Disney Raises Ticket Prices Sunday!


Um, most people who work "hourly" type jobs are making more like $7/hr, not $12. And after taxes, that $7/hr is more like $5.75, which means the $320 in question means an extra 56 hours of work.

No, $320 isn't a lot to many people, but blanket statements saying it's not a lot of money to *anyone* are just silly.

However, as an AP holder I did the numbers to justify even though it wasn't an issue. The Florida annual pass costs $6 per week or one dollar more than an extra value meal at McDonalds. As I go on average every two weeks, that is 12 dollars. If money was tight... I would rather make a sandwich at home and then go to one of the parks at WDW to take my brain away from it all. It's cheaper than a quack and well worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
I stand by my previous statement--for some people, who save for years to go to WDW, or people who make a low hourly wage, $320 is a lot of money. If it's not a lot to you, I'll be glad to send you my address and you can reciprocate with a $320 money order made out to me. ;)

SpongeScott.. I have to totally agree with you and also would say an increase of $320 affects/doesn't affect everyone differently. Some people can afford Lexus and BMW while some have to settle for Fords and others have to take the bus.
To make a blanket statement that $320 is not alot of money is just wrong.

Let me just :zipit: before if say too much!!!:lol:


New Member
You're kidding right? WDW is constantly adding new things..doesn't have to be attractions all the time..what do you want from them to add 'value' ?

How about another real coaster, Everest is the only decent one. RnR is too short and dark, and BTMRR and SM are old and outdated.

How about a brand new attraction that was imported to WDW (Like Soarin was) or off the shelf garbage (like the Living Seas Pavilion) I would even be happy if they stopped redoing old attractions like HM or POC or SSE. How about new original attractions like TOT was 13 years ago?

What other "new" things are you talking about? The silly princess makeover thing at DTD? And if you think that a new restaurant in a park is worth paying more for then that's just silly. Why would I pay $71 to Disney just so that I can have the right to eat at one of their over-priced restaurants?


Well-Known Member
The price jump is 6%, your raise is 3%. So you essentially have less to use for disney because their ticket price increase outpaces your raise. Imagine you made $100 this year, and the ticket price was $95. If you kept getting 3% raises, and disney raised 6% every year, you wouldn't be able to afford a ticket after 2 years (your salary would be $106.09 and the dis ticket would be $106.742).

Now that's an extreme example because I'm sure the actual cost of one ticket is in most cases a much much much smaller percentage of someone's salary, but if you keep the percentages the same, a point will come eventually where you can't afford to go. Maybe nowhere near in the near future or someone's lifetime, but its one of the points behind the "principle" of it being too much. Of course this doesn't factor in other cost increases year to year from cost of living/inflation.

In theory, it's possible that the 6% increase on 70 dollars could catch up with a 3% increase on a salary...if you're talking 10,000 years or so. Just think about how much you make in a year. It's none of my business, so you don't need to tell me, but just ask yourself. Myself, I make around 25 grand...if I remember correctly. That's just my full time job, not counting my wife's job or my part time job. So a 3% increase on that is $750 a year. The 6% increase on the ticket price is a measely 4 bucks. Now, a mathemetician could tell us how many thousands of years it would take for 6% of a miniscule amount to surpass 3% of a much larger amount, but I assure you, WDW and probably this Earth, will be long gone way before that ever comes close to happening.

So again, if you have the money to go to WDW for a week, then you have the money to shell out a few extra bucks on a ticket increase.

Now if you want to argue that, out of principle, you are not going to go anymore as your way of protesting the increases, that's fine. If enough people do that, then eventually Disney will lower their prices. Unfortunately, I'm too hooked to be one of them. :lol:

But that's a valid argument to make. But let's abandon these silly arguments of not being able to afford 4 bucks. If 4 bucks is that much of a big deal, then buy one less Dole Whip, or one less souvenier, or make few McDonald's stops on the way down, etc.


New Member
When i go to disney world i pay £190 which is around $360 for 2 weeks of unlimited use of all the parks i think that is pretty good value seeing as a theme park in this country costs around $80 per day and none offer multiple day passes for more than a few days Disneyland paris is like $260 for a 3 days pass so in my opinion WDW seems pretty cheap.

