We are going to Disney World over Thanksgiving. We had originally planned to drive but bought airfare on sale for less than gas would cost a couple of weeks ago. We flew (with the kids) from Detroit to L.A. and back last week--no problems. Like many others, I feel flying now is safer than it has been in decades.
My mother in law is supposed to meet us at Disney over Thanksgiving. She called yesterday considering cancelling her trip becuase she had spoken to friends who felt Disney World would be a prime target for an attack and the all American Thanksgiving holiday would be a likely time for such an occurennce. Our feeling is that law enforcement, the Disny comapny, etc. etc. are all activly looking for trouble so they can stop it before it starts. Therefor, the odds of someone successfully launching any sort of major attack at such a predictable time are very slim. Additionally, we have the same sort of "you can't stop me" attitude many others of you have expressed.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me if there are any obvious increases in security at Disney now, which I could pass along to my Mother in Law. My kids will be very upset if they don't get to see Gramma on this trip. Any other ideas on calming her down and gettign her to come would be greatly appreciated.