Disney People


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Original Poster
Today my friend at work (who is leaving on Saturday for a week at the World) was telling me about one of her mom's friends (or maybe her aunt) criticizing her because of her Disney love. She kept demanding an explanation for why she loves Disney so much. "Does it make you feel magical? Does it make you feel like a kid?" etc.

Her response was, "There are two types of people in the world: Disney people and non-Disney people. You're the second kind and there is no way to explain it to someone who is not a Disney person."

I thought this was an interesting thing to say, but I think it's true. What do you think?

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
Today my friend at work (who is leaving on Saturday for a week at the World) was telling me about one of her mom's friends (or maybe her aunt) criticizing her because of her Disney love. She kept demanding an explanation for why she loves Disney so much. "Does it make you feel magical? Does it make you feel like a kid?" etc.

Her response was, "There are two types of people in the world: Disney people and non-Disney people. You're the second kind and there is no way to explain it to someone who is not a Disney person."

I thought this was an interesting thing to say, but I think it's true. What do you think?

Spot on!!

It cannot be explained to someone who has never been!

And if you have been and you didnt "get it" after seeing Cinderella caste then you probaby never will!!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member

Crush Dude has hit it on the head.If you've been and went "Uh Huh" then plan your next vacation somewhere else and leave the magic to us.:sohappy:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I enjoy/enjoyed Disney in the same way I enjoy other entertainment centres. I dont feel the need to be a slavish drone in corporate loyalty nor do I ask other to explain their position. I just have a need to try new things that isnt satisfied by WDW.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Wheres My Horse.

Well as I said to a friend last week whilst having a few beers in the local when he turned to me and said " Are you getting too old for Disney " I looked him in the eye and replied " Have you ever been?" No was his answer.This is a man who has two children and five grand children,runs his own business,but yet never travels abroad,but instead prefers Blackpool [ English tatty vacation town ] So I climbed on my horse and told him what he was missing,and you know something,when he was leaving the pub,I kinda felt sorry for him,because I know in my heart,even tho he said he would look into it,he never will visit the magic bubble.His loss,our gain.:wave:


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I think one of the deciding factors is nostalgia. If you were there as a kid, you'll love it as an adult. If you go for the first time when you're already cynical... prolly not so much.
That's just a general rule, at least.


Active Member
I really don't understand non-Disney people:shrug:

Let us shift the focus, instead of it always being "why do we like Disney so much? Or aren't we getting old for Disney?" Let's switch it to "Why don't you like Disney? Wha'ts wrong with you? Aren't you too old not to have been to Disney?

Look they're haters (and I know a few) because we can truly let go and enjoy such a magical place and let our inner kid run with it.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I too decided to just give up on trying to explain myself, because I figured if they didn't get my love for Disney, and don't except it then they probably never will. Its not that I am ashamed of it, I just got tired of feeling like I had to justify the reasons I love it so much and what brings me back year after year. Especially when I don't ask them why they return to the same old beach house every year.....


Well-Known Member
well said. I feel that there is a third though, who just happen to enjoy a good time, despite being in any theme park, not just disney. I for one am a Disney fanatic, and a 28 year old man its someties hard to explain. I grew up knowing at least one place on this earth was built because of love and happiness FOR love and happiness, and I totally embrace that. I go there to be reminded of that every time I go.


Well-Known Member
I get it... ALL the time.

As a 27 year old male , with no children, people are really dumbfounded when they find out where I love to vacation.

Even more so when they found out I was Disneymooning.... see, to the masses spending thousands to fly to some hot patch of sand and just drinking as much alcohol as humanly possible is completely normal, but... travel somewhere that reminds me of my childhood, where I can make memories with my soon to be wife, and revisit those same places year after year, all in a family friendly (well, most of the times) atmosphere... wow, we're the losers?


Well-Known Member
Great post!!! I have an admission. I went to WDW for the forst time in 2002 in August... I HATED IT!!!! The youth groups , heat, buses at All Star Music. I thought Disney was an over rated theme park. Why? because I did not get it. I did enjoy Epcot however Illuminations simply amazing.
I did however take away an interest on how Disney operated and Walt Disney's plans for the "Florida Project." The window was starting to open up on my obsession.... I learned devoured everyrthing I could read about Disney History and the development of WDW.
I then moved to Florida and went to my MNNSHP and had a great time got to go on a night where it seemed only employees were visting and it seemed like everyone that night wanted to make sure we were having a great time even the off duty CMs. The Door started to opoen wider and I started to notice the hiden details and the great attention to things the Imagineers have. We started to frequent WDW more....
My daughter was born at at a year and a half made her first trip for my nieces b-day. Seeing through their eyes opened me up to the 'magic" Even at that young age her excitedment just riding the tram from theparking lot. Cheering and clapping for the fireworks and meeting Minnie mouse and the look in her eyes. Plus getting her first Mickey Mouse doll which she still snuggles today (only now joined byMinnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Claribel and my daughter even loves Professor Drake and maybe one of the few who has a plush of him.)
Now I am a fanatic AP holder and still find something new everytime I go. We live and breath Disney and I would not have it any other way!
I recently joined WDW Magic to gain more knowledge from some folks that have other indight and even inside knowldege and to share with others who understand this great obssession of ours.

From a refomed Non Disney- Person!


Well-Known Member
People have different intersests and that's okay. I checked my contract and I don't have to explain myself to anyone but my wife, my priest and my God. My wife and I go by ourselves often and often with our adult boys (2) and our grandchildren. Very soon our first great grand daughter will be with us. When we have our grandchildren with us I take great satisfaction in knowning that we're creating memories for them that will stay with them far into the future. The Disney people of the furture.


Well-Known Member
I know first hand what it's like to have people criticize you about your love of Disney, with me it came from my own family members.

Ever since I was five, I fell in love with Disney and the best part was I practically lived right next door so I could go anytime I wanted. My father who in high school/college was the captain of the baseball team, went to all the parties, had a new cheerleader girl friend every week, would always yell at me about "living in a fantasy world" and "not doing things that normal people do". So for 18 years I had this notion implanted in my brain everyday by my father that Disney is for immature children and that normal people don't do the things I do and that I would automatically fail at everything in life if I continued acting this way.

Eventually, after high school I moved out of his house and started living on my own and have for four years now and have made a steady living all by myself. Although my love for Disney has never been stronger, sometimes my father's words sink in and I do feel like I am some kind of "immature Disney freak" and that I'm not normal. I know this is really got off topic from the original post but it feels good let things out and to find others who share my same interests as I do. It makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world.


Well-Known Member
I've been going to Walt Disney World just about every year since I was 10. The older I get the more I love it. Its hard to explain to people. Its just one of those things!


Well-Known Member
To me, Disney is an oasis in the chaotic demands of life. It's an exhale of Mickey air from the rest of the 365 days. We all need somewhere to have fun, relax and act "like a kid again". It's exciting from the planning stage to the last day when you can start planning the next trip.

And it's our hard earned money that is paying for it and we can use our expendable income how we please. Let the other folks go to the islands-we'll have Disney.

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