Yeah, screw the local Annual Passholders like me who are too "cheap" to stay at a resort because we don't
NEED a bloody hotel, right!
I am so sick of the idea that
(my sarcasm isn't directed at you personally - I just hate the idea of YET ANOTHER THING where locals who moved there precisely to be "closer to the Magic" could get left out of the loop and get LESS Magic because they live there.
If Disney took my free Fastpass priveledges away after all these years, and yet they would still be free ONLY for their oh so precious "resort guests", I would seriously consider not renewing my AP! I have not complained once in this thread about the idea of people being allowed to pay for unlimited FPs, but that was under the assumption the system as it is now would still be available to everyone else.
I wish WDW had an Al Lutz type figure for the local APs to rally around!