For what its worth, my wife is on several return to sports committees, and I am very involved in this scene as well. There is several studies on this (I am sure you can easily search for it if you care) that these committees have been aware of (I am assuming most of these studies are available to anybody, but it's possible only those in the know are privy to it). Sports is a higher spreader than most anything else with children it has been noted. My wife's county has been more aggressive in their return to play than most areas, but even they have noted the challenges noted by these studies.
While college and professional sports get a lot of the media when they are shut down, at the high school level to youth level it is a lot more difficult to detect. At the college and professional level testing is required. At these other levels, it is not, and can sometimes almost be difficult to get the information. Regardless, the three school systems we are most involved with have all seen multiple teams from each sport see shut downs due to outbreaks. And this is with sport turnouts at approx 50% turnouts (which means the likelihood of infection is decreased as well) this just reiterates what these studies have found.
Just my two cents, for what its worth, and since it is right down my wheelhouse.