Disney Dining Experience?


Yesterday I called to plan my trip in February and the person who helped me suggested I check out Disney Dining Experience (since we typically drop $100+ a day on food and ). I did check it out and I see it's for Florida Residents Only! She knew I was from Maine so why did she suggest that? Do they rarely ask to see your Florida ID? ;)

If I can't do the Dining Experience is there some other way to save on these meals (discount club or meal deals?).

This may fire some people up .. BUT...
I'm continually amazed to see all the "stuff" Florida residents get from Disney! Disney and people like me pump MILLIONS if not BILLIONS into the Florida economy every year yet the people who benefit the most from our spending seem to get al the deals :brick: Maybe I will bring my father along (Florida resident) so we can save $1,000.00 or more :hammer:


New Member
I used to be a Florida resident and yes they will check your i.d. for things like this and annual passes too. Maybe they were talking about some other special? Anyway, they offer the resident "deals" to boost business. There are seasons that are typically slow for tourists and would be really slow without the locals.
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Well-Known Member
hbrady77 said:
This may fire some people up .. BUT...
I'm continually amazed to see all the "stuff" Florida residents get from Disney! Disney and people like me pump MILLIONS if not BILLIONS into the Florida economy every year yet the people who benefit the most from our spending seem to get al the deals :brick

Think about it for a minute. If you ran a business where you had millions of international vistors going, do you need to offer them "incentives" all the time?

But for the people who have Disney in their backyard and don't feel the need to go all the time (people tend to ignore what is immedaitely around them), this gives locals an INCENTIVE to spend more money at the restuarants. Locals spend FAR LESS per person than a people on vacation.

Disney knows this and therefore will cater certain things to Florida residents. I also think it is a nice thing they do, as us locals LIVE with Disney every day of our lives. They are a huge part of the economy and active member of the community.

If you lived in Florida and didn't receive any "special offers" than the Joe Schmoe, I'm sure you would feel slighted in thinking, "hey I live in the same area as Disney, why don't they do something nice for the residents".

Besides, Disney has so many different discounts, offers, special promotions for everyone, whether they live in Florida or not, I find it hard to complain.

:D :D :D
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Naturally Grumpy
Life isn't fair...

It continues to amaze me that people are so concerned about someone else getting something they don't. These incentives have been around a long time in Florida and in California. Kevin Page nicely presented the economics of it.

You and I would go once a year or two or three, Kevin and Rob and Grizz and others visit monthly if not weekly. If it were your park, who would you make special overtures to.

Next we can talk about how unfair out of state tuition is. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
ClemsonTigger said:
It continues to amaze me that people are so concerned about someone else getting something they don't. These incentives have been around a long time in Florida and in California. Kevin Page nicely presented the economics of it.

Flattery will get you everywhere :D

ClemsonTigger said:
Next we can talk about how unfair out of state tuition is. :rolleyes:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Well-Known Member
hbrady77 said:
I knew that comment would get me in trouble :goodnevil

You're not in trouble. I understand it is frustrating sometimes when you KNOW of discounts and you can't use them or they don't apply. I went through the same thing before living here. It happens in every aspect of life, not just Disney. :D

Feel free to speak you mind. :D
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Original Poster
Corrus said:
You're not going to be in any trouble...
There is an easy fix...
Move, and become a fellow floridian :D :D :D

HAH!!! I would have YEARS AGO if my wife did not have her feet firmly planted in Maine (Big Italian family... if I took her away I would not live long :lol: ) I'd love to live on the west coast of FLA.
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Tim G

Well-Known Member
The Official Reputation Posse, is very proud to announce

that KevinPage now officially is installed as Deputy of the Official Reputation Posse.
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Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
The Official Reputation Posse, is very proud to announce

that KevinPage now officially is installed as Deputy of the Official Reputation Posse.

WooHoo, now I can really flex my power and authority around here. Signature changed :lol:
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Naturally Grumpy
You'll have to do more than that!

hbrady77 said:
I knew that comment would get me in trouble :goodnevil

Naa, you just need to remember that I/we might respond harshly to a comment, but it is not the same as being upset with the poster. When you see them, the commentary takes a very different, a, tact.

It also touches on one of my pet peeves (in the park complaint category).

Your comments are interesting and I guarantee you that for every one posted, a lot of others think the same.

Don't sweat the small stuff, and most of it is small stuff... ;)
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New Member
Disney Dining Experience

Hi, I'm not sure if you have received any additional information about the DDE, but wee just returned from Disney. Our DDE was not mailed in time, so we picked up a temporary at Guest Relations at Epcot. As I understand it, the DDE is available to FL residents, or to Annual Pass holders, however, when I ordered our DDE, I was not asked for the AP number. As I mentioned, we jsut returned from Disney, and for a party of two, we have already recouped the cost of the DDE after our first visit.
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New Member
Huh, I didn't know that it was for FL residents only.. interesting...

I find that depending on how many people are in your party, you can really save a lot of money in certain ways.

My husband and I are people who ALWAYS eat breakfast, but usually something light. So instead of going to the food court and dropping $20-$25 on nothing, we went to grocery store and kept Nutragrain bars, and cereal bars, etc.. in our rooms to just grab on the go to the bus stops.
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Ms Brer Rabbit

New Member
DDE is not just for AP holders but we do get a reduced price and it is not just for Florida residents any longer. We've had ours since last July, used it on a few trips, and have saved hundreds of dollars...it's a great deal.
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