Once while in line for Soarin', I overheard a gentleman telling his group: "I did not bring anything into the park this time except money for food. No cell phone, no camera, no nonsense.."
My first thought was: How silly?
What do you mean no cell phone? What if you need to call/text someone while at the park? How will you capture the memories without a camera of sorts? This is crazy!
Then I thought on it some more. This conversation stuck with me until I finally realized, no, this is not crazy at all...this is brilliant! What an amazing feeling it would be to experience the parks with no outside distractions of any kind. And that's saying a lot in this day & age. No cell phone. No camera or other gadget. We get so used to having our phones by our side 24/7. But to escape all that at the parks and just be you in the environment. Would you ever try a day like this? Have you ever tried a day like this?
All the time
Sometimes I forget my camera,,,,,,,,once or twice, I remembered the camera but not my SD card,,,,
I usually TRY and make my husband leave his cell in the car,,,,,,,,,
But of course, that's easy for me to say, we live half an hour away and have seasons passes,,,,,,,
Now, if you tell me I can only go once a year for a week??????
uhhhhhhhhhh heck no LOL,,,,,no WAY am I leaving my camera at home