Disney park in VA?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dizpins14
... ten to one it was not Donald Duck

I was thinking the same thing... Maybe it was Daffy Duck? If so, the coaster track would make perfect sense - it could be a Six Flags going in. :)


Active Member
We already have a six flags here. Kennedy space center??? The only kennedy thing we have is the kennedy center in Washington D.C. It must have been a six flags advertisement but they aren't near the water. Its in largo, MD. Was it a drawbridge? I doubt it was disney. How could you misinterpret donald for daffy? ones black and ones white.


New Member
Original Poster
Ha...yeah I definitely would be able to tell the difference between donald and daffy but my friend told me that he saw it because I can't see that far without my glasses =*( I'll look into everything and see what's going on but every1 is probably right.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFanatic
How could you misinterpret donald for daffy? ones black and ones white.

Right but they are both ducks and for someone who is neither a fan of Disney or of WB, it could be an easy mistake by simply mixing up the names or something. Since he said it was a friend that pointed it out, I just thought possibly... It's at least as plausible as his friend seeing a sign for a new Disney park or resort at least - isn't it? :)


Active Member
Well figmentbaby I hope your friend can shed a little more light on the subject as to location and stuff, The more i know the better chance i have to find it. I really dont think they would just put a resort out here but then again anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figmentbaby
MrPromey...I'm a girl. :brick:

I’m sorry! I was posting that when I shouldn’t have been at work and I wasn’t paying good attention. The name should have been a dead giveaway! Please accept my apology for the chauvinist assumption. It was honestly not intentional. :(


Trophy Husband
As I was driving home to New Jersey from Disney World last year, and thinking about how many people were on a similar trip, I thought how nice it would be if Disney built a Hotel along I-95 in Virginia or North Carolina. I'm sure they could fill a good sized hotel with Disney travelers, it would allow us to extend our experience by two days and make the trip much more pleasant ( and maybe increase visitors?)

Anyway, I'm sure this wasn't anything like that or Disney would have announced it (or if they wanted to keep it secret they wouldn't have put Donald Duck on the sign), but if anyone reading this has the phone number of a Disney board member, they may want to offer it as a suggestion.


New Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
I think it would be cool to have another disney park..but in va? is there enough people?

a disney nut,

There my not be a ton of people that live in Va., I live in Va. and we have lots of populated cities. Think about it if you make the park in Northern Va. it will be near Wash DC, Hampton Roads, NYC, and other big north cities. This will make it a lot more convenient for people so they they don't have to go all the way to FL or Cal.


Account Suspended
Hey all,

yeah, u have a point but i LOVE FL..and it also has a ton of other attractions other than disney...so i don't know that i would want to drive from north alabama to VA but i would to check it out...other than that i am not sure it would be worth it,

a disney nut,



New Member
Virginia also has a bunch of atractions, they may not all be theme parks but here are some big ones Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Kings Dominion Richmind, Water Country USA Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg, Monochello Charlotesville. Atractions near northern va outside of Virginia. Six Flags Landover Md., Washington DC, Gettysburg Pa. One more thing about Va it has a lot more history and soul than Fl. All of things might not be in one city but they are all in at least 4 hours drive to 30 min. to Northen Va.

Virginia Rocks:D :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Virginia is for lovers!

Hey, Disneyanna, I agree with James! Virginia is great, and it is worth checking out with or without Disney's America park. It is just unfortunate that they didn't build it. Most regular, everyday Virginians were for it, as was the government. It was landed gentry, Washington lobbyists/lawmakers, and out-of-town historians that fought against it.

I also think that the park would have done better (i.e., less arguments against it), if it were built closer to Richmond, especially near Mechanicsville. There is a big interstate (295) near it, that connects to the main interstates (95 and 64), and the CIVIL WAR BATTLEFIELDS AND ATTRACTIONS ARE ALL AROUND, but far enough out and well-supported not to be "threatened" as was asserted by the nay-sayers.

Anyway, Virginia is still great to visit. Come up and check us out. On the Eastern and Central side, you can make a great vacation combining Colonial Williamsburg (a fully-restored, working colonial-era city that is often derided by purists as "Colonial Disneyland" but loved by many people), Virginia Beach, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, and Civil War sites along the James River from Jamestown (yes, the original) to Richmond. All within an hour of Williamsburg.

And, of course, there are the Blue Ridge mountains in the Western part of Virginia, where you can hike, explore, or even enjoy an honest-to-goodness bluegrass festival in its home territory. Or visit "Mr. Jefferson's University" (U.Va.) and his home, Monticello, in Charlottesville (one hour from Richmond), or visit other presidential homes and historic places around (George Washington's in Arlington, James Madison's in Charlottesville)...
or even play golf....

lots to do and see....

"Y'all come up and see us sometime, ya hear?" :animwink:


New Member
If they were to put a Disney Park anywhere in the US, they should put it in the middle of the US. They have one in California and one in FLorida, but none in the middle.

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