Pretty irrelevant considering the US dollar is so weak vs. other currencies right now. So, it makes sense that WDW is cheaper than DLP for a European.


Well-Known Member
How about another real coaster, Everest is the only decent one. RnR is too short and dark, and BTMRR and SM are old and outdated.

How about a brand new attraction that was imported to WDW (Like Soarin was) or off the shelf garbage (like the Living Seas Pavilion) I would even be happy if they stopped redoing old attractions like HM or POC or SSE. How about new original attractions like TOT was 13 years ago?

What other "new" things are you talking about? The silly princess makeover thing at DTD? And if you think that a new restaurant in a park is worth paying more for then that's just silly. Why would I pay $71 to Disney just so that I can have the right to eat at one of their over-priced restaurants?

I don't really understand why you go. It's pretty obvious you don't enjoy it and don't feel it's worth the expense. Just don't go. Complaining endlessly isn't going to change a thing.


New Member
So let me get this straight...

You live "near WDW" right? So I assume you live in florida? Regardless, you state that because of a 4 dollar increase on a one day pass (and whatever increase that tranlsates into for a multi-day pass), you are no longer going to WDW. Instead, rather than pony up four measely dollars, you are going to spend buttloads more dollars to fly out to DisneyLand?

Is there anyone who thinks this makes a bit of sense because I sure don't. I'm too cheap to pay 4 dollars, so instead, I'll pay however much a plane ticket costs to go out to California? :confused:

And you might say that it's all about the principle of protesting the price increase by withholding your dollars. Only problem with that is, that if you go to DisneyLand, you're still giving your dollars to the same company that raised your prices at WDW...so not you're really not making much of a statement there by giving your dollars to the same company that you are trying to protest in the first place.

Yes, I live in Florida. I can drive to WDW property in about 20 minutes from where I live.

What I am saying is the value that I would get from buying another annual pass to WDW isn't worth the cost. I have gone to every attraction several dozens of times (some even hundreds of times). I have eaten at every restaurant on property except Victoria & Alberts and a few at DTD, and I have spent considerable time at each and every resort enjoying all that they have to offer. There isn't much left for me there and what they are adding isn't adding value. Some of it is taking value (like replacing Tarzan Rocks with Nemo), so yes I would rather take the money I would spend on 2 annual passes and take a trip somewhere else. I said Disneyland was an OPTION, not where I would go. And, for the record, the work that I do takes me to LA at least once a year so a flight from Orlando to LA is free.

I didn't say I wanted to boycott Disney, I just think that I if were to spend any money at Disney it would be something that I would get someon value from...like Disneyland or the Disney Cruise. WDW is getting too expensive for the small return that it gives me. And that just might be my opinion because I have spent so much time there. Livining in another state might make it worth it for you to keep paying their increases.


New Member
I don't really understand why you go. It's pretty obvious you don't enjoy it and don't feel it's worth the expense. Just don't go. Complaining endlessly isn't going to change a thing.

Which is exactly why I stated in my original post that I will NOT be renewing my annual pass.

And, I am trying to get my "post" count up so I must continue to post my complaints! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member

I used to spend more on my Disney vacations than my mortgage every year. Now I've got a more expensive house so I don't think that will be happening anymore. We definitely spend at least 10% of our income at Disney though, which is pathetic!

You said it... PATHETIC!!!! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I live in Florida. I can drive to WDW property in about 20 minutes from where I live.

What I am saying is the value that I would get from buying another annual pass to WDW isn't worth the cost. I have gone to every attraction several dozens of times (some even hundreds of times). I have eaten at every restaurant on property except Victoria & Alberts and a few at DTD, and I have spent considerable time at each and every resort enjoying all that they have to offer. There isn't much left for me there and what they are adding isn't adding value. Some of it is taking value (like replacing Tarzan Rocks with Nemo), so yes I would rather take the money I would spend on 2 annual passes and take a trip somewhere else. I said Disneyland was an OPTION, not where I would go. And, for the record, the work that I do takes me to LA at least once a year so a flight from Orlando to LA is free.

