Well-Known Member
This could be interpreted a couple different ways. Maybe it is "Oh here we go with yet another woke mob PR move!" Or maybe its closer to "How do we emphasize something that the current training doesn't quite emphasize enough?"Lots of CMs I know (myself included) find this to be nothing more than unnecessary virtual signaling.
Edited to add: none of us are against inclusion, but this doesn’t fit the hierarchy of the four keys. If anything, it should’ve been put into the Disney Values, although they already have “diversity“ as one of them. Shoehorning them into the Four Keys - where it should already be implied under courtesy - seems more like a PR move
@EPCOT-O.G. keeps bringing up Disney's business in China. I would hope that fans on this board can appreciate that adding the "Inclusion" key might be a company-wide response to issues faced by East Asian park CMs.