Disney making its theme park food healthier


Well-Known Member
This is good, just as long as they don't completely get rid of the unhealthy things, aka french fries, because some people like to indulge every once in a while. :lookaroun But it is good to have more choices for the kids.


Well-Known Member
I don't need Disney telling me what I should be eating. If I want to eat pizza and french fries, that's my right. I don't mind some healthy additions to the menus for those so inclined to partake of them, but this better not be the elimination of greasy fried foods.


New Member
I'm surprised by all the posts stating "I hope they don't remove french fries" etc. That didn't even cross my mind - there is NO WAY Disney or any other family-oriented fun park is going to eliminate the typical burger/fries combo that is basically a staple at places like that!

Chill people! It's ok! :lol: It sounds like they're just trying to remove the fatty oils, etc that are so unhealthy during the cooking process and adds some healthier options. Profit is still the bottom line.

I'm a vegetarian and still love me some french fries! :D


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I'm surprised by all the posts stating "I hope they don't remove french fries" etc. That didn't even cross my mind - there is NO WAY Disney or any other family-oriented fun park is going to eliminate the typical burger/fries combo that is basically a staple at places like that!

Chill people! It's ok! :lol: It sounds like they're just trying to remove the fatty oils, etc that are so unhealthy during the cooking process and adds some healthier options. Profit is still the bottom line.

I'm a vegetarian and still love me some french fries! :D

I think you're right. They are just talking about adding some healthier options to their menus. Many times I've wished I could get a side salad with my meal rather than fries. I'm very pleased to hear this news. :wave:


New Member
I think having healthier options available for everyone is a great idea. However, to go full swing whacko forced diet on everyone would not be great. The last time I checked, I burn TONS of calories in my daily walks around, through, over and under the parks.

Yeah, but have you noticed the number of big butts and thunder thighs there are around WDW? There are more obese people there than anywhere else I've been. It's THEIR diet that's whacko.
I'm surprised by all the posts stating "I hope they don't remove french fries" etc. That didn't even cross my mind - there is NO WAY Disney or any other family-oriented fun park is going to eliminate the typical burger/fries combo that is basically a staple at places like that!

Chill people! It's ok! :lol: It sounds like they're just trying to remove the fatty oils, etc that are so unhealthy during the cooking process and adds some healthier options. Profit is still the bottom line.

I'm a vegetarian and still love me some french fries! :D

You took the words right out of my mouth!!


New Member
They can refresh the quickserv foods as much as they want but don't alter sit down menus please. Don't alter chefs' recipes because of potential lawsuits from the parents of lazy fat kids.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that they are taking things seriously. I do agree that having the healthier diet forced upon you will take some getting used to and that it seems unfair. It should be that there are plenty of options for guests... However, I am hoping that more people will be aware of the fact that there are a lot of people, like my daughter, who are on special diets, and that this will invariably affect them. (whether positively or negatively remains to be seen...) This year, we found out that the McDonalds fries contain milk, which she is severely allergic to. This has limited her options, since most theme parks and restaurants had been serving their fries. I am hoping that with the increased focus on healthier eating, that the Disney Co. will also take into account the prevelance of food allergies and other dietary restrictions so that all of their guests will have options.

Speaking as a parent, I can say that I have seen kids at the start of a Disney vacation eating less healthy food, but by the middle of the week, they start asking for simpler, healthier choices. Most kids are not eating the same things every day at home, and the appeal of "fun, special" foods begin to wear off.
I hope that healthier food will not equal higher prices. Somehow that just seems wrong to me, that simply prepared foods would cost more. :veryconfu


New Member
I love the idea of offering healthier options, but NOT at the expense of eliminating the unhealthy stuff! I get where they're coming from, but it IS vacation, and sometimes you just want to spend your vacation eating chocolate cake!


Well-Known Member
I dont mind adding some healthy items for people who are watching what they eat but leave the rest for people like me and my family that realize that a week of vacation junk food isnt life threatening and a week or so at the gym when you get home wont cure.I understand that this country as a whole is heavier and more obese as ever but changing someones eating habits for a week isnt going to put a dent in the problem especially as the person goes home and goes back to their eating habits again.
This reminds me of when McDonalds changed to baked apple pies from the origional fried ones which were awsome.They tried to be part of the health food craze but didnt really put a dent in the issue when yes ill get a baked apple pie verses a fried which will only follow my big mac and large fry???
Sure allow people to have more choices for healthier foods but dont offer less choices either.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
To be honest, they could do as much or more good by reducing portion sizes by half. I've never managed to eat a full meal as served at WDW except at buffets. I'm not a small man, 6'3" 250+. If I can survive on significantly less than their standard serving size, so can anyone.

I've been served enough food on one plate to feed myself, my ex and DS. I commented to my ex how ridiculous the serving size was and she calmly nodded toward the next table... Two adults and two tweens that had cleaned their plates and were each ordering separate desserts... Needless to say, they were not exactly "petite" people. That was our first trip in 2001, since then serving sizes seem to have gotten bigger!

