Disney tattoo recommendations for guys


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know that this topic has already been discussed on these forums, but I didn't find anything that peaked my interest when I did a search on people who have decided to have their love of WDW immortalized on their body in the form of a Disney-related tattoo.

I am a 36 year old husband and father who has been weighing the options of getting a tattoo (currently tattoo-less) and couldn't decide what interested me enough to consider getting it permanently etched into my skin. I also don't know where the best spot would be (considering my right calf at the moment) for said tattoo. I have considered Travis Barker's Famous Stars and Straps 'F' (the cool F with the star in it) for my right calf, but then thought about how cool a Disney themed tat might look instead.

Does anybody have any suggestions or pictures that they could share with me about best locations or designs (I think the Epcot logo might be cool as it is by far my favourite WDW park). Also, what is the pricing like to get a decent sized one, preferably with some colour in it? Any cool tattoo artists up in the Michigan area that you could recommend, preferably north of Detroit?:wave:


New Member
I know that this topic has already been discussed on these forums, but I didn't find anything that peaked my interest when I did a search on people who have decided to have their love of WDW immortalized on their body in the form of a Disney-related tattoo.

I am a 36 year old husband and father who has been weighing the options of getting a tattoo (currently tattoo-less) and couldn't decide what interested me enough to consider getting it permanently etched into my skin. I also don't know where the best spot would be (considering my right calf at the moment) for said tattoo. I have considered Travis Barker's Famous Stars and Straps 'F' (the cool F with the star in it) for my right calf, but then thought about how cool a Disney themed tat might look instead.

Does anybody have any suggestions or pictures that they could share with me about best locations or designs (I think the Epcot logo might be cool as it is by far my favourite WDW park). Also, what is the pricing like to get a decent sized one, preferably with some colour in it? Any cool tattoo artists up in the Michigan area that you could recommend, preferably north of Detroit?:wave:

If you havent done so,search "George C. Reiger" AKA "The Disney Tattoo Guy" AKA "Disney's #1 fan" he has 1700 Disney related tattoos covering 85-90% his body(none on face or hands),they range from cartoon characters to the theme parks and everything between,even a tat of Walt himself,its actually quite astonishing to see so many,most which were done very well his "2000 Spaceship Earth" tat is amazing


New Member
Hi Guys, first post, and seeing as how I have a Disney tat, thought I'd chime in :wave:

As far as location, I think anywhere on the legs is good - mine is on my left ankle. It's easy to cover up when you need to, but also easy to show someone - and your gonna wanna show everyone. :)

What to get is really personal - I got Mickey from The Sorcerer's Apprentice because he was my babysitter growing up. You mentioned the Epcot logo, which would be cool, just think about it long and hard!

Finally, the tattoo artists. It's going to be really hard to find someone with Disney artwork already in their folders because Disney really doesn't like people making money off their characters. I had to sit there and try to catch a screenshot of Mickey at exactly the right time before printing it out and taking it to the artist.

Okay, I'm going to search the forums for other Disney body-art threads and look for ideas for my next tattoo.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Cost-wise, I have a three-inch coloured tattoo that cost Cdn$140+tax. It depends on size, detail and the shop you're at.

Ask around to people who have tattoos about which places to go and if they have a favourite artist. Choose a shop that has a good reputation for cleanliness and good artists, then take a print of the design you want and get an estimate.

Choosing a location for the tattoo can be tricky too. Depending on you tolerance for pain, choose an area with a fair amount of muscle below the skin or an area with tougher skin. Avoid areas with little between skin and bone, they tend to be the most painful. Mine is on my forearm, the area gets lots of sun and the skin is fairly tough, I had no pain at all [the artist was surprised and commented on how tough the skin was]. My friend, who got the same tattoo the same day, put his on the opposite side of the forearm [where it doesn't get as much sun] and had a fair amount of pain for portions of the job.

