
It may be a small thing, but to me, the messy bathrooms are the most telling sign that things aren't what they should be. Years ago, when people asked me why we always go to Disney, I would say quite confidently that it was always spotlessly clean. I was amazed at how well-kept the bathrooms were despite thousands of people using them. In the past several years, however, I've noticed a very disturbing trend toward messy, and sometimes disgusting, bathrooms. I have complained to CMs repeatedly about the restroom near Sci Fi, which for the past few trips has been horrible. I saw the mess at the Poly ladies' room (by Ohana) recently, too. Nothing ruins the magic faster, IMHO!

Yikes. I can't say I've had this problem, but yeah, there are few things that are more off-putting than an unkept restroom. The only problem I've encountered is an unflushed toilet - which is gross in itself.

Frank Stallone

New Member

Anytime I question the quality and high standard of the Disney theme parks, I drive a few miles to either of the other parks in the central Florida area. It's kind of like test driving a '76 Ford Pinto when I've been driving a Ferrari my whole life.

As soon as I come back through the Disney turnstiles, a "now that's more like it" feeling ensues.


New Member
I think it's easy for people to criticize a company's actions when they haven't a clue how a company that large actually works. Or how capitalism works, for that matter.
Look, you have the money. If you think spending it at WDW is a loss of potential, then don't do it. Let your money talk.
The fact is, people do still enjoy WDW and their money also talks. That's how capitalism works.
Sometimes a business sees fit to cut corners, but this thread accuses Disney of raising admission prices and giving less (I don't get the giving less part... examples? Are we talking Dining plan? Cuz before they cut that back it was wayyy too much food anyway.) and sits aside all these other threads demanding innovative resorts and high tech attractions. I wonder how people think a business gets the money to give people what they demand. Perhaps they think it grows on trees for business. Perhaps they think business should act like charities. Perhaps they don't think Disney pays for gas and feels the pressure of the economy right now.
I'm going to have to disagree with those folks, but look, it's YOUR money. Spend it where you see fit.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think it's easy for people to criticize a company's actions when they haven't a clue how a company that large actually works. Or how capitalism works, for that matter.

Rather a large assumption, or are you genuinely that ignorant. :shrug:

But the rest of your argument is the usual tosh trotted out by the faithful when their beloved park is criticised.

How sad.

Anytime I question the quality and high standard of the Disney theme parks, I drive a few miles to either of the other parks in the central Florida area. It's kind of like test driving a '76 Ford Pinto when I've been driving a Ferrari my whole life.

As soon as I come back through the Disney turnstiles, a "now that's more like it" feeling ensues.

I agree--there's still nothing like Disney, and I will continue to visit as long as my budget allows! Visits to other theme parks always make me long for a day at any Disney park. It's just that I also agree that WDW isn't quite what it used to be, and that's too bad. (P.S: love the Debbie Downer pic!)


Well-Known Member
Rather a large assumption, or are you genuinely that ignorant. :shrug:

But the rest of your argument is the usual tosh trotted out by the faithful when their beloved park is criticised.

How sad.
I agree with your first part Pumbas regarding the assumption, but not about the arguement being the usual "tosh".

While the arguement of "if you don't like it, don't go" is certainly reactionary and contributes little to a topic it does give rise to the question of why does one attend when they do not find the cost benefit ratio appropriate?

If issues, both macro and micro are not being communicate through the appropriate channels and money is still being spent, then how is a company to know that what they are doing is wrong?

I think it is a very valid response to the lofty complaints of WDW losing whatever intangible traits that people claim it has.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I can only speak for myself, but here goes

We will be staying longer at "the other place"
We will be visiting other central florida attractions
We will not be using the dining plan
We will be eating several meals off property,
We will again not be buying over priced generic merchandise.

We will still have a good time, but we will become frustrated if we get the same number of rides breaking when were on them if its like last year.

We are already planning next years trip, but and its a big but, theres more to Florida than Disney and in these days value for money will become more of an issue. And given my non use of EMH what genuine benefits do I get for staying on property?

Its a habit.....................


Active Member
It may be a small thing, but to me, the messy bathrooms are the most telling sign that things aren't what they should be. Years ago, when people asked me why we always go to Disney, I would say quite confidently that it was always spotlessly clean. I was amazed at how well-kept the bathrooms were despite thousands of people using them. In the past several years, however, I've noticed a very disturbing trend toward messy, and sometimes disgusting, bathrooms. I have complained to CMs repeatedly about the restroom near Sci Fi, which for the past few trips has been horrible. I saw the mess at the Poly ladies' room (by Ohana) recently, too. Nothing ruins the magic faster, IMHO!

