Disney, Storms Blamed For Universal Earnings, Attendance Decline


New Member
pat_naughty05 said:
There are also heavy rumors concerning an upcoming announcement. This announcement is expected to coincide with the announcement for the 4th Jurassic Park film (maybe this one won't suck terribly). Looks like a BIG attraction is coming to the Jurassic Park area over at Islands of Adventure. Of course, this is all speculation and rumor, but a lot of us Universal fans are expecting the announcement before the end of the year.

By the way, I'm sure you guys can see I'm just as much a Universal fan as I am a Disney fan. I really do enjoy both resorts for different reasons. If I'm traveling with family, I'd probably prefer a trip to Disney. But if I'm with friends my age, it's Universal hands down. I went to Halloween Horror Nights and it was PACKED. I do believe that this is Universal's highest profiting event for the year. By the way, for anyone who cares, it was friggin awesome.

That being said, you guys seem to really dislike Universal as a whole. While Universal Studios itself doesn't compare to many of Disney's parks, Islands of Adventure is beyond Disney on every level. Of course, that is only my opinion. I will not try to force it on anyone else, but I would simply like to state it. The theming throughout IOA is nothing short of incredible. Disney theming is not bad, but I don't think it quite compares to this. I do believe the theming of the upcoming Expedition Everest will be comparable, however, to the theming seen at IOA. But aside from that, IOA has the top theme park spot on my list. I do often wish that it was a little bigger, and that they would add another big attraction, but the rides and theming already there are incredible.

Okay, I'm done.

Attach some pictures please of the incredible theming at IOA and perhaps i'll change my mind a little....


PaisleyMF said:
Of course blame it on someone else, when is a park that is kinda unatended (and i was there the Saturday before Wilma)
Late October = Low Crowds

it looked dirty and outdated (and the last time i was there was 1996)
Dirty and outdated? Yeah, right.... :rolleyes:

and Islands of Adventure not even get me there (yuck).

mickey04 said:
Universal seems to have dropped the ball after IOA opened by not adding to it
Funny how no one likes to complain about DAK adding few attractions as well....

lewisc said:
Probably some truth. DME reduces the number of guests who rent a car. MYW ticket pricing encourages guests to purchase tickets for every day of their stay. For the extra $3 you might as well visit a park the afternoon you arrive.

No car and an already paid for ticket. That has to have some impact on Universal.
DME and MYW definitely (and unfortunately) have had an impact on this.

disneylands said:
is this the first time Universal has ever blamed disney publicly? YES finally they admit it.

coln84 said:
New Attractions/Shows at Disney:
Cinderellabration (sp?)
Lights, Motor, Action Stunt Show
Lucky the Dinosaur (for a little bit)
Ralgan Road (sp?)
Cinderellabration definitely can't be called a cause of damage, neither would Lucky the Dinosaur and Raglan Road....

New Attractions/Shows at Universal:
The Mummy
A 2nd theater for Shrek
Neutron and Shrek are still big in advertising....you're also forgetting Fear Factor Live.

Gee, lets think where the people are going to go that come down often. I don't pity Universal at all, maybe its about time they finally open a new attraction at Islands. Plus look at the park hours, why spend the same amount of money to be a park that closes 3-4 maybe even 5 hours earlier!

#1 - IOA is of course getting two new attractions in the coming years.
#2 - Park hours? They're pretty much the same as the WDW parks!

Bobble said:
My family was able to do everything that we wanted (all major rides) in two days. This probably adds to the decline. Disney, as we all know takes years to do everything so families take longer visits and spend more while there. The one upside to Universal is the express line available to resort guests.
Of course it's going to take only 2-3 days to do everything....UO is not designed to be a week-long destination like WDW.

The_CEO said:
Just think how screwed Universal is going to be even more in April when Expedition Everest is opened to the public.. Uh oh
Hopefully they'll fast track the new JP ride and get it open by early/mid '07.


New Member
djronnieb said:
Attach some pictures please of the incredible theming at IOA and perhaps i'll change my mind a little....

My friend, ask and you shall receive.

As soon as someone tells me how to put a picture in a post!

:hammer: :brick:


pat_naughty05 said:
My friend, ask and you shall receive.

As soon as someone tells me how to put a picture in a post!

:hammer: :brick:

Upload the photo to a hosting site, take the link and put it between tags.

If you need more photos I've got a few to post....


Active Member
RIPHorizons said:
McBean's something or other?

Woah they are finally going to open that? Rumors were flying as to why it was never opened and if it was ever to open. Last time I looked, maybe a year and a half ago, they were most likely never going to open it because there was no way to get people off if it were ever to break down. That and because there was no walkway next to the track it was a safety issue.

