News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to add my thoughts. I was in Disney all last week. Mask compliance was excellent. I’d say a solid 90%. I didn’t see anyone ignoring cast members or purposely breaking the rules. Occasionally in a long indoor queue, I’d see some briefly put it below their nose. And occasionally someone would walk into a store without one and a cast member would say, please put your mask on. And they would say, oh shoot I forgot! Or something similar. You are taking it on and off so much throughout the day, it is easy to forget. At most stores and rides, a CM would be waiting at the door to remind everyone. The only place there wasn’t a CM was at the bathrooms. This is where I saw the most maskless people. But overall, I was very impressed with everyone. Everyone was kind and respectful for the most part.
I typically travel with my husband and kids but this trip was actually my very first time going solo. I have always been very careful with my mask. I always hand sanitize before putting it on and off. I always store it in a ziploc baggie. I changed it at least once, sometimes twice a day. Even at home I do these things. But most people do not do the same. I saw masks hanging from strollers, masks on dirty tables, kids dropping them then putting them back on. So in a lot of cases, I can definitely see them doing more harm than good.


Premium Member
Regarding vaccinating children, when the vaccines for polio and MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) became available parents didn't think twice about vaccinating their children,because most had seen or heard about the devastating effects of those illnesses and yet, in an age where information is even more readily available we have a low uptake of kids being vaccinated for Covid.
Sure, most kids don't get seriously ill, but, why take that chance for your child, not to mention that they can still get it, be asymptomatic and spread it to older vulnerable people.
Remember when children were vaccinated for polio and MMR and then their parents tested them everyday to see if they had it? No, because that didn't happen.

Remember when a child would die in a car accident or from getting kicked by a horse and they would test them for polio or MMR? No, because that didn't happen.

There are parents today who recognize that what is happening is not normal.


Active Member
Remember when children were vaccinated for polio and MMR and then their parents tested them everyday to see if they had it? No, because that didn't happen.

Remember when a child would die in a car accident or from getting kicked by a horse and they would test them for polio or MMR? No, because that didn't happen.

There are parents today who recognize that what is happening is not normal.
But we are suppose to act like all of this is normal and if you dare question one ounce of what is going on you are deemed ignorant and a science denier. Bill Maher speaks for so many of his in his recent rant on the utter nonsense that is continuing with coivd. I was an American who bought into this , voted based of it, and got vaccinated. I have done a 360 and it will show in my actions both in my daily life and in the voting booth. I will comply with mask request when I fly or visit somewhere that requires them but other than that I am out!


Premium Member
But we are suppose to act like all of this is normal and if you dare question one ounce of what is going on you are deemed ignorant and a science denier. Bill Maher speaks for so many of his in his recent rant on the utter nonsense that is continuing with coivd. I was an American who bought into this , voted based of it, and got vaccinated. I have done a 360 and it will show in my actions both in my daily life and in the voting booth. I will comply with mask request when I fly or visit somewhere that requires them but other than that I am out!
There is a difference between science vs "the science".

Actual science can (and should) be questioned and discussed. "The Science" is just a cult for people who lack critical thinking skills.


Active Member
Remember when children were vaccinated for polio and MMR and then their parents tested them everyday to see if they had it? No, because that didn't happen.

Remember when a child would die in a car accident or from getting kicked by a horse and they would test them for polio or MMR? No, because that didn't happen.

There are parents today who recognize that what is happening is not normal.
ERs do not test everyone. Have you been to the ER in last 6 months?


Well-Known Member
Remember when children were vaccinated for polio and MMR and then their parents tested them everyday to see if they had it? No, because that didn't happen.

Remember when a child would die in a car accident or from getting kicked by a horse and they would test them for polio or MMR? No, because that didn't happen.

There are parents today who recognize that what is happening is not normal.
Back then testing was done by eye in many instances and if you showed up or the doctor came because you were stomped by a horse and you showed signs of disease doctors could slap these on your door

Also when vaccines were developed they weren't usually given because of an ongoing pandemic. They were given as a precaution to prevent the next pandemic
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Well-Known Member

When this guy is saying we need to stop masking as soon as possible you know the winds of change are blowing.

If I don’t have to wear a mask in my home state I’m certainly not paying $$ to go to Disney to mask up.

As soon as the big “blue” states start to flip Disney will be forced to change or lose business.


Premium Member
Also when vaccines were developed they weren't given because of an ongoing pandemic.
It's common knowledge at this point that the number of deaths from actual covid (not with covid) was extremely inflated in the beginning.

If there had been a 24 hours a day news cycle that constantly told people that nearly every death occurring was from Measles, there would have been panic and then a pandemic would have occurred.

The media manufactured a very large amount of panic in the beginning. They ONLY discussed death rate, NEVER survival rate. If we did not have televisions , nobody would've noticed anything different. People wouldn't have rushed to the hospitals with the sniffles or a fever thus causing more images for the media to display. But if you listened to the news/radio, they made it seem like bodies were lining the streets amd you could die if you hugged your children.

I recall in the beginning, there were videos released from Asia of people literally collapsing in the streets as they were walking and the media said it was from covid. As Bill Maher recently said, the medical establishment has gotten sooooo much wrong. Same for the media.


Active Member

When this guy is saying we need to stop masking as soon as possible you know the winds of change are blowing.

If I don’t have to wear a mask in my home state I’m certainly not paying $$ to go to Disney to mask up.

