So its OK to have cheap junk in the parks when we all pay premium prices to spend our vacations there?
Who's charging a fortune in the USA?
USA created a cheap trend? Last I recall, the citizens did not vote on NAFTA or open policy to trade with China (a communist country). That was all politics driven by corporate america.
Case in point, Wal-Mart? Due to jobs being shipped overseas, people have no choice but to shop cheap. That is due to Wal-Mart moving in and shutting down mom & pop's and leaving the community with no choice but to shop and work there. Why? so the politicians could collect taxes off the junk that is sold to benefit their back pocket and I guess strengthen a communist nation.
and, moaning? No, we are expressing a concern so something can be done instead of sitting back and saying oh well I'll take what they give me. Did you get that?