Disney Store Screw Over


New Member
Original Poster
Hey Guys,
During the Disney World 40th Anniversary celebration the disneystore.com was offering special edition 40th Anniversary t-shirts. The offer began on Friday September 30th and said it would run through Sunday October 2nd. I ordered the shirt Friday afternoon around 2:00pm. As of today (10/14/2011) I still have not received it. I called this afternoon to be told they had "run out" and that they were -800 t-shirts sold. They said that they would be no more printing of these shirts. The fact that they sold out is fine it happens. But that should immediately be reflected on there website and they should honor that ones they "sold". I found that Millie Rios-Diaz is the district manager for my local Disney Stores. Does anyone here know of a Disney Store executive phone number? I would really like to take this issue to someone that could resolve it. Honor the t-shirts sold.


Active Member
When you ordered the shirt did you get a confirmation number and were you charged for it. If you were charged for it than you will be getting it. They may not have shipped it yet and if they have the postal service could be taking it's time getting it to you. That is the reason why most companies say to expect an item between 4 & 6 weeks after you order it, so that way if you get it in a week you will be happy instead of the other way around. The person you talked to probably thought you were trying to order one and that is not possible as they only printed the amount that was ordered and they were only offered for that weekend. When you call you need to have your confirmation number and give that to them so that they can look up your order. You could also email them with that information and they would be able to help you.


Well-Known Member
I could be mistaken but I thought it said on the site that they wouldn't be shipped until a much later date-can't remember exactly when. Did you confirm they still have your order or have you received a notice of refund? Maybe they are now out for any attempted orders but haven't shipped the orders processed yet. Just a thought.


New Member
Original Poster
I gave them the confirmation the whole deal and what they told me was they weren't anymore shirts. How do you oversell a product by 500? Once they sell-out there website should reflect that. It's not a matter of money it's a matter of the product. The website said the product was to be on sale only that Friday-Sunday. I think that if you brought the product during that time you recevied it. In this case the Disney store failed to meet their obligation to serve the guest.


Active Member
I gave them the confirmation the whole deal and what they told me was they weren't anymore shirts. How do you oversell a product by 500? Once they sell-out there website should reflect that. It's not a matter of money it's a matter of the product. The website said the product was to be on sale only that Friday-Sunday. I think that if you brought the product during that time you recevied it. In this case the Disney store failed to meet their obligation to serve the guest.

Even with today's technology that is impossible. You are complaining because you failed to read the fine print where it obviously said "for a limited time only, quantities are limited, first come first serve".


Well-Known Member
I gave them the confirmation the whole deal and what they told me was they weren't anymore shirts. How do you oversell a product by 500? Once they sell-out there website should reflect that. It's not a matter of money it's a matter of the product. The website said the product was to be on sale only that Friday-Sunday. I think that if you brought the product during that time you recevied it. In this case the Disney store failed to meet their obligation to serve the guest.

I agree with you that their system needed to be updated more accurately to reflect that they were running low. However, with a site as popular as DisneyStore.com it's also possible that they could have had a massive influx of people ordering at one time, and not able to update in time to show that there were no more. It seems like Disney should print more of the shirts to compensate for the error, but at the same time it might end up costing the company more money to do that than they'd be making from the sales. IDK... But sorry that you won't be getting the shirt!


Well-Known Member
Even with today's technology that is impossible. You are complaining because you failed to read the fine print where it obviously said "for a limited time only, quantities are limited, first come first serve".

You didn't read his post.

He purchased it. He paid for it. Now they say it's run out.

Not that he went to buy it and it wasn't available.

And yes, websites can very, very easily be updated in a single moment to reflect this. You can actually do it automatically - you have 1000 shirts to sell, once 1000 shirts have sold, the system takes no more orders. Many websites do this, which is why there is usually a "you are not guaranteed this product until you have fully checked out", meaning just because it's in your cart it isn't yours until you have purchased it.

It was definitely an error on their part.


New Member
He purchased it. He paid for it. Now they say it's run out.

Not that he went to buy it and it wasn't available.

And yes, websites can very, very easily be updated in a single moment to reflect this. You can actually do it automatically - you have 1000 shirts to sell, once 1000 shirts have sold, the system takes no more orders. Many websites do this, which is why there is usually a "you are not guaranteed this product until you have fully checked out", meaning just because it's in your cart it isn't yours until you have purchased it.

It was definitely an error on their part.

I definitely agree with you - it is unfair for the website to promote these products, for customers then to find out that the product is unavailable after purchasing it.

It might be an idea to try and get some compensation


New Member
Hey Guys,
During the Disney World 40th Anniversary celebration the disneystore.com was offering special edition 40th Anniversary t-shirts. The offer began on Friday September 30th and said it would run through Sunday October 2nd. I ordered the shirt Friday afternoon around 2:00pm. As of today (10/14/2011) I still have not received it. I called this afternoon to be told they had "run out" and that they were -800 t-shirts sold. They said that they would be no more printing of these shirts. The fact that they sold out is fine it happens. But that should immediately be reflected on there website and they should honor that ones they "sold". I found that Millie Rios-Diaz is the district manager for my local Disney Stores. Does anyone here know of a Disney Store executive phone number? I would really like to take this issue to someone that could resolve it. Honor the t-shirts sold.

