Disney Guilt?


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Hello guys.

Let me first say I love this board and while I'm not really that well known here to anyone, I hope to make some real friends here!

My question is do any of you ever feel guilt about going to or wanting to go to disneyworld/land? Right now I need to be planning my wedding but all I can think about is disneyworld and going there with my finace. I've even started a "disneyfund" which is just an envelope where I'm putting money weekly.. but I feel bad because I should probably be saving for our honeymoon/wedding instead.

Do any of you ever feel like "I should probably be spending this trip money on something else"?

Also, how do you deal with people who aren't into disney as much as you and try to make you feel bad? My boyfriend teases me a bit here and there about my love for disney, but he's good at not being mean about it.. and thankfully my family (mom, dad, and sister) love disney as much as I do.. but I know my boyfriends family might think it's weird if we decide to get married at disney world (which is still a real possibility). I guess I just shouldn't care what anyone thinks right?

thanks everyone... I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! :wave:


New Member
I TOTALLY FEEL the same way! I am planning a wedding and about to start at a new college as a junior! The school I am going to is a private school... so this is gonna kill my Disney fund! :(


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yeah... my disney mania is pretty bad right now. I even watch the vacation planning videos while I'm working out! :lol:


New Member
Luna- Congrats on your engagement! Get married at DISNEY!!!!. Your wedding should be a day that is special and that you want to remember. Have fun. I am a event sales manager in Atlanta and plan weddings all the time. I can not think of a better why than a disney wedding. Who cares what your in laws think- it's your day not theres!!! Besides you will get over your guilt when the money are are saving is going towards your wedding/honeymoon/disney vacation...kill three birds with one stone. Sounds good to me. When are you getting married?


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I'd like to get married in disney but my family all lives in texas (I have a huge family!) and no one would be able to go except my immediate family.. and my fiance's family all lives here in New York. It would have to be a small wedding (which would be all we could afford!) My mom tells me if I want to do it in disney, we'll just later have a big party in texas, but I don't know.

We don't have a date set yet but we're thinking next September/October.

thanks for the congratulations!


We went to disneyland/Hawaii on our honeymoon, And throughout the whole wedding planning process we only talked about the honeymoon (mostly Disneyland since we are Disneyworld DVC members), so dont feel bad.


Active Member
There is nothing to feel guilty about.
My wife and I honeymooned at WDW back in August of 1987 during their 15th anniversary celebration. As we were dating our own mutual love for Disney became more appearent to each other. Unlike a lot of our friends and family I had been to WDW once as a child and my wife had recently been to DL and WDW after her HS graduation. As a child my first and only experience was unbelivabley magical and I dreamed about the place all the time and it hurt not being able to return. At the time I was visiting my Uncle who was stationed at the US Airforce base in Tampa, and he took me to the newly built Magic Kingdom as a belated Christmas present, my grandparents gave me the plane tickets. My poor brothers and sister had to stay home. While just dating, my wife and I had decided to go on a trip there to experience the magic together, we planned and booked the trip about a year ahead. About a month later we decided to get married and we set the date just before our already planned trip. I suppose you can't really call it "guilt" but people kinda looked at us funny when we told them where we we going for our honeymoon. Back then you didn't hear about people going to WDW for honeymoons, Mexico, Hawaii and the Carribean were the hotspots. WDW really wasn't considered romantic, even though my wife and I thought it was.
I say do it, if it's something you want you'll never regret it the rest of your life. Good luck and I hope you're as happy as my wife and I are, going on 20 years and still in love with each other! It can be done!;)


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oh my gosh JustPlainBill, thank you so much! what a sweet thing to say!

I really didn't intend for this thread to turn into a discussion about me and my wedding! lol. I was really wondering more if people in general feel guilty about spending money going to disney and think about other things they could spend it on.


New Member
I work hard for my money, so I want the most bang for my buck that I can get. WDW fits the bill perfectly, so what's their to feel guilty of ?

Anyone that tells you money can't buy happiness, never spent it at Walt Disney World !!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
So your boyfriend teases you about your love of Disney, huh? Better think twice before marrying him. :lol: JK, of course. Just make him a fan of Disney, too. :king:

As for the wedding, only spend as much as you have to have a nice wedding. Spend what you save on a honeymoon to WDW. That's what I did. It was my wife's first trip there and we've been six times since. She's hooked! See, it works! :D


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the engagement!!! That is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! As far as getting married at Disney, that is absolutely a world class place to have it. There was a show a while ago I believe on the food network showing some weddings planned at Disney. If you can get your hands on a copy watch it, then tell me how babyish that is. If I ever manage to meet my Prince Charming, I Am sure that is where I would want my wedding to be!!!! My first wedding was in the NY City tri state area as that is where all of my friends and family were located. Other than that, OH YEAH!!!!!!!!
As far as feeling guilty for any of my trips....................um no not even the slightest twinge!!!! Belle

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Not to get all Dr. Phil-esque on you, but you should only feel guilty if you're thinking about your trip to WDW as a way to NOT think about your wedding day.

