News Disney removing plastic straws and more by mid-2019

Lets Respect

Well-Known Member
I do not like to drink out of cups when I am out, whether paper or glass. You don't know who touched that rim.

I realize this makes no sense since you also don't know who touched your hamburger


Well-Known Member
If WDW stops using plastic bags for their merch purchased at their gift shops-what is going to happen when you purchase items at the parks, and have them delivered to the parcel pick-up at your resort? Those items are always in plastic bags when you pick them up. Are they going to be charging extra because they have to use the more expensive reusable bags?
Disney already announced they are charging for reusable shopping bags including when the items gets shipped to your resort.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Walt Disney World holds numerous fireworks displays EVERY NIGHT pushing tons of pollutants into the air, and they use a TON of electricity so their carbon footprint is huge. And their passenger shuttles are Diesel as are their they pollute.

But banning plastic straws will fix it.

And they switched to a less polluting fireworks, and they're building even more solar farms, and diesel is less dirty than gasoline and they're putting in electric conveyances with the Skyliner (and maybe some future projects... shhhhh).

Every little bit from every angle contributes.

But go ahead with the argument that you should leave your dog's feces sitting in the middle of your living room because, in comparison to the total square footage of your house, it's steaming gift occupies such a small percentage of floor space.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
so, we're going to cut down more trees instead of recycle the plastic? the trash in the ocean isn't from America
It's a continuous cycle. I remember when we were pushed away from using paper grocery bags because we were cutting down too many trees. That's how all these reusable plastic bags started in the first place. Now the plastic bags are bad for the environment, so we're pushing things back toward paper (i.e., paper straws).

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Disney already announced they are charging for reusable shopping bags including when the items gets shipped to your resort.
What I saw said that they would be offering guests the *option* of purchasing reusable shopping bags. I didn't see anywhere that it would be mandated or that the plastic shopping bags would be completely eliminated.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Both plastic and paper have various industries attempting to make each sustainable and non-polluting. Over time, one becomes more successful than the other, then the other catches up and surpasses it.

With paper, most pulp comes from sustainable tree farms in the U.S., in which the amount of forested land is actually growing now. Tree farming has a much lower carbon impact than vegetable and grain farming which is much less than stock farming. Problem is that some other parts of the world haven't caught up to the U.S. sustainability model and are still cutting down virgin forests for pulp (looking at you, Indonesia). And then, paper is very recyclable and decomposable.

Plastic requires petroleum mining/fracking/drilling and a lot of cagey chemicals. Hard plastic has a lot of durability and reusability, until it doesn't anymore, then that durability makes it hard to decompose. Newer plastic formulations are constantly being developed so that they break down faster. And an exciting field is 'encouraging' bacteria to learn how to eat plastic. But in the end, even wit the U.S. ban on dumping in the oceans, a lot of plastic still gets there.

That other countries do a lot worse is not an excuse. It is never morally permissible to excuse bad behavior because others are doing worse. "But officer, you can't give me a ticket for going 40 miles over the limit... there are murders out there! Compared to them, I'm an angel! And you should be devoting all your time to catching the murderers!!"


Well-Known Member
I mean.. most people only touch the OUTSIDE of the glass at any point during use, unless they do the little kid tongue splash thing inside the cup..

But unless there is lipstick or obviously lip marks on a glass, I always assume I am only 1 water rinse away from sharing a drink with a stranger..
But the entire contents of your drink are in contact with the inside of the glass?

UKDisney Dave

Well-Known Member
Walt Disney World holds numerous fireworks displays EVERY NIGHT pushing tons of pollutants into the air, and they use a TON of electricity so their carbon footprint is huge. And their passenger shuttles are Diesel as are their they pollute.

But banning plastic straws will fix it.

No, but it’s a start. Is your idea that as well as all the pollutants and the carbon footprint we should also carry on using plastic straws?

No ones saying this is the single solution to all environmental issues in the world. But it’s a step in the right direction. Let’s take it, rather than thinking the journeys to hard to even start.


Well-Known Member
I do not like to drink out of cups when I am out, whether paper or glass. You don't know who touched that rim.

I realize this makes no sense since you also don't know who touched your hamburger
The difference is that there are regulations regarding sanitary food preparation. There are no regulations for handling cups. Not necessarily at Disney but at a fast food establishment the person that grabs your cup is also the cashier that is handling money (which is very dirty). So it does make sense.