Take good care of the tattoo until it's fully healed. I used tattoo oil to protect mine, but polysporin or similar cut or scrape cream/gel is OK. Don't pick at any scabs, let them come off in their own good time.


Premium Member
I have a tattoo that is about 8 inches wide and 2 inches tall on my back and it was $400 for full color (that was 7 years ago though).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys. I saw that Disney Tattoo guy and all I can say is, wow! I don't know if I would want quite that many. I am still in the debating stages and don't actually know if I REALLY want one or not. Plus the price seems pretty steep too. I realized they wouldn't be cheap, but I don't know if I could justify spending $150 or more on body art right now. I tend to be cheap when it comes to spending money on non-essential things. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'm going to be flamed here by many of you with tattoos, but I would have to say I can't recommend any Disney tattoo, or any tattoo, for that matter. I think tattoos are absolutely tactless. Show your love for Disney some other way than by desecrating your body. So it'll cost $140-200? Spend that money on an item from the WDCC collection or a big figure that you can display in your home. Like it or not, there still is a negative connotation in American society that only drunks, "macho men", truckers, and marines get tattoos. At the very least, get it somewhere inconspicuous, especially if you're working a white collar job.


Premium Member
I'm sure I'm going to be flamed here by many of you with tattoos, but I would have to say I can't recommend any Disney tattoo, or any tattoo, for that matter. I think tattoos are absolutely tactless. Show your love for Disney some other way than by desecrating your body. So it'll cost $140-200? Spend that money on an item from the WDCC collection or a big figure that you can display in your home. Like it or not, there still is a negative connotation in American society that only drunks, "macho men", truckers, and marines get tattoos. At the very least, get it somewhere inconspicuous, especially if you're working a white collar job.

I don't like the tattoo I got at all. It was something that I didn't even put any thought into. I liked it for maybe 6 months and then wished I didn't get it.

But there's a Mickey head pattern ankle tattoo I designed that I have been thinking on for over a year and I think I still want it. They are definitely permanent so don't rush into it and remember your tastes will change over time!


New Member
Someone I know got a 2"x2" four leaf clover tatoo - using different shades of greens for $65 about five years ago...:lookaroun


WDWFigment, why are your posts always so negative?

Back on topic, I'm a Donald Duck fan myself, and would lean toward a Donald tat. However, the chances of me getting a tattoo are slim to none...


Well-Known Member
Thought I would chime in here since I have 6 tattoos already, some over 8" tall (no Disney ones),and working on designing my next one.

First and foremost before getting any tattoo, you want to be sure its something you are willing to live with for the rest of your life. If there is any doubt about a design, then wait and think long and hard about it. You can even keep searching till you find the design you absolutely love, I love every tattoo I have and have no regrets about getting them. My recommendation would be to dig around at various Disney related images and Disney characters and find one you really really like, then try to decide where you might want it and what layout you would like.

From there you should start looking for a good artist in your area, check websites, alot of artists have a small portion of their portfolio on their sites. Ask around, if you see a very intricate beautiful tattoo on a stranger, ask them where they got it. Best form of tattoo artist advertisement is referrals.

Anyway, good luck and I hope you find a tattoo you love.:wave:

EDIT: WDWFigment, your post was very narrow minded and ill informed. Tattooing has a rich and multicultural history and is a sacred artform to some cultures. The "Negative connotation" about only drunk macho men get tattoos is completey false, especially since almost all Tattoo shops have explicit rules against tattooing anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Infact the American view on tattoos is getting more lax and many corporate companies don't mind them. Actually there are about 2-3 other people in my office that have visible tattoos and no one here minds.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is get something with meaning... true meaning. What the one thing I think about when it comes to disney? It's not the attractions or the parks, not the food or resorts, it's one word... family. It's the experiences you share with your loved ones and the memories you create.