If restrooms are found to be messy, the Cast Members, managers, etc. are not to blame.

If you're going to blame anybody, blame the really foolish and incosiderate guests (the ones that do check their brains at the door). It's not always easy to keep up with the types of people that choose to go out of their way to break the rules and ruin things without thinking.
Too true, and it could be that what I've witnessed is a decline in the manners of the public more than a decline in the service at Disney. However, I suspect it's a little bit of both. My impression is that they just don't have as much help as they used to, so it's harder to keep up. Believe me, I'm not "blaming" the CMs--I think that 99% of them are great.


Well-Known Member
I can only speak for myself, but here goes

We will be staying longer at "the other place"
We will be visiting other central florida attractions
We will not be using the dining plan
We will be eating several meals off property,
We will again not be buying over priced generic merchandise.

We will still have a good time, but we will become frustrated if we get the same number of rides breaking when were on them if its like last year.

We are already planning next years trip, but and its a big but, theres more to Florida than Disney and in these days value for money will become more of an issue. And given my non use of EMH what genuine benefits do I get for staying on property?

Its a habit.....................
Not that you need my approval by any means, but this is what I would expect from someone who has been disappointed with their Disney vacation, not a 1000 word rant on a fan website lamenting the loss of "Disney spirit" and then booking the same vacation in three month.


Well-Known Member
It may be a small thing, but to me, the messy bathrooms are the most telling sign that things aren't what they should be. Years ago, when people asked me why we always go to Disney, I would say quite confidently that it was always spotlessly clean. I was amazed at how well-kept the bathrooms were despite thousands of people using them. In the past several years, however, I've noticed a very disturbing trend toward messy, and sometimes disgusting, bathrooms. I have complained to CMs repeatedly about the restroom near Sci Fi, which for the past few trips has been horrible. I saw the mess at the Poly ladies' room (by Ohana) recently, too. Nothing ruins the magic faster, IMHO!
yeah, that can be gross *though i've yet to encounter it really at Disney* but the only way this can be avoided would be to have a Janitor stand ready 24/7 at the restroom for any signs of messy and until the Janitor robot is perfected, I don't see that being realstic :lol: that said, when I go to Disney and think about the experience, my thoughts never come to "Well, that bathroom wasn't very clean"

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The harsh reality is that yes messy people make for messy ablutions. But what is not acceptable, and I wouldn't accept it in any facility Ive run, is over flowing bins and visually unclean eating areas. If its busy no excuse, manage your labour better.


Well-Known Member
Haven't read through everyones comments but heres my twopence worth!

If Disney never added another attraction I would still go! It's not just about the attractions and the expense its about the one place on earth which brings a family together :D


New Member
shut the hell up and get job so you can go more! ive been 6 times this year and going again in december and a huge trip in january. cya

Jasper Dale

we have had to wait 8 years to return to WDW. while i'm sure there is room for improvement, can't everyone just be thankful there is somewhere nice to go and get away from all our problems for a while?

i'm sure if you live close to WDW and go all the time, perhaps it loses its magic for you.

but please, don't ruin it for the rest of us.



New Member
Rather a large assumption, or are you genuinely that ignorant. :shrug:

But the rest of your argument is the usual tosh trotted out by the faithful when their beloved park is criticised.

How sad.

I recognize that I am making a large assumption and certianly didn't mean to personally offend. I'm led to that assumption by the prevalence of "Next time I go, I'll be mad that it costs more" type comments.
You're doing exactly what I suggested. If you are truly offended at how the parks are run or how much they cost, you are acting on that by staying elsewhere and cutting back your time at Disney. That's responsible consumerism.
What irks me is the people who complain and demand Disney start listening when they fail to realize the greatest tool available to make Disney listen is in their own pocketbooks.
I'm sorry that you feel my post was the usual tosh trotted by the faithful... that may be because I disagree that Disney's actions in raising prices are the act of a greedy corporation. Heck, the price of milk goes up. I don't blame it on greedy farmers. It's a tough economy, Disney took some losses, and they need to keep a profit margin to keep the things some of us love running too. I don't expect them to be charitable. I expect them to act like a business, and I expect (probably a bit less naively than you think) that money is the only thing that will really talk.

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