Well-Known Member
I guess that's the best we could hope for at this point. I still doubt we'll see that much Norwegian influence in the ride. Frozen all the way. "The ride, which will replace Maelstrom, promises to take guests through the fictional landscape of Arendelle and right into scenes and songs from the movie." Doesn't give me much hope. Not at all.
True, but then that press release should not have been taken to heart so much either, its vague and was somewhat sloppily thrown out there in my opinion. Hopefully the Imagineering team isnt as shallow and knows what they are doing, even if Staggs doesnt so much, which doesn't surprise me. I was told the Imagineers understand the "Norwegian" need. So yeah all we can do is hope it turns out that way, till we see some concept art or something. Theres just nothing much to go on right now but I liked that picture showing whats in Cali.