And then notarized and signed by the Dean of Women.
Do they still have Women's Deans at American colleges? Probably not. That may be the problem.
Actually, this is making national news. Perhaps not on the channels or outlets you watch, but since I tune in to a broad array of thought from the left and right I have seen this mentioned repeatedly in the last 24 hours by national commentators on the right.
Here's a favorite, from very successful conservative commentator Michael Knowles. Not because I like him personally, I actually disagree with him about as often as I agree. But on this one, he had a really funny line that made me laugh out loud when he said....
"I think given the choice of remaining permanently under an evil spell, and getting kissed by a hot guy, I'm pretty sure Snow White would choose the hot guy." That's a great line!
To his credit, Mr. Knowles did more than just read "the headlines". He actually read several complete paragraphs of this ridiculous Woke journalists eye-rolling nonsense from San Francisco...