Eliminating trans fats and providing healthy, or at least healthier, options is a good start.


New Member
I agree with everyone else, offering healthier options is great as long as they continue to offer the "bad" stuff. I diet for months prior to vacation (so I won't be ashamed to wear a bathing suit) so by the time we go on vacation I am ready to kill for some fries with melted cheese and a dole whip float. The whole point of a vacation for me is to abandon all day to day routines and live-it-up. Besides, my kids won't touch carrots. Last summer we did the dining plan for two weeks and after applesauce with every meal they will never eat it again. It seemed that every restaurant had the same kid's menu. They need a little variety.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I find this interesting.

We just returned from 6 days on the Dining Plan. I was really surprised by the LACK of vegetables at the sit-down restaurants. Salad was NEVER included with the entree, and often the side dish was horribly un-healthy. At Concourse Steak House, my husband got onion rings as his side with the steak. It's hardly a vegetable. At Chefs de France, I had the baked cod. I got a piece of fish on a plate with a 4 slices of zucchini as garnish.

Salads were on the appetizer menu. Typically there was only one, usually nothing that appealed to me (I'm really funny about sweet stuff on salad. Most choices involved fruit with the lettuce). Appetizers were almost always something fried. At Chefs, you could get a tart covered with heavy cream and bacon!!

I am by NO means a health-food fanatic. But after my stay at WDW, I was craving salad and fruit.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people are reading this whole thing wrong. They are changing the kids menus because of the overweight issues of children. They are not going to totally make everybody eat plain veggies for meals. They are just changing how things are prepared and adding healthy options. Right now the standard kids meals at WDW are: Burger, fried chicken strips, PB&J, Mac & Cheese and grilled cheese. I am sure there are others but those are the ones on most menus. None are good for you. PB&J is probably the best one for you and that depends on the PB they are using.

Even at the sit down places, these are the likely kids menu choices. It would be nice if the kids menu had more adult type items, just in kid size. Sounds like that is what they might do. Burgers will still exist, they will just use leaner meat, fried items will still exist, just healthier oil.

I don't think it is a bad thing at all.
I think it is good that they will be offering the healthier menu items in the parks themselves. My daughter doesn't eat alot of the "bad" foods that everyone is mentioning. She eats fries, but rathers applesauce. When we were there last year it was hard to find that in the parks. We ate at the hotel alot so she could get the raisins or the applesauce or some fruit.

We are going back after Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see whats changed.


Active Member
Trans Fats stink

I am especially glad about the ridding of the Trans fatty oils. Sea World did this a number of years ago. Great for Disney to take this initiative as well.

I also have been sick and tired of seeing the quick service restaurants promoting the DOUBLE BACON CHEESEBURGER meal.:hurl: Hopefully this will be challenged as well. Of course this is promoted to maximize money income or for you fancy business people "profits." However, I would like to see health come a bit before profits in the whole market so we have less people getting their ribcages sawed open to fix congestive heart failure and triple bypasses. By the way, that's very expensive, but I digress.


Well-Known Member
As recently reported on Allearsnet.com:

A new generic kids menu has been appearing at all sit down resturants. It seems to combine some healthier items (the Pita Pizza, Just Dip It and Chicken Strips) with some "regular" park fare (hot dog, burger, etc)

Here's the menu:


Pita Pizza - with diced chicken and mozzarella cheese, served with shredded vegetable salad and brown-sugar apples $7.49

Just Dip It - assorted fruits, vegetables, chicken salad and yogurt $7.49

Chicken Strips - served with barbecue sauce, sweet potato sticks, green beans, carrots and yogurt parfait $7.49


The Items available under "Kid's Picks" may vary slightly among restaurants, but all include choice of one appetizer, one entree and one dessert:

Appetizers: Vegetable Salad OR Soup (type of soup varies, e.g. Vegetarian Minestrone; Creamy Tomato; Chicken Noodle)

Entrees: Two selections offered, vary according to restaurant (e.g., Macaroni and Cheese OR Hamburger with Fries; Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza OR Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce; Macaroni and Cheese OR Hot Dog with Fries)

Desserts: Fruit Salad OR Ice Cream


New Member
I've been thinking about this, something has stuck me as a little odd.

There have been posts all over the various Disney boards since the new kids' menu was announced, and the reaction has been 50/50 at best, probably leaning more towards 70% negative.

If Disney has this plan of expanding that "healthier" menu from just the kids to all over, it seems like bad business sense to do so without taking the reactions of the public into consideration. If the new kids' menus had been met with nothing but rave reviews, I can see why they would be confident about proceeding they way the article sounds like it is planned, but since it is more of a 50/50 thing, I can't help but wonder if they'll be reconsidering the plans due to the response they've gotten so far?


Well-Known Member
I think that despite popular opinion, this is the right move to make. Disney, as a company that deals with children, should be combatting obesity and unhealthy practices wherever they can. The company should not allow the opinions of other adults to influence the message they are trying to send. Think of the monster health nuts we can make......eating healthy AND walking 877.9 miles a day at the parks....we'll all have marathon runner kids!

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