Main Street USA
Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Stitchaholic
is so funny i didnt know god gave you the power to know what's going in other people's brains, i dont need to lie everything is posted there! no need to lie if people are gonna read it! be pretty dumb, dont you think? and about "don't you feel like :brick:" that how he made me feel when i was right and he was wrong. so after this post i wont answer you cause is not worth trying to make sense to someone that doesnt want to get it and you can say whatever you want about me, you can say i lie, i steal, im just a 11 post contributer, still doesnt clean up or hide that you two are rude to new comers.
Once again, man, PUNCTUATION!!!!!
You're just reapeating yourself here. You already said you weren't going to respond anymore, and yet you're back. (quite quickly, too!) I went to read some of your other posts in other sections of the site. Going by them alone you seem like a nice enough guy. I don't know what happened here. Even if I knew you personally, I still would've taken your comments in the same context. They simply can't be seen any other way.
BTW, I don't think you'll find too many people on this site that find me to be rude. I'm usually the guy who sticks up for newcomers when they make a mistake, trying to persuade others from being too harsh. The difference here is that YOU were the harsh one.
Have a look at my avatar on the left. That's me, and that's the kind of guy I am. Happy. Happy to be a part of this site, happy to protect its contributing members who keep it alive, and even happy to befriend newcomers when they hop aboard.
I hope to see you posting more in the future, and I hope that those posts are more like the ones I read in the other sections, because you won't make too many friends posting in the manner you have in this thread.