News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

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Well-Known Member
We really don't want to work with the public, but that is the job what we have. I don't know anyone who likes "the public", mostly because too many treat you like you are a piece of crap for doing those jobs. My job gives me the opportunity to take as much time off as I want and that money funds my vacations. I am taking a month off to go to Hawaii in a couple of weeks. That is why I work those jobs.
I loved working with the public. Now and then I’d get yelled at by a customer because someone was having a bad day or someone would speak very condescending towards me but overall people are very nice! I loved making someone’s day better by providing the best service I could.

My big beef is that a hairdresser who has gone to school for that stuff and worked their tail off as well gets shut down and NOT considered "essential" which I find very disrespectful.
As did all the equity actors at Disney. As talented as they are, I don’t think actors are essential workers.


Well-Known Member
I guess my thought is while in an indirect way I go to work for the better good of society and always have, the most direct reason is for taking care of my own family. I suppose since my dad, his dad, and his dad before him did this I am not special in anyway, and for someone who works in a meat plant, I've always known that whoever orders ribs (which are expensive) at a restaurant I usually saw them first, haha. So I ignore anyone who is snobbish about it.
I have 2 sons who are autistic. If you had any idea the things people have said to me out of ignorance and snobbery...

Let's just say I've walked out of stores in tears more than a few times.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much, that's my thought as well. It is a little embarrassing. Our grandfather's generation beat the tar out of the Nazis and literally risked their lives doing so. That's a hero to me. What I do by going to work everyday is just being a regular father. Worthy of respect sure, as some fathers take off and abandon their kids, but nothing out of the ordinary. You are right how we water things down too much.
And I don't think feeling that way is based off me thinking I am better because I am not I just hate this idea that everyone and everything needs to be celebrated all the time. It's like the entire birthday month/week people have now. It is so maddening people are so self obsessed.

I had an instance where a friend on FB was posting a political rant at the start of covid how all DOCTORS should all quit because they did not sign up for this !!!!!! That they didn't deserve this and on and on and on and on. Interesting thought that doctors didn't sign up to treat the sick.
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Well-Known Member

I wonder if this will have an effect on Disney policy or not. It seems directed at theme parks since I don't see how it's a waste of resources at smaller businesses. It's just a plastic device. I have mixed feelings about them especially now that rules are being relaxed but I could see the benefit when they first opened. It may not catch everything but it would catch the severely sick guests. On the other hand, fevers usually correspond with feeling like crap and would keep most people from a hot theme park anyway. I feel like I've been run over by a truck when my temp goes above 101.


Well-Known Member
I just find the term nauseating, that's all. I don't find it heroic to go to work. It is just something that has always been done. My big beef is that a hairdresser who has gone to school for that stuff and worked their tail off as well gets shut down and NOT considered "essential" which I find very disrespectful. I guess you can say that's why I hate the term.
hairdressers are the opposite of essential. Not necessary at all.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I guess that depends on how you view essential. Lucky for me my salon was one of the brave ones who understood the laws and their rights and so they remained open and had us in a few at time.
yeah cause hair going grey is a life threatening disease. Glad to know humanity has its priorities right
Face Palm GIF by Captain Obvious


Well-Known Member
I’ve been working facing the public everyday since well I got my job...13 years ago. Am I a hero?

Changes, challenges , more work and do it in less time, some things that do not sound logical etc , and customers that act like a Karen makes one a superhero dealing with that .
"Superhero or superheroine is a stock character that possesses abilities beyond those of ordinary people, who typically uses his or her powers to help the world become a better place, or is dedicated to protecting the public, and fighting crime".

By definition no! If it makes you feel better than sure why not everyone else is these days.


Well-Known Member
I think it would have been productive if the experts spent last year assessing what seems to be driving the spread. They knew that information and we never really were given any data. Outdoor risk was always low. Grocery stores are low risk as we would have noticed the pandemic without being told if shopping was dangerous. Hair salons probably were safe to open and restaurants too but nobody bothered to submit any observations about it. I think there was a better way to manage this so businesses could have opened sooner after that first lockdown. I simply don't see any science that all of these behaviors are risky. It seems to be spread mostly from households, nursing homes, work environments, prolonged/close indoor contact etc.


Well-Known Member
Was busy yesterday and saw so much to quote that I decided to be more general.

There is a difference between hoping people realize how much your job matters and wanting a ticker tape parade. There is a ton of gray between. I've seen people fight over who deserves vaccines first. I will say those keeping to their jobs and going out daily to keep lives going deserve a lot of thanks. Often service industries are looked down on.

Essential workers here had to be labeled during shut downs though. Not essential? Stay home. That's why people were labeled. Some also for where they were in line for vaccines.

The hero talk, well... yeah. My husband is essential worker. I am 100% not. My husband is not a hero but a hard worked. He was recognized among others in his group for just doing what they did to keep the company going. He also was hit with a forced reduction in wages at the same time I did not take a paycheck. Both were done to keep things afloat for each company. Now my husband needs more workers since roughly 15% of their India office is out and parts of Canada were shut down (company is very global - husband manages certain regions of the IT guys). Not a hero but a hard worker as they all are since so many are forced home either ill or under quarantine/shut down.

Hair dressers being essential is debatable though ;) but seriously where I got my car wrapped, they decided they were essential and remained open when told to close. Making one feel good about themselves is at least more "noble" than where I got my car wrapped.

Hero is a bit over used. I have heard from more than a few that being in the trial made me a hero as it was 100% voluntary. I think no. Thanking me for doing it is nice, but not needed either.
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