As long as you don't take into account that you have to either be at the resort, paying bloated prices for everything and even ordering items from Disney has those same inflated price tags. You have to add it all up to be able to say... it's free money. At this point in life one must realize that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing is actually free. What you pay when you use it quickly sucks up any thought of free money. What if you don't get back for a few years, say in the unlikely event that there might be a Pandemic or something. They use your money for whatever time has passed, you have lost interest money that you might have had if you took the same money and put it in savings and on top of that you are going to have to use your money to pay them a tiny, tiny percentage of the over priced goods or services you might acquire strictly from them. No options, so they give you the money you already spent and looking like a gift, is actually a breakeven, nothing really gained.