I really don't feel like there is even a case here...however, if you think about it for a moment, they lost a 4 year old child. He's gone, forever, never coming back. I have a 2 year old sister, and I don't know what I'd do if she up and died in 2 years. Sure, this family doesn't legally have a case, but at the same time, they've payed the ultimate price already. In our culture, we equate sueing with a ligitamate solution, and if a chunk of change is what it's going to take for this family to move on from this awful situation, well, it's not as if Disney can't afford it. If this were a case of, "Oh look, little Timmy didn't keep his arm inside the vehicle and he lost a couple of fingers", then I'd say take a hike. But a human life was lost, and a child's life at that, so I say, give the family a break. Sure, money isn't going to a replace the child, but being able to live more comfortably isn't going to hurt the process...