Sacramento is taking steps. Period. Disneyland will soon be open to guests within the next few months, with restrictions. Take it or leave it (complain some more).
Goodnight? I took a huge nap this afternoon before a big dinner party, then had a chocolate bomb thing at the party that obviously had lotso caffeine in it, so I'm still up.
I think we'll be discussing this for quite some time. Especially once Sacramento actually releases information and instructions beyond just a few bullet points on a single page. Buckle up for that day's discussion!
What I don’t understand about the out-of-state rule is that CA already has a travel advisory. You need to quarantine for 10 days. Why wouldn’t they link this to their travel advisory.
Good point.
And to be fair to Governor Newsom and his Sacramento bureaucrats, this is the full wording from the PDF they released on Friday...
• In-state visitors only, check for current CDPH Travel Advisory in effect
There's a hyperlink in that text on the PDF that goes to the California Travel Advisory that says anyone arriving in California from another state or country must quarantine themselves for 10 days before they can go out. But just like a growing list of rules and mandates from Sacramento in the last 11 months, that's something that is unenforceable and easily ignored.
Like when Governor Newsom rolled out the first statewide curfew since World War II and told everyone they couldn't go out after 10PM, and then every single Target and In-N-Out and strip club in the state proceeded to remain open long past 10PM. And no one cared.
This entire thing is a complete joke. It's just sad that the big corporate players like Disneyland have to play along with this.
Although, they also should consider updating the advisory like more civilized states to allow those with a vaccine card or negative PCR COVID-19 test to bypass it.
But all of that is so easily forged. There is no state system of vaccine ID or proof.
I took a lady friend who doesn't like to drive on the freeways down to Aliso Viejo for both of her Covid shots at an official state-run Supersite. After her second shot she was given a little 4 inch card that had a nurses initials signed on it with a ballpoint pen. The card had no security code or barcode or QR code on it, it was literally just a little piece of paper folded in half that had some printing and the dates she got her shots on it.
And that's her only record that she received the shots she did. It's a meaningless paper record that anyone with a $30 printer from WalMart could make hundreds of in 10 minutes.
California has no secure way to prove who got what shots and when. I doubt any state does really. Do they?
Oregonians who follow the travel advisory are safe at the San Diego Zoo but dangerous at Sea World?
Oregonians are safe at the Monterey Aquarium or Reagan Library or Yosemite National Park, but once they step foot on Disneyland property they become dirty superspreaders. Never mind that Oregon has a case rate less than half that of California, and a more effective vaccination program (
not that hard). Those Oregonians are still dirty!
California = 91,042 Confirmed Cases Per 1 Million, 1,372 Deaths Per 1 Million, 8.3% Fully Vaccinated
Oregon = 37,202 Confirmed Cases Per 1 Million, 544 Deaths Per 1 Million, 9.9% Fully Vaccinated
I wonder if the trains will run.
Subways and commuter rail and Amtrak all still run daily in California. I see no reason why the Disneyland Railroad with its outdoor cars can't run.
But then, it's at a theme park, so it may be deadly according to Sacramento. Honestly, who even knows at this point?