New Member
Originally posted by Natelox
Americans, try not to be stupid. Let me clear somethings up. It is not snowing currently, it is sunny with cloudless sky. We do not live in igloos and do not have pet beavers. Please! don't talk in sterotypes. I'd love to see disney in Canada. They could opperate in Vancouver (we don't get very much snow), and it hasn't rained in about a month here.
Also whats with all this disney iraq and afganistan crap? Canada is nothing like those contires. Like posted earlier, only 8% of americans have pass ports...pretty sad u think that the world showcase really shows what countries are like.
It seems to me you're trying to stir the pot here. I don't remember anyone saying you did live in igloos or that you had pet beavers. (I have one. :lol: ) Also, please don't call Americans stupid. That's just mean.
The "disney iraq and afganistan crap" was said as a joke. Sorry if you didn't understand. It's a funny thing, when I was in the Navy and traveled to other countries, I didn't become better or smarter than others. But I did learn one thing. I like my country better and I have no desire to go anywhere else.
I will agree that the WS doesn't really show what others countries are like. The WS only shows the good parts and therefore gives a false impression of those countries.
Take Care
:wave: ACE