As soon as the big “blue” states start to flip Disney will be forced to change or lose business.
Yes the man who gets winded while lecturing us about health issues and what is best for everyone. At this point it makes the entire thing even more freaking ridiculous.
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Angel Ariel

Well-Known Member
What about the first 18 months? And my friend had to go the hospital for a laceration on his foot 4 weeks ago. They required he be tested for covid.
And I took my child to urgent care for a leg injury, and she wasn’t tested at all. Anecdotes go many ways.

The only times she has been tested for covid are when she has had symptoms that could have been covid (and we did drive through PCR testing, not going to the ER - and both were negative). The only times I’ve been tested for covid are when there was a possible exposure or before going into surgery as a precaution (all negative). This is throughout the entire pandemic, not just the last 6 months.


Active Member
And I took my child to urgent care for a leg injury, and she wasn’t tested at all. Anecdotes go many ways.

The only times she has been tested for covid are when she has had symptoms that could have been covid (and we did drive through PCR testing, not going to the ER - and both were negative). The only times I’ve been tested for covid are when there was a possible exposure or before going into surgery as a precaution (all negative). This is throughout the entire pandemic, not just the last 6 months.
I think it is timing too. At the height of the pandemic my son had surgery and wasn't tested. When asked why the orthopedic surgeon stated it was not necessary and this very large very well respected hospital system said it was up to the surgeons. A few weeks ago we had to go in for stitches and testing was mandatory to get into ER. Again another red flag in all of this with all of these incontinences piling up.


Premium Member
The only times I’ve been tested for covid are when there was a possible exposure or before going into surgery as a precaution (all negative). This is throughout the entire pandemic, not just the last 6 months.
As you pointed out, anecdotal.


Well-Known Member

When this guy is saying we need to stop masking as soon as possible you know the winds of change are blowing.

If I don’t have to wear a mask in my home state I’m certainly not paying $$ to go to Disney to mask up.

As soon as the big “blue” states start to flip Disney will be forced to change or lose business.
I was just out in Vail for the past week skiing. I guess the government had just recently dropped the mask mandate. Very few of the businesses at the base of the mountain had a sign that masks were required and I saw many people without masks even in the ones that did. The shop that I rented my equipment from didn't have a sign and not one employee or patron (while I was in there) wore a mask.

There was a requirement to wear a mask indoors and inside the gondola while on the mountain. Of all the gondola rides I took, the only person who wore a mask in our cabin was a ski instructor who, as an employee, has to follow the rules. I met people from all over the country and none of the people even from the deep blue areas cared at all about wearing masks or asking others to do so.

For the indoor locations on the mountain, maybe 10% of the people followed the requirement and no employees enforced it or even reminded people about it. The only thing they enforced was proof of vaccination to dine indoors on the mountain.

The point of this story is that, like Disney, Vail is an expensive vacation destination. The people who wish to spend a few thousand dollars to go on vacation by and large do not want to wear a mask while having fun.

We met two women from Massachusetts in one of the food courts and one of them commented about how strange and how great it was to get used to not wearing a mask and going to crowded places for Après-ski. The other was happy that COVID didn't interrupt her travel plans and said she was somewhat hoping to get infected a few weeks before her winter vacation so she wouldn't have to worry about it (she was vaccinated as that was a requirement of the location we were in).


Premium Member
I was just out in Vail for the past week skiing. I guess the government had just recently dropped the mask mandate. Very few of the businesses at the base of the mountain had a sign that masks were required and I saw many people without masks even in the ones that did. The shop that I rented my equipment from didn't have a sign and not one employee or patron (while I was in there) wore a mask.

There was a requirement to wear a mask indoors and inside the gondola while on the mountain. Of all the gondola rides I took, the only person who wore a mask in our cabin was a ski instructor who, as an employee, has to follow the rules. I met people from all over the country and none of the people even from the deep blue areas cared at all about wearing masks or asking others to do so.

For the indoor locations on the mountain, maybe 10% of the people followed the requirement and no employees enforced it or even reminded people about it. The only thing they enforced was proof of vaccination to dine indoors on the mountain.

The point of this story is that, like Disney, Vail is an expensive vacation destination. The people who wish to spend a few thousand dollars to go on vacation by and large do not want to wear a mask while having fun.

We met two women from Massachusetts in one of the food courts and one of them commented about how strange and how great it was to get used to not wearing a mask and going to crowded places for Après-ski. The other was happy that COVID didn't interrupt her travel plans and said she was somewhat hoping to get infected a few weeks before her winter vacation so she wouldn't have to worry about it (she was vaccinated as that was a requirement of the location we were in).
This is an important point. What the general public thinks about mask mandates at travel destinations is irrelevant, because most people don't travel to begin with. What the general public thinks about masking preschoolers is irrelevant, because most people aren't parents of preschoolers.

Ask *people who travel* how they feel about mask mandates to travel.


Well-Known Member
I think it is timing too. At the height of the pandemic my son had surgery and wasn't tested. When asked why the orthopedic surgeon stated it was not necessary and this very large very well respected hospital system said it was up to the surgeons. A few weeks ago we had to go in for stitches and testing was mandatory to get into ER. Again another red flag in all of this with all of these incontinences piling up.
Maybe they found that they needed to test after not testing


Premium Member
Can all of these personal attacks and politics be taken somewhere else and stop cluttering up a thread that is supposed to be about mask policy at Walt Disney World? These drums have been beaten for close to two years now and do not move anything further forward when they just turn into increasingly aggressive volleys.
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