Pure an simple for Disney. Corporate greed. But let's be honest, they are a for profit company, and that is how things are and it is understandable they want to maximize profit. But at times, I believe some people's motivations are more than just making money, it is about flat out greed.
Norway has every right to tell Disney to pound sand. Why should Norway do all the work, then Disney come along and fiddle with it?
I have a story about this third party nonsense. When I was doing wedding videos, a couple contacted me, then decided "Uncle Bob" would shoot the video because he would do it for free. Now I am not that expensive I did three locations for a total of $750 because I loved the work. But they went with their family member instead who had a minicam. No sweat, I booked for that weekend anyway a week after they contacted me. But a few weeks after their wedding they contacted me and asked if I would edit the video because they were not happy with it. I refused because I did not take the video, AND because I did not want my name on a shoddy product.
I did another wedding video for a friend, they wanted the original tapes. I refused, because the contract states I never give up originals, period. No photographer does. And again, I did not want someone butchering my work and having it come back on me, whatever their good intentions were.
Now if you were Norway, would you have given this product over so Disney could butcher it up, and potentially give people the wrong idea about your entire country? I am not saying Disney would have done this, but the potential is there.