Disney is going to price us out of the Kingdom..


Well-Known Member
And I was offering my take on the topic. I'm sorry you got triggered

lol, because "opinions" is only one sided. I actually don't mind them complaining because it's an interesting phenomena, Disney is the only place I know where people will complain for 5 years straight and still give the company thousands of dollars. And when you question them about this or you say very logically to stop supporting the practices, they will say "oh but we always have a good time".
I totally admit to not getting it. You come back from vacation, complain endlessly about what was wrong, yet you had a good time??

It's like the last 5 years hasn't convinced them the direction the company is going, yet they still go.


Well-Known Member
lol, because the nonsense about "opinions" is only one sided.
It really is unbelievable. I'm passionate about WDW like the rest of us, otherwise why am I on a forum dedicated to it. But like, people need to stop taking things personally. It is simple. Stop going. I'm not happy my Platinum AP is going up. But guess what? I'm dealing with it because I dont want to give up the benefits. People always have to have a scapegoat for their personal issues.


Premium Member
That IS why Disney exists. Walt Disney would have ran it into bankruptcy pretty quickly.

History proved you wrong.

If your corporate mission is ''make money' and you are anything but a bank or investment firm... you are going to compromise your product or service. That's just the numbers working against you.

Many know that if you excel and be diligent... you can have your financials sound without making that your goal.


Premium Member
then he should have kept his company private and not issued stock. what he started to do is dead along with him.

Doesn't have to be that way. Not sure why everyone keeps insisting on that. Disney could switch to a stable dividend stock and return value that way.

What "killed" things was when investing stopped being about returns and become about profiting on stock movement.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't have to be that way. Not sure why everyone keeps insisting on that. Disney could switch to a stable dividend stock and return value that way.

What "killed" things was when investing stopped being about returns and become about profiting on stock movement.
No it doesn't "have" to be that way but it is that way. I don't deal in make believe (at least not when spending my very hard earned money). I look at the product as it is today, what is being offered TODAY. Yes Disney could do that, Yes Disney could build another gate, Yes, Disney could build something besides IP, Disney could lower it's prices and still make a profit.

I don't spend my money on "ifa, woulda, coulda" . that is just me.

Is the Disney company going to stop concentrating on stockholder satisfaction and start worrying about customer loyalty? No. flat out No they are not. does it have to be that way?? not it does not. Does acknowledging that somehow change the facts? get me a discount? get rid of the fees? lower the price?

So ok, I absolutely agree with you. in a perfect world Disney would and could be just as it was in 1975. Yes the current ap increase was pure greed, yes the parking fees are money grubbing. Yes, Disney should be affordable to the middle class. I feel soooo much better now. 🤣
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Premium Member
No it doesn't "have" to be that way but it is that way.

No people are using absolutes as a way to justify one outcome as the only valid one. That is simply not true. Being passive to the changes and being ok with them (as you advocate) does not make that path the only valid one for the company.

Do not cross your "you can't do anything about it..." mindset with the actual rules of the game.

So when people come up with "this is how it has to be..." they will continue to get countered that they are wrong. It's a choice, not a requirement.


New Member
Aside from the fact that is not the only solution, raising prices is not a sustainable course. Circumstances and economics will change. Continuous increases could lead to harm that is either irreparable or very expensive for them to undo. How could they afford to go significantly backwards in pricing at this point without getting pulverized by shareholders? Plus, you can only go to the nickel and dime well so many times. That resource is finite. If that is the only trick in their bag, they are in trouble.

Even if circumstances don't substantially change, those who can still afford to go will have higher expectations. Disney will have to continue to spend more and more money to top itself in order to show that people are still getting value. They would get to a point where they can no longer do so; at which point the house of cards will collapse.

