Disney World Canada??????


New Member
Originally posted by Natelox
i wasn't trying to be mean. but most of the people who replyed here were making fun of his rumor he heard about disneyland canada. it was insulting him and what he heard...so really, no different. nobody did say anything about us living in igloos etc... but you did sterotype canadians about the snow and cold weather etc... also, i did get the jokes, but they were insulting to the rumor and the person who posted it.

its nice u like your country, i love canada, but it is good to visit else where, america is VERY different from the rest of the world. and most american (well, the ones i see on tv reality shows etc..) are very dumb. One person thought their northern neighbor was china. also, when u in the navy, you don't get to really experiance places, u get a few days in a city, if that. plus, if you like roller coasters, other countries have much to offer. America is not the greatest place on earth, nor is canada or anyother country.

WS doesn't show the greatest parts of the country IMO.

1. "nobody did say anything about us living in igloos etc... " YOU DID in an earlier post.

2. I saw the movie "Strange Brew". Should I assume all Canadians are like the ones in the movie?

3. I spent 3 years in Japan. My wife spent 4 years in the Azores and 3 years in Italy. I think that qualifies as "living" in another country.

4. America is not a country. It's a continent. As in North or South America.

5. I noticed you don't list where you're from. How come? If you don't think the USA is the greatest country, that's ok, you're allowed to feel that way. Just tell me why so many people will risk their lives to come to this country.

I know I wouldn't risk my life to go to a country that I didn't think was the best one to live in.

Take Care.
:wave: ACE


Active Member
Originally posted by Natelox
but you did sterotype canadians about the snow and cold weather etc... also, i did get the jokes, but they were insulting to the rumor and the person who posted it.
Actually, I think the person was stereotyping the weather ... not Canadians. I'm Canadian ... and sure ... I can be cold at times ... but I have never been know to snow :)

BTW, it snowed all day and it's below zero right now in Montreal.

Originally posted by Natelox
also, i did get the jokes, but they were insulting to the rumor and the person who posted it.
I personally don't understand why the jokes are an insult to the original poster. But that's just my opinion ... as another Canadian.

Originally posted by Natelox
most american (well, the ones i see on tv reality shows etc..) are very dumb. One person thought their northern neighbor was china.
Most Americans "dumb"? I think anyone who bases his or her opinion of Americans (or anyone else) on such a small sample of people ... from people on TV no less ... is probably the person "thinking" the least. Note that I didn't call you "dumb" ... because I don't think you're "dumb". You wrote something "dumb" ... but that doesn't mean you're "dumb".

BTW ... I find it kind of ironic that in your first paragraph you rag on people because you think they are stereotyping Canadians ... then you stereotype Americans in the next paragraph!?!
Originally posted by Cosmo
Well my friend's cousin's college roomates father-in-law's third wife's mailman's babysitter's brother works at Disney and knows everything and he said that next summer Disney is opening up DisneyLand Afghanistan:p

Only problem with that is Afghanistan isnt going to be on the map much longer


Well-Known Member
I had no idea this topic would take this turn. But I have decided to toss my thoughts into the ring and see what happens.
My father spent nearly 2years in Korea, after those experiences he refused to ever eat rice or sleep in a tent again! But he did instill in me a love of country and a deep respect for those men and women who offer up their own lives to protect our freedoms and our rights that most take for granted daily.
My husband and I are now 30 and we have not even touched the tip of the iceburg so to speak in showing our children all that the United States has to offer. We don't really plan on taking our children abroad until they are old enough to handle such a lengthy trip and really appreciate all that it involves. Also we don't plan on taking the children abroad until they have seen the smokey mountains, grand canyon, niagra falls, Donner Lake, Gettysburg etc etc etc...you get the idea. There is so much diversity here in the United States that it is impossible for anyone to ever really experience it all. Does that make us dumb or stupid or lazy? I don't think so. Does it mean we don't appreciate other countries? I don't think so. We have hosted families from Jersey, England and Scotland and our children (and ourselves) have greatly benefitted from those experiences. The visiting families also got to see parts of the USA most of their friends never have. How many people from other countries that are on this board have been to the top of the Arch, the Sears Tower, walked down Bealle Street? you get the idea, to say that a two week visit to WDW is experiening America just isn't correct, BUT IT SURE IS ALOT OF FUN!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Natelox
its nice u like your country, i love canada, but it is good to visit else where, america is VERY different from the rest of the world. and most american (well, the ones i see on tv reality shows etc..) are very dumb.

:lol: Most American’s are very dumb? And you are basing this on what you see on “reality TV”? No offense my friend but it sounds a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

If “reality” TV were actual reality nobody would watch it. Shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Real World, and the rest are popular because they select people that come across as entertaining in a strange (train wreak sort of) way. Most of them are below average in intelligence, arrogant, petty or self-interested. That’s what creates most of the conflict that people such as yourself tune in to see.

I don’t know about you but I was told at a very early age not to believe everything I see on TV… Otherwise, after watching South Park the movie on Showtime, I might be inclined to think that your country is the root of all of my country’s problems, you know?:)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: Re: My Apologies...

Originally posted by starsprite
I saw that movie last night and it was exactly what came to mind when reading these posts!!! Hahah!! :D

And Erika: I thought it was an excellent film, I was laughing so hard one minute and then crying the next. Though I am Canadian so I don't know how the American perspective would differ. It might be too much of an eye-opener for some Americans to handle. :p

you're my favourite Canadian (I even spelled it correctly! hah!)


and I just read your profile... you dance? You have just been upgraded to favourite North American (hah! not just Canada anymore!)


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Natelox
i wasn't trying to be mean. but most of the people who replyed here were making fun of his rumor he heard about disneyland canada. it was insulting him and what he heard...so really, no different. nobody did say anything about us living in igloos etc... but you did sterotype canadians about the snow and cold weather etc... also, i did get the jokes, but they were insulting to the rumor and the person who posted it.

its nice u like your country, i love canada, but it is good to visit else where, america is VERY different from the rest of the world. and most american (well, the ones i see on tv reality shows etc..) are very dumb. One person thought their northern neighbor was china. also, when u in the navy, you don't get to really experiance places, u get a few days in a city, if that. plus, if you like roller coasters, other countries have much to offer. America is not the greatest place on earth, nor is canada or anyother country.

WS doesn't show the greatest parts of the country IMO.

Wow....umm....get a clue...

*Ducks and covers*


New Member
Re: Re: Re: My Apologies...

Originally posted by mktiggerman
you're my favourite Canadian (I even spelled it correctly! hah!)


and I just read your profile... you dance? You have just been upgraded to favourite North American (hah! not just Canada anymore!)

Heheh yay I feel special!! Thanks! :sohappy:

Ya I've been dancing for 13 years now; jazz, tap, ballet, lyrical, production, hip hop: I do it all!! In fact I just got back from 5 hours of dance classes, it's my passion. :D

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