I just don't understand. You're paying a massive upcharge to pay more. It's an event obviously tailored to childless millennials, but then they didn't really bring out rare characters to appeal to those childless millennials. Phineas and Ferb and Tiana are more GenZ. P&F also don't fit the vibe of the event at all.
Speaking of not fitting the vibe, to push this Hollywood Glitz and Glam/Roaring 20s aesthetic, the Fab 5 costumes don't represent that aesthetic at all. They look like run of the mill Christmas costumes.
All that said, it's obviously not an event meant for me. The prices are high, the food costs will be high (and don't get me started on the lack of normal Christmas tastes...even the cookies have flavors that aren't mass appeal), and the shows aren't worth all that extra, especially when you can catch a live stream of them.
I have a bad feeling the first two shows will get low ratings and the rest won't sell like they hoped. Then, after a poor reception, it'll be canned next year instead of enhancing it to the level required to make it an appealing Christmas party. So much potential here, but not well thought through.