Disney world is stale debate.

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Matthew Wilkinson

Original Poster
I have been reading plenty of forums since joining this site and have noticed lots tend to go off on a tangent regarding how Walt Disney World is/has become stale. I am trying to catch up on the whole thing and work out everything about it so figured a few simple questions would help me get the general picture and also fancied offering an opinion. First of all how many new rides or attractions have Disney world created in say the last 5 years, including re vamps. Same in regards to sea world and universal/IOA?

My feeling is most of the people who complain regarding the lack of progress by disney world tend to be the same people who complain that many of the retro rides/attractions they loved are now gone. So how can disney win? They don't have endless space and sometimes to add new "must see" attractions they must remove older rides. Just a thought.


God bless the "Ignore" button.


Premium Member
So how can disney win? They don't have endless space and sometimes to add new "must see" attractions they must remove older rides. Just a thought.

I generally agree with this part of your statement. One correction, they have plenty of space...what they don't have is an unlimited operating budget. Like Universal does you have to cull the herd every now and then and replace an older less popular attraction with an upgrade. When WDW deals so heavily in nostalgia its hard to do this. Someone will get cranky over it. It's unrealistic when people say they should build indefinitely and never close anything. Rides have a cost to operate and maintain so if you want new things something has to give. On the flip side there have been way too many things closed in the last decade or so with no replacement. I have no problem with Snow White closing and Mine Train opening. IMHO it will likely be a better ride and will certainly be more visually stunning. I have no problem with Test Track since it is a better attraction then it's predecessor. Mission Space...not my cup of tea, but I give them credit for effort I guess. When whole pavilions close or even worse are neutered like Imagination (with no benefit for me) then I have a problem.


Well-Known Member
Some people complain for the sake of complaining but some of us complain because we are truly dissatisfied after 30+ years of patronizing the world...there is a difference and the two are worlds apart.
I honestly don't know why people complain about lack of development or whatever. They actually have done a lot recently - refurbishments and additions. FP+, which cost an exorbitant amount of money. Lots of executive decisions have been made. I think most people are angry because that don't agree with their decisions. You have to understand that WDW has a budget and 30+ years of development. Whatever they decide to do, they think it's best for WDW and it's advancement. Sure, maintenance isn't what it used to be. Sure, there are foreigners. Sure, there is a big hat in the middle of DHS. But, if you truly wanted to have a good time you wouldn't let those tiny things make you bitter. I'm not insinuating that WDW is anywhere near perfect, but nowhere near what some people make it out to be.

+ You're allowed to complain, just not about stupid things like too many ice cubes in your Coke. If you're upset about a legitimately bad firsthand experience you had, that's quite understandable.
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