you enter a souvineer shop. That's it, how do you like this area, any suggestions or comments. I will have Motown USA USA on Sunday.
Originally posted by james4023464

GUNNER-this is a fun attraction, you are in a WW2 fighter plane and you are shooting down other planes, it uses the lazer gun technolygy used in Buzz Lightyear, and MIB. You will get points, on how much youve shot down, the cars will seat 2 but they will be on a continuous track like in Haunted Mansion, JIYI, Buzz Lightyear, etc. You will be able to spin your plane., this is a good ride for the kids who are to scared to ride the other atractions.

FLYING ACE-a dumbo type attraction but you are in airplanes, you will be able to move your plane up, and down.

I know this is a history based park, but personally I don't think shooting down planes is really Disney-ish. This could be eaisly ammended by making it that you are a starting-up piolit and you are going for target practice. All you would have to do is just make the enemy planes look like there are ballons or something tied to the ground. It just seems more family like to shoot at pretend planes then real ones where you kill people(theoretically). I realizes in a history park you need to have some things along that line to remember the past, but if it is not a speciefic event you are renacting for the audience void of acutal participation, I think war and such themes shoudl be toned down.

On Flying Ace, you could make the connecting bars complelty covered in clouds, to add to the theme.

Just some humble suggestions


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Originally posted by FigmentDream

I know this is a history based park, but personally I don't think shooting down planes is really Disney-ish. This could be eaisly ammended by making it that you are a starting-up piolit and you are going for target practice. All you would have to do is just make the enemy planes look like there are ballons or something tied to the ground. It just seems more family like to shoot at pretend planes then real ones where you kill people(theoretically). I realizes in a history park you need to have some things along that line to remember the past, but if it is not a speciefic event you are renacting for the audience void of acutal participation, I think war and such themes shoudl be toned down.

On Flying Ace, you could make the connecting bars complelty covered in clouds, to add to the theme.

Just some humble suggestions
I'm going to take your suggestions, ypu are a pilot in training and you need to get a certain amount of points, to advance in rank. Like in Buzz Lightyear there will be a ranking scaled on points at the end of the ride, there will be some planes but they are fake for the training, you are not killing anyone in this ride. I like your idea on Flying Ace, thanks. I think I made Gunner a more of a family ride.

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