Re: Lawsuit
Originally posted by HennieBogan1966 Let's stop and think for a minute:
(1) If this had happened 40/50 years ago, would there have been a lawsuit filed?
--More than likely
(2) If this had happened at Mom and Pops Roadside Rest. would this have happened?
--Don't know if you're refering to the lawsuit or the event.
(3) So, on your way to work, your tire blows out, you skid and slide through a Bus Stop, unfortunately killing someone. YOu are then sued for not having taken better care of your tires, not seeing that object in the road quick enough, etc. You lose and have to pay millions in damages. Your financial life is ruined. Seem fair to you?
--If you drove in a way that contributed to the blow out, it apportions some guilt to you. For example most tires are only rated to 100 mph, so if you frequently drove faster than that. Further, damages from an individual would be determined differently.
The point is, if this weren't a multi-billion dollar company, as I heard Disney referred to earlier, this wouldn't have happened. We, unfortunately, live in a society where people often see opportunity in some unfortunate circumstances. I would have been more concerned for my loved one, and their care. It would not have crossed my mind, Hey let's sue and make millions!!!
-- Emm, people are great at saying that they would be different, it's pretty self-aggrandizing. If it were a basless lawsuit it probably would (1) have been thrown out of court or (2) not have won the suit.
I wonder, if this person had made millions in a settlement, would he still be employed? or retired? And you're going to tell me that this "affected" his life adversely, yet he's still able to perform his duties as a police officer?
-- You don't feel there's any loss at one not being able to have physical intimacy? You're not a eunich are you?