I didn't say I wanted to boycott Disney, I just think that I if were to spend any money at Disney it would be something that I would get someon value from...like Disneyland or the Disney Cruise. WDW is getting too expensive for the small return that it gives me. And that just might be my opinion because I have spent so much time there. Livining in another state might make it worth it for you to keep paying their increases.

Okay, sorry for the misunderstanding then, and thanks for the clarification. :wave:

Living in Illinois, I'm lucky to be able to go once a year, so I don't know what it's like to have done everything, much less to have WDW in my "backyard" so to speak. If I lived in FL like you, I can see how I might get burnt out on it, or at least do it so often that I no longer feel it worth it to go when they raise their prices, even by a small amount.

But being able to go only once a year (if even that), it will be a long time before I sufficiently do all there is to do and feel like they need to offer more in order for me to justify putting up with small price increases. :wave:


New Member
I just went to Disney's site to purchase my AP voucher, but it seems impossible at the moment! If I click on the "click here to buy APs" link, the only options that come up are water park AP, PI AP, and DQ AP. No regular or premium! :brick:


New Member
To spread out the $$ hit from our families tickets, we usually buy play 3 day florida resident tickets with park hopping, and then at the end of the 6 months upgrade to the AP. It allows us into the park durring the summer AP black outs. The heat usually makes us miserable, but we go anyway.

I cant seem to save the 1200.00 for the tickets, and I hate putting them on a credit card, so this is our way around it.

I can remember AP's being a real bargain for us a few years ago. They just don't feel that way anymore. 10 to park, 100.00 for food.. the never-ending stream of new pins I have to have..

It doesn't stop us from going, but it does rub a little magic off.


New Member
the never-ending stream of new pins I have to have..
ROFL ya we all feel for ya!

So who (besides me) actually bought tix today? Aside from the fact that I can't really afford them right this minute, we'll still be using today's (7-day) tix in '09 I think, so I'm telling myself it's an "investment"...


Well-Known Member
Perhaps to find out why I loved it to begin with and see if I can recapture any of it?

You're not going to find it like this:

Have you gone to any of those attractions? Nemo the musical is horrible...I HATE it. I miss Tarzan Rocks, heck, even the original Jungle Book show was better than Nemo.

And, don't even mention the Nemo ride or the Laugh Floor, they are both horrible and not worth the time.

If these are the best that WDW can do then they can keep their overpriced tickets. Heck, even the Toy Story Mania that is coming to the Studios looks horrible!


Well-Known Member
ROFL ya we all feel for ya!

So who (besides me) actually bought tix today? Aside from the fact that I can't really afford them right this minute, we'll still be using today's (7-day) tix in '09 I think, so I'm telling myself it's an "investment"...

I have an Annual Pass & was going to wait to get my family's hopper passes when we get there. However, I went ahead with the purchase today. Roughly $60 savings for 3 PH passes, that is enough for me to buy now!


ROFL ya we all feel for ya!

So who (besides me) actually bought tix today? Aside from the fact that I can't really afford them right this minute, we'll still be using today's (7-day) tix in '09 I think, so I'm telling myself it's an "investment"...

I didn't because a a 10 day non expiry with water parks was $448.39 and is now $463.28 so a $14.89 increase but I now get 4 more waterpark days! So I am now getting a better deal. Just like last time when they increased the ticket costs but gave 2 more waterpark days. At $23.16 per day it's amazing value as the one day ticket is now $75.62 and the water park $41.54.

Disney are making it more attractive to buy more park days but in the long term the bottom line will suffer. Think about the number of people buying 10 day ticket which they will use for 2 or 3 trips. They are buying them now so if they go yearly they won't be buying tickets again until 2010. This wasn't the case before Magic your Way as there was no point in buying tickets as an investment on saving in the future.

Like I have already said Disney is also putting more waterpark tickets into peoples hands. These are tickets they wouldn't have bought before but are doing now as the add on cost is so low this means at a 3rd waterpark will be needed because Disney have created a market it for it themselves by increasing the number of extra days. Also DisneyQuest won't go anywhere now as they have just created hundreds of thousands of extra days that need to be used up at one of these places.

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