I'm planning on getting a tattoo in dedication to my father who passed away in '98. One of the few places were we enjoyed our time as a family was at Disney. Because of that... my tattoo will be Disney related. I'm planning on having a "partners statue-like" image, with my dad holding my hand facing and pointing to the castle in the backround. It will have also have 3 stars in the sky (mom, dad, and me.) It will be cropped in the shape of a 4-leaf clover, with a worn-banner across the lower have with the word "dad" and his dates. His initials will be on top of the clover, arched, in old english writing. I will not be in full color and will go on my lower back. If I'm blessed with children, Mickey head shaped celtic knots, with they're name underneith it will flank the clover tattoo.


EDIT: WDWFigment, your post was very narrow minded and ill informed. Tattooing has a rich and multicultural history and is a sacred artform to some cultures. The "Negative connotation" about only drunk macho men get tattoos is completey false, especially since almost all Tattoo shops have explicit rules against tattooing anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Infact the American view on tattoos is getting more lax and many corporate companies don't mind them. Actually there are about 2-3 other people in my office that have visible tattoos and no one here minds.

Well said...


I'm sure I'm going to be flamed here by many of you with tattoos, but I would have to say I can't recommend any Disney tattoo, or any tattoo, for that matter. I think tattoos are absolutely tactless. Show your love for Disney some other way than by desecrating your body. So it'll cost $140-200? ....

"Tattooing has a rich and multicultural history and is a sacred artform to some cultures." <-- Excellent!!! Exactly!!!

WDWfigment... wow, you must have a nice view up there in your ivory tower, not having to interact with all those unsavory tattood ruffians and flappers... If you have something against people with tattoos in this day and age you really need a reality check... what an antiquated view... that's the kind of thinking that can set a generation back a couple of years.

When it comes down to it, it's just pigment... the colouring of skin... I hope you don't have anything against that either? It's a choice, just like anything else, and if you can't say something nice about someone else's choice....


New Member
All I can say is get something with meaning... true meaning. What the one thing I think about when it comes to disney? It's not the attractions or the parks, not the food or resorts, it's one word... family. It's the experiences you share with your loved ones and the memories you create.

I'm planning on getting a tattoo in dedication to my father who passed away in '98. One of the few places were we enjoyed our time as a family was at Disney. Because of that... my tattoo will be Disney related. I'm planning on having a "partners statue-like" image, with my dad holding my hand facing and pointing to the castle in the backround. It will have also have 3 stars in the sky (mom, dad, and me.) It will be cropped in the shape of a 4-leaf clover, with a worn-banner across the lower have with the word "dad" and his dates. His initials will be on top of the clover, arched, in old english writing. I will not be in full color and will go on my lower back. If I'm blessed with children, Mickey head shaped celtic knots, with they're name underneith it will flank the clover tattoo.
That sounds like a great tribute.


Well-Known Member
I actually have the old Horizons symbol tattooed on my back. It symbolizes all sorts of Disney (and EPCOT) for me as well as having other meanings. I planned on getting all of the EPCOT symbols with the Living Seas being next, but I don't want to go overboard. I might end up like that the crazy Disney tattoo guy.


Active Member
I'm sure I'm going to be flamed here by many of you with tattoos, but I would have to say I can't recommend any Disney tattoo, or any tattoo, for that matter. I think tattoos are absolutely tactless. Show your love for Disney some other way than by desecrating your body. So it'll cost $140-200? Spend that money on an item from the WDCC collection or a big figure that you can display in your home. Like it or not, there still is a negative connotation in American society that only drunks, "macho men", truckers, and marines get tattoos. At the very least, get it somewhere inconspicuous, especially if you're working a white collar job.
I feel the same way.

I can't stand when people get their own names on their body. I guess they do it incase they ever forget their name, they can just refer to their tattoo. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Before you get one, be sure you NEVER, EVER, EVER want to work for the Disney Company. And if you do, be sure the tatoo is in a place that can't be seen with a short sleeve shirt and shorts on. Otherwise, you'll end up spending more in make up to hide it than your wife spends in make up.

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