Y'all that are in favor of this insanity can go right ahead and think you are saving the earth if it makes you happy. I'm going to solve the problem personally by literally buying a lifetime supply of straws. I'll be happy with my straws for the next 50 or 60 years. You can be happy thinking you are "making a difference."

Just wait until the next "step in the right direction" involves getting rid of something you enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I personally do not have any problem changing to paper straws or doing away with them all together. I also get the whole refillable toiletries in the hotels, so no problem there. The bags is where I really see a problem. I totally get the whole banning of plastic bags idea... I mean just look at the borders of any grocery store, walmart, target, etc. parking lot... bags everywhere along with the flyers. My only problem is that Disney should use paper bags to carry purchases... not force me to buy a $6 or whatever $ bag. Oh and the whole handing out Ziploc bag thing is suddenly just laughable in the face of Disney's green push.


Well-Known Member
"The number of plastic shopping bags
in Disney owned and operated parks and on cruise ships is astronomical
and the company will begin to offer guests the choice of purchasing
reusable bags at a nominal price."
- - - -
So if you don't buy a bag you just carry your merchandise out in your hands and off you go? Shoplifting is going to be at an all time high!! So are paper bags coming back?

We’ve been doing this at Disney Store for months now and everything’s been fine so far, including the guest reactions :)

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I do understand the whole plastic straw controversy, and I applaud the efforts to clean up the environment, but I think there are far more significant changes that could be made to improve the environment for future generations. Balloons, plastic beverage bottles(and their caps), and disposable shopping bags have a much larger impact on our environment and could just as easily be eliminated. An alarming trend I've noticed lately is parents feeding their young children "organic" foods from "disposable" packets, that, once discarded, will probably survive on this earth longer than those children's children will.
So eliminating plastic straws is a great idea, but so much more needs to be done to preserve this planet.

It’s the latest virtue signaling so people can show others how good they are without actually doing anything.

The whole plastic straw deal (I think it was 500M/day just for the USA which doesn’t make sense unless every American is using 1.5 straws every single day). It’s rare when I see straws. Maybe in a milkshake but most people drink from plastic bottles and use more than one of those a day which would seem like a greater impact but, no, lets concentrate on straws.

...and why are straws the new in-thing to care about (and the new demon to expunge)? Because some kid was interviewed and made up some number. I kid you not, this is where it started.

Here’s the thing: We have plastic bags now, which most people seem to hate, especially the environmentalists, BECAUSE the environmentalists forced them down our throats back in the 1980s. Using plastic, instead of paper, was going to save the world! If you didn’t agree then you hated the world. Now we’re at the opposite.

It reminds me when, suddenly, everyone was dumping buckets of ice on their heads to pretend that they cared about ALS. They didn’t care before and they haven’t cared since (unless someone they know is struck by the disease). The most important part of that campaign was: “Look at me, everybody! I’m dumping ice on my head!”

I get it that there are those who want to do “good” but so much of this is because people want to take up a cause because they have free time and want to feel relevant. It’s why it’s never any actual hard work like making a city park better or helping out at some shelter or giving time to the elderly in the community but always something “super important” and just as vacuous.

You could point to the ALS bucket challenge and say, “Well they at least raise a lot of money THAT year!” And you’d be right. Think about what they had to do to do that: They had to trick narcissistic people into using their own vanity to get donations. Yeah, it worked one time. It didn’t convince anyone to actually help out and do anything - just “look at me” stuff and “see how much I care”.

...and it’s nothing new. It’s been going on for decades from pointless armbands to useless ribbons on cars. It’s all about “I care” and has nothing to do with “I’m actually contributing something to some cause”.

I await your angry letters.

Here’s a link worth watching if you’re still on board with plastic straws:

UKDisney Dave

Well-Known Member
Y'all that are in favor of this insanity can go right ahead and think you are saving the earth if it makes you happy. I'm going to solve the problem personally by literally buying a lifetime supply of straws. I'll be happy with my straws for the next 50 or 60 years. You can be happy thinking you are "making a difference."

Just wait until the next "step in the right direction" involves getting rid of something you enjoy!

Hey, I’m all for you having a plastic straw if you really need one. Not an issue. As I said in a previous post I’m not a hippy who wants to make everyone live in a mud hut and worship Mother Earth.

But for every one of you who really wants/need a aplastic straw there are thousands who don’t actually care if they get a plastic straw or not, but use it because it’s given out automatically.

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