Well that was a fun week. My friends were pretty miffed at them for being out of some merch when we showed up at the expo on mid day Friday.
That 10k start was chilly! We somehow lost track of what was going on when we rounded that last bend into the starting area... and we realized we had wandered to the right side too much (which wasn't moving as much as the left) and started the 10k at the VERY BACK. We have photos of literally US and the balloon ladies. I was very concerned about my one friend as she is not the fastest, but she made it and was not swept!
Having never ran at WDW before, I really enjoyed the courses (compared to DL). Not being the fastest person, I'm always in the rear... and at DL it gets a bit blah being out on the streets of Anaheim alone... and that never happened during this run. I noticed I was always with people and running through the parks spaced out like that was a blast.
I'm pretty sure I'll be back to one of these before I do DL again... even with the overall trip cost difference... I really enjoyed it that much more compared to DL.