I'm sorry this happened to you but you must remember that it was a sale on the web. Recently Sears sold a ton of new iPads for nearly $70. Just $70! They sold out within minutes. The problem is that Sears refused to honor them due to an error on someone else's part with the website. The point is, just because you were sold something on the internet doesn't mean that it is binding. They can always wiggle out of it. Again, sorry this happened to you but maybe you can find one on eBay? It seems like a lot of people get things like this from places that have limited quantity then sell it on eBay. Good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
You didn't read his post.

He purchased it. He paid for it. Now they say it's run out.

I didn't see anywhere in his post that he said he paid for it. Companies that sell stuff can't charge a buyer's card until they ship the goods. If they ran out of shirts before this order was received, and they can't deliver the shirt, then they can't charge for something they never delivered. OP should check his card statements. Sometimes limited quantities do run out.


Well-Known Member
A lot of fuss over a tee-shirt :ROFLOL:

If they are out they are out. If they did not charge you then no harm no foul, if they did they should credit you what they charged. I do not see any compensation beyond that due. :wave:

Heck they oversell airlines tickets daily, now that could be an issue. Not getting a shirt is not IMO.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
A lot of fuss over a tee-shirt :ROFLOL:

If they are out they are out. If they did not charge you then no harm no foul, if they did they should credit you what they charged. I do not see any compensation beyond that due. :wave:

Thank you. I'm glad someone in this thread is reasonable.

The very idea that people think the OP poster should get compensation beyond a refund for the shirt (if he was even charged) is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm glad someone in this thread is reasonable.

The very idea that people think the OP poster should get compensation beyond a refund for the shirt (if he was even charged) is ridiculous.

I just find it "funny" that people get mad at Disney for so much. The mindset of some it seems is that Disney "owes" them something and is some type of charitable organization instead of a business. :ROFLOL:

I mean this in a much broader sense than this incident, the parks and resorts for example. Some of the treads on here, including the recent one about ADRs and credit cards, just strike me as funny.

The "how dare Disney ..........." attitude is much different than what people have towards their local grocery store for example IMO. Disney offers a product and places a price and restrictions upon it. If a consumer accepts the price and restriction they "buy" it, if not then they do not buy it. Same as any other company. It seems to me that people expect Disney to change and alter their end of the deal to satisfy people at their whim because they are "Disney". To not run their business like a business because Walt "would not have done that" conjecture on their part. :shrug:

I am not trying to be critical I just find it odd that people think Disney is different than any other business in that regard.


Well-Known Member
I just find it "funny" that people get mad at Disney for so much. The mindset of some it seems is that Disney "owes" them something and is some type of charitable organization instead of a business. :ROFLOL:

I mean this in a much broader sense than this incident, the parks and resorts for example. Some of the treads on here, including the recent one about ADRs and credit cards, just strike me as funny.

The "how dare Disney ..........." attitude is much different than what people have towards their local grocery store for example IMO. Disney offers a product and places a price and restrictions upon it. If a consumer accepts the price and restriction they "buy" it, if not then they do not buy it. Same as any other company. It seems to me that people expect Disney to change and alter their end of the deal to satisfy people at their whim because they are "Disney". To not run their business like a business because Walt "would not have done that" conjecture on their part. :shrug:

I am not trying to be critical I just find it odd that people think Disney is different than any other business in that regard.

:sohappy: Just because it's Disney doesn't mean it's not a business! I don't get why people think differently either.

To the OP, I say just let it go. Obviously you are not getting your shirt, regardless of anything else. They only printed so many and there is no chance they will print another especially for you. Take the money they either refund you or were never charged in the first place and buy one on Ebay.


Tattooed Disney Geekster
:sohappy: Just because it's Disney doesn't mean it's not a business! I don't get why people think differently either.

To the OP, I say just let it go. Obviously you are not getting your shirt, regardless of anything else. They only printed so many and there is no chance they will print another especially for you. Take the money they either refund you or were never charged in the first place and buy one on Ebay.

Yeah, what they said...


New Member
:sohappy: Just because it's Disney doesn't mean it's not a business! I don't get why people think differently either.

To the OP, I say just let it go. Obviously you are not getting your shirt, regardless of anything else. They only printed so many and there is no chance they will print another especially for you. Take the money they either refund you or were never charged in the first place and buy one on Ebay.

Exactly. There is so much fine print and places to hide it on websites that companies can get out of things easily. This isn't the 1950's where you could hold a company to their ad's word.

I still say try eBay. :wave:

Oh, look......




Well-Known Member
A lot of fuss over a tee-shirt :ROFLOL:

If they are out they are out. If they did not charge you then no harm no foul, if they did they should credit you what they charged. I do not see any compensation beyond that due. :wave:

Heck they oversell airlines tickets daily, now that could be an issue. Not getting a shirt is not IMO.

Absolutely! I was there the day and time they went on sale. I picked up a white shirt and a black shirt. After my husband and I looked them over and realized that they were paper thin, we decided NOT to purchase them and gave them to someone waiting in line. I think most people grabbed as many as they could just because everyone else WANTED them. They were just shirts......as for the 50+ dollars we saved.....that went into the next vacation fund.


New Member
Absolutely! I was there the day and time they went on sale. I picked up a white shirt and a black shirt. After my husband and I looked them over and realized that they were paper thin, we decided NOT to purchase them and gave them to someone waiting in line. I think most people grabbed as many as they could just because everyone else WANTED them. They were just shirts......as for the 50+ dollars we saved.....that went into the next vacation fund.


Of course I hope you know that I am kidding. :lol: I agree. A t-shirt is a t-shirt and nothing to get excited over. :)

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