Im not saying your wrong, it just took me by surprise that it even popped up. Thats cool though if they are going to finally open it.

Thanks you Mickeyman819for reminding of that :wave:

Current Reports:


Well-Known Member
Just addind to the war for you James! :wave:

I LOVE WDW, and DISLIKE UO. So, good luck getting me there next time you're in town. ;)

(In all honesty, I'm sorry this happened for Universal. I've got some top managers coming in on Tuesday and I'll ask them about this!)


Well-Known Member
pat_naughty05 said:
By the way, I'm sure you guys can see I'm just as much a Universal fan as I am a Disney fan. I really do enjoy both resorts for different reasons.


That being said, you guys seem to really dislike Universal as a whole. While Universal Studios itself doesn't compare to many of Disney's parks, Islands of Adventure is beyond Disney on every level. Of course, that is only my opinion.

I'm a Disney fan and don't mind skipping Universal (or Busch Gardens for that matter).

Here's how I see your reaction. If you're on a "Disney" fansite, then you'll find most are Disney fans and SOME are fans of both. If you're on a "Universal" fansite, then you'll find most are Universal fans and SOME are fans of both.

Each side has their diehard fans, but there are a few from both groups that like both parks. :wave:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Of course they blame any and everything else excpet the fact that they have an inferior product.....
I'm glad someone is seeing the Light!!! :D :lol: :sohappy:


New Member
Okey dokey, here we go. So, Islands of Adventure doesn't have great theming??? Pshh. By the way, all posted pictures were taken by me.

So, to start at the beginning, with the Port of Entry.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/pat_naughty05/AfrontviewofthelighthousefromCitywa.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

The Lighthouse, beckoning adventurers from around the world. And who woulda thunk it, at night it really works!! I love the aged look they've put to it. You'll see a lot more of that throughout the Port of Entry.


A lot of folks miss this. It's right over your head as you walk through the POE. Definitely helps to keep with the adventure theme.


Ahh, some of the beautiful POE architecture. It varies quite a bit throughout the island, but somehow blends splendidly. Here are just a few more pics from the area.




Moving on, you take a right straight into Marvel Super Hero Island.


As you'll see, each island has some type of welcome sign at both ends. Pretty nifty if you ask me.


A picture taken from Dr. Doom. Gives a nice overview of the island.


You see a lot of these throughout the island, portraying heroes and villains.




Unfortuantely, I have no pics of the GREAT Spidey queue. It recreates the Daily Bugle and gives a great comic book feel.


The grim entrance to Dr. Doom's Fearfall. Not exactly welcoming, but definitely appropriate!!


And that's the Hulk, the best coaster in Orlando!

On to Toon Lagoon.


Comic Strip Lane here is great, but go figure I don't have pics of it. Oh well, they're not hard to find if you'd like to see them. Just head over to IOACentral.


We've all seen the old Splash Mountain versus Dudley argument. Wonder what my answer might be.....


Slightly closer view.


Ahh, good ole Popeye. Bilge-Rat Barges is great, one of my favorite water rides.

Not much in the way of Toon Lagoon pics, but trust me IT ROCKS!!

Welcome to Jurassic Park!



Camp Jurassic, a really cool play area in JP. A lush tropical jungle fused with a dino expedition site. Fun abound.


The JP Discovery Center. This is straight from the movie and an example of great theming.


The River Adventure. I will admit, for being the largest island at IOA, it is disappointing that this is the only ride worth noting. But that's about to change.....




And now to the Lost Continent.


Need I say more?



The entrance to The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad and also the location of the Mystic Fountain.


Mythos. Someone named this the best theme park restaurant anywhere. Can't remember who...


Mythos, from the Inland Sea. Look at it.....



The Enchanted Oak.

Onward, to Seuss Landing!!!!!


This place is AMAZING!! Everything is so colorful.


Sneetch Beach. You can see the track for the upcoming Mcbean's attraction here.



The coolest carousel ever: The Caro-Seuss-El.

And with that.....


I am done.

Sorry for all the links. I can't get the pictures to show up.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
pat_naughty05 said:
Okey dokey, here we go. So, Islands of Adventure doesn't have great theming??? Pshh. By the way, all posted pictures were taken by me.

So, to start at the beginning, with the Port of Entry.


The Lighthouse, beckoning adventurers from around the world. And who woulda thunk it, at night it really works!! I love the aged look they've put to it. You'll see a lot more of that throughout the Port of Entry.


A lot of folks miss this. It's right over your head as you walk through the POE. Definitely helps to keep with the adventure theme.