The company was very short sighted in the 2000s. Strategic planners should've foreseen that the Disney Renaissance in the 90s would've led to an explosion in popularity once all those fans of Little Mermaid and Toy Story became adults with discretionary income and children. Some of today's issues could've been avoided.
I agree! Disney is on that slippery slope with all the price increases. Being a dvc,passholder, as well as stockholder, I worry about the fact
That Disney is trying to thin out the herd. So to speak. Not a smart move to put all their eggs in one basket on this. Bob Iger said he would continue to increase prices to control crowds! I understand this is a for profit business, but biting the hands that feed you (66 million dollar bonus) is simple greed!! And not a smart business decision!

Da Bird is Da Word

Active Member
I’m going to Disney for the first time in 12 years this September with my girlfriend who’s never been. I really have no business affording our trip as it is, but I threw my tax return at this vacation and worked TONS of overtime just to make it happen lol. I was strongly considering getting annual passes and then saw that they raised the price form $800 for a platinum pass to $1120! I still had access to the $800 tickets via TicketsAtWork (my employee discount website) so I went ahead and pulled the trigger and upgraded our 7 day park hopper tix :) We’re gonna go to Disney a ton this year to make up for the fact that we probably won’t be able to afford it again for a while thereafter.


Well-Known Member
No people are using absolutes as a way to justify one outcome as the only valid one. That is simply not true. Being passive to the changes and being ok with them (as you advocate) does not make that path the only valid one for the company.

Do not cross your "you can't do anything about it..." mindset with the actual rules of the game.

So when people come up with "this is how it has to be..." they will continue to get countered that they are wrong. It's a choice, not a requirement.
Actually I'm the least passive about the changes. If the changes were a problem for me I would simple NOT go. Currently my family love the world and have absolutely no issue with what they charge. We get our money's worth.
Imo that's more effective than whining about it
When I don't go, that's me "doing something" a lot more effective.
The game is about money than the easiest way to change the game...change the money.

Now I'm not sure what you mean by "absolutes",. As I've said before the only absolute I use is the current information. The current info that I'm reading is Disney is going to continue on it's current business course, I could be totally wrong time will tell, maybe you have better intelligence, don't know.

Now evidently you see other effective options, I wish you luck with that. My option is to never waste my money. When I feel that is happening at the world, my dvc will be up for sale

Different strokes for different folks
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Well-Known Member
Just because you do not have an issue with WDW current does not mean that an issue does not exist.
This thread is all about people voicing their opinion that WDW has gone over board with pricing and fees - - - unless you live under a rock - - this is a valid argument.

It does in this case (and I don't live under a rock). There is no such thing as "over board" with pricing of a luxury good so long as it sells. It is all based on demand.

The problem is that lots of people don't understand that their inability to afford a luxury good or service is not really an issue. :rolleyes:

No one ever said that WDW owes them something or that everyone should be able to go -

Maybe not in this thread, but in one of the dozens of others on this same topic, they have said it. Understand that is the logic of many folks, and the whole confusion every time this topic comes up makes more sense.

We think our favourite place has started to go in another money grubbing direction. The past 5 years have been record setting profits for DIS Parks, yet park hours are cut, staff is cut, more add ons are created. Something just doesn't feel right in the Orlando swamps.

Something feels wonderful in the swamps! Have you seen the giant writhing masses of people that pile into the parks every single day? If thing were not right, there would be less demand.

Money grubbing? That may be an issue I guess, but it is far far secondary to simple demand overwhelming supply. Folks need to understand that what is more likely happening is WDW is trying to control demand with price. It works out great for WDW, but it is not money grubbing, it is crowd control.

And they need to do it because there are lots of big-spenders that avoid the parks in their current mob state. I spare no expense when I go. I could care less if a water is $5 and a meal for 4 is $250. Chump vacation change to me. But you know what I won't do? I won't be pressed up against stinky Joe and smelly Sally on an overcrowded bus every single time I ride. I won't wait in line for an hour for a 4 minute ride. I won't eat standing up because there is not a table anywhere. I have not been back in years because of this (with an $8000+ loss to WDW every time I go someplace else). I would love to return, but the only way I see WDW can fix this is jacking up prices. Way up. At some higher price point, the crowds will break, and WDW can maximize profits. They can have a nice high market priced ticket AND they can get their big spenders back that don't dig the mob scene. Everybody wins!