But if that's not the case, and if you're getting done everything else you gotta do, fantasize however you wish. If I were your fiancee, I'd probably be relieved if your fantasy time was spent thinking about going to WDW with me rather than old boyfriends or your bachelorette party strippers.


Luna, congrats on the engagement. I too feel a little guilty, because there are always things that could be done rather than going to WDW. Luckily, it passes. And I do get the occasional question "Aren't you tired of Disney yet?" to which I give the only answer, "No!" It's just too much fun, always something new, and a complete escape from everything.


New Member
Hello guys.

Let me first say I love this board and while I'm not really that well known here to anyone, I hope to make some real friends here!

My question is do any of you ever feel guilt about going to or wanting to go to disneyworld/land? Right now I need to be planning my wedding but all I can think about is disneyworld and going there with my finace. I've even started a "disneyfund" which is just an envelope where I'm putting money weekly.. but I feel bad because I should probably be saving for our honeymoon/wedding instead.

Do any of you ever feel like "I should probably be spending this trip money on something else"?

Also, how do you deal with people who aren't into disney as much as you and try to make you feel bad? My boyfriend teases me a bit here and there about my love for disney, but he's good at not being mean about it.. and thankfully my family (mom, dad, and sister) love disney as much as I do.. but I know my boyfriends family might think it's weird if we decide to get married at disney world (which is still a real possibility). I guess I just shouldn't care what anyone thinks right?

thanks everyone... I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! :wave:

Hi, Luna!!!!
If there's something I love about these forums is that there always people who feel like me, and understand my disney-mania! Well, I feel exactly like you! Here in Brazil, there are very few Disney freaks like me, and the ones who like Disney are not crazy enough to spend all their money in a WDW trip. Every year, I get a bank loan to pay for my trip. And yeah, I feel guilty sometimes, when there's something else to pay for, but I still decide to spend my money with Disney. My ex-husband used to hate it, and we often argued about that. Well, now that I'm single, I'm looking for a boyfriend who's a Disney freak like me!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
First off let me just say that I was from Syracuse NY and now live in Texas (I saw from your location that you are in Syracuse and you said your family lives in Texas- I just find that funny...)

Second, I don't feel too guilty about spending my money going to Disney because it's a investment in great memories in my opinion. I mean, how many people have pictures of the whole family standing in Canada, then another right after that in Paris or Morocco?

My DH and I spent our honeymoon in Disney and he realized at that point how much of a Disney nut I was (he knew I loved Disney before that, but after our honeymoon it was worse) He has become more of a Disney nut that I am now....The only place he ever thinks of going for a vacation is Disney and I hear myself saying- "Can't we go to Ireland yet??":lol:
Then he says that maybe someday they will put an Ireland Pavilion in at Epcot so that trip would be taken care of.

Anyway, no, we don't feel guilty about going to Disney and we used to have people look at us like we were crazy for going so much, but some of those people have gone with us (my parents being some of them) and now they realize what makes Disney so special to us. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Aurora, It isnt Ireland but have you checked out Raglan Road as of yet?? It is the new Irish Pub in Downtown Disney!!!!! It is AWESOME. I love the food and the entertainment ( A live band called Tuskar Rock) Definitely well worth a visit!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Hey Aurora, It isnt Ireland but have you checked out Raglan Road as of yet?? It is the new Irish Pub in Downtown Disney!!!!! It is AWESOME. I love the food and the entertainment ( A live band called Tuskar Rock) Definitely well worth a visit!!!! Belle
I have been there at least 12 times now. LOL....Every trip to Disney I have to spend at least 2 nights there listening to the band and everything. I love it there and it just reinforces my dream of going to Ireland someday. :D


Well-Known Member
Im surprised I havent run into you yet!!!!! We are friendly with the band at this point as Mark from Off Kilter used to play with them and he was kind enough to do some quick introductions for our group!!!! And of course this just shows what great taste you have!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
I don't feel guilty at all about spending $$$ to go to Disney. That's what I have a vacation club for and that's where I hide any "found" money that comes my way, i.e., birthdays, Christmas, mileage expense checks, etc. When I have enough put away, we go!!

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