Ahh, some of the beautiful POE architecture. It varies quite a bit throughout the island, but somehow blends splendidly. Here are just a few more pics from the area.




Moving on, you take a right straight into Marvel Super Hero Island.


As you'll see, each island has some type of welcome sign at both ends. Pretty nifty if you ask me.


A picture taken from Dr. Doom. Gives a nice overview of the island.


You see a lot of these throughout the island, portraying heroes and villains.




Unfortuantely, I have no pics of the GREAT Spidey queue. It recreates the Daily Bugle and gives a great comic book feel.


The grim entrance to Dr. Doom's Fearfall. Not exactly welcoming, but definitely appropriate!!


And that's the Hulk, the best coaster in Orlando!

On to Toon Lagoon.


Comic Strip Lane here is great, but go figure I don't have pics of it. Oh well, they're not hard to find if you'd like to see them. Just head over to IOACentral.


We've all seen the old Splash Mountain versus Dudley argument. Wonder what my answer might be.....


Slightly closer view.


Ahh, good ole Popeye. Bilge-Rat Barges is great, one of my favorite water rides.

Not much in the way of Toon Lagoon pics, but trust me IT ROCKS!!

Welcome to Jurassic Park!



Camp Jurassic, a really cool play area in JP. A lush tropical jungle fused with a dino expedition site. Fun abound.


The JP Discovery Center. This is straight from the movie and an example of great theming.


The River Adventure. I will admit, for being the largest island at IOA, it is disappointing that this is the only ride worth noting. But that's about to change.....




And now to the Lost Continent.


Need I say more?



The entrance to The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad and also the location of the Mystic Fountain.


Mythos. Someone named this the best theme park restaurant anywhere. Can't remember who...


Mythos, from the Inland Sea. Look at it.....



The Enchanted Oak.

Onward, to Seuss Landing!!!!!


This place is AMAZING!! Everything is so colorful.


Sneetch Beach. You can see the track for the upcoming Mcbean's attraction here.



The coolest carousel ever: The Caro-Seuss-El.

And with that.....


I am done.

Sorry for all the links. I can't get the pictures to show up.

Duelling Dragons...

Looks great from the outside... but at the end of the line... There's just a plane Inverted rollercoaster... no fiddle, no fuzz... just painted steel...

Dr. Doom... looks great from the outside... but once they seat you down...
Just a plain carnival ride...

But IMO that's not a problem... is it??

The main difference... is that Universal Parks are no THEME PARKS

The original entertainment policy of Universal is... building Studios and attraction parks...

So there's no way you can compare Disney to Universal...
Nothing bad to that... but there's using 2 different policies... :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
And that's where you're wrong young man! I was there in 1991! :lol:

Scott. I will buy you a ticket and pay for your meals while you're there, if you agree to do USF and IOA before Valentine's Day.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
NemoRocks said:

Don't worry... once he pulls his head out of his @$$, he'll see the light. There is room for both resorts, and there is plenty good about each of them.


New Member
Universal does not offer an inferior product. It really bothers me when people say that especially when they have been once and had a bad experience and refuse to go back. I cant tell you how many bad experiences I've had at Disney, but I still go back. By the way, Disney is no cleaner than Universal. With that said I also want to mention that I am glad this happened to Universal, maybe this will give them the kick in the behind they need to build more rides, market better and hopefully start making changes to their overall park opperations. Maybe they will do things to keep people in the park longer, like fireworks, parades more shows and attractions. Also for the comment about Universal not making theme parks, but attraction parks, that is very true, but have you noticed where Disney is heading? Hopefully one day people will realize that Universal isnt as bad as people like you all make it seem, it is a great place where families can have an awesome time. But hey look at the bright side, with attendance down the lines will be shorter. :lol:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
They provide a different product to Disney. They don't try to dillute the reality of the world outside and the blatant product placement is proof of this. They offer attractions and shows that are Disney quality, given their shortcomings (ie- not having a library of 3000+ animated characters to draw from, and a fanatical fanbase like us).

They simply cannot be compared in the same light.

Disney is Disney
Universal is Universal.

Just like apples and oranges are fruits, Disney and Universal are theme parks. And that's where the similarities end.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
hakunamatata said:
Yes they do.

A few years ago I might have agreed with you, but aside from my bad HHN experience, I have to disagree wholeheartedly. In fact, I'm noticed the service at WDW slipping considerably lately. It's bad enough that I would dare say I've gotten better service at UO.

And then there's the product. They are equivalent products. But it's an Apples and Oranges argument. You can't compare them.

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