Well, except for people that cannot afford a luxury service priced at market rates. But that, that is a societal issue. Has nothing to do with WDW. It is a valid topic of discussion, but not Disney related really.


Premium Member
The problem is that lots of people don't understand that their inability to afford a luxury good or service is not really an issue. :rolleyes:

Maybe not in this thread, but in one of the dozens of others on this same topic, they have said it. Understand that is the logic of many folks, and the whole confusion every time this topic comes up makes more sense.

Your counter point fails to address and acknowledge these people are existing customers. Not random people wishing they were in the inside.. but existing customers who are being squeezed out. This is not outsiders looking in as you suggest. This is people getting pushed out.

Folks need to understand that what is more likely happening is WDW is trying to control demand with price. It works out great for WDW, but it is not money grubbing, it is crowd control.

Well then they suck at it right? By your own claim... people are pouring in and Disney has been raging on prices for over 7 years.

Your ideal of a jacked up prices and all “money keeps out the riff raf” crowds isn’t going to happen. Wdw is a product built upon economies of scale. Take away the scale... and it’s not going to have enough entropy to keep going.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Aspirational vs realistic. Is it on the tick, out of savings, or out of petty cash. No matter what hysterics are bandied about as cover or bluster that's what this boils down to.

You either can afford it over time (credit card types), save for it over time, you just pay for it out of pocket, or you can't .

To Mr Flynninbus' thesis, once you've paid and no longer have a contractual obligation you're a former customer.

Want to thank anyone? Thank the globalists who brought you inexpensive electronics, clothing, and technical support but at the cost of the corresponding jobs in the US. Economies change


Well-Known Member
It does in this case (and I don't live under a rock). There is no such thing as "over board" with pricing of a luxury good so long as it sells. It is all based on demand.

The problem is that lots of people don't understand that their inability to afford a luxury good or service is not really an issue. :rolleyes:

Maybe not in this thread, but in one of the dozens of others on this same topic, they have said it. Understand that is the logic of many folks, and the whole confusion every time this topic comes up makes more sense.

Something feels wonderful in the swamps! Have you seen the giant writhing masses of people that pile into the parks every single day? If thing were not right, there would be less demand.

Money grubbing? That may be an issue I guess, but it is far far secondary to simple demand overwhelming supply. Folks need to understand that what is more likely happening is WDW is trying to control demand with price. It works out great for WDW, but it is not money grubbing, it is crowd control.

And they need to do it because there are lots of big-spenders that avoid the parks in their current mob state. I spare no expense when I go. I could care less if a water is $5 and a meal for 4 is $250. Chump vacation change to me. But you know what I won't do? I won't be pressed up against stinky Joe and smelly Sally on an overcrowded bus every single time I ride. I won't wait in line for an hour for a 4 minute ride. I won't eat standing up because there is not a table anywhere. I have not been back in years because of this (with an $8000+ loss to WDW every time I go someplace else). I would love to return, but the only way I see WDW can fix this is jacking up prices. Way up. At some higher price point, the crowds will break, and WDW can maximize profits. They can have a nice high market priced ticket AND they can get their big spenders back that don't dig the mob scene. Everybody wins!

Well, except for people that cannot afford a luxury service priced at market rates. But that, that is a societal issue. Has nothing to do with WDW. It is a valid topic of discussion, but not Disney related really.
So............you feel that WDW is pricing people out?
There is a lot going on in your thread.

Whatever the reason WDW is loosing customers by cranking prices and using crowd control as a scape goat.


Well-Known Member
So............you feel that WDW is pricing people out?
There is a lot going on in your thread.

Whatever the reason WDW is loosing customers by cranking prices and using crowd control as a scape goat.
They are not losing customers, they are losing repeat business. We’re going in November and probably will spend $8-9K. Because the trip is so complicated to plan and expensive, I will probably not be a repeat customer. But, there will be plenty of families like me afterwards.

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