Disney College Program.


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I am a senior in high school, and yesterday I was visiting the college that I plan to attend next year when I saw a sign that said "Disney Recruiters here today..." I was interested to say the least. I missed the presentation but the woman gave me several pamphlets and gave me an insight of what the program is: she said that basicly when you get out of college for the summer they will fly you down to florida where you will attend FREE classes in whatever interests you. Not only that you get to work for the disney theme parks in florida...

so here is my question: is anybody in the program right now, or has anyone taken it in the past, and if so how did you like it?


New Member
DONT DO IT! I am a junior in highschool right now I looked into some Florida schools like FULLSAIL and on my search I saw the program as well, I got some input on it and it doesnt sound safe at all and its a total rip off ive personally met 2 people who have done it and they are working in resturants now after the program. Anyways the rent is extremely high and you are packed in rooms with loads of people personally I love Disney but I dont trust that program at all! If I were you look into a different state realestates extemely high in Florida.


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disney.co.nr said:
thank you guys very much for your information so far I still dont know yet...:wave:
Come on dude its not the right choice, I thought it would be cool too but its not worth it. Its cool but its going to be more stress then you ever would have imagined. If you wanna do it go ahead, but personally no offense to Disney I love Disney but I think that programs used to trick students, its to lurer students into working for Disney.


Well-Known Member
I think you should do it. The CP is a blast!!! I had so much fun doing it. In fact, after I graduate, I am moving down to work for Disney full time. I don't know why she told you that, but the CP doesn't fly you down, and it's not just for the summer. But all the info for the CP is at www.wdwcollegeprogram.com. Good luck!


New Member
Videoteck said:
Come on dude its not the right choice, I thought it would be cool too but its not worth it. Its cool but its going to be more stress then you ever would have imagined. If you wanna do it go ahead, but personally no offense to Disney I love Disney but I think that programs used to trick students, its to lurer students into working for Disney.

Okay, Videoteck, if you're a junior in high school and obviously haven't done it, so how would you know it's not worth it? I did the program in Spring 2004 and had a great time. And honestly, most people tend to agree with me, hence the reason why the program is so popular. Sure, it has some bad points, but don't most things. But overall the program is great. Working at Disney, living with some crazy and fun people, meeting people who will easily become some of the best friends you've ever had, as well as being able to take classes if you want. So don't knock it until you try it.

To the OP, Disney does not fly you down there. Getting there is all up to you. It also usually isn't a summer program, only for alumni and a few roles (quick serve food and bev and custodial - and that's this summer). The internships are either 5 or 7 months, depending on which length you prefer.

As like everyone else said, definitley check out the website. Since you're still in high school, you have tons of time to decide if the program is for you and if it will help you in the future. I'm a campus rep for my school, as are a bunch of people on the boards, so feel free to PM me with any questions!


New Member
Definitely Look into it!

I am a senior in college and I did the CP Sping 2004. I absolutely had the TIME of my LIFE! I have gone down there the past winter and two summers, and the people I have met down there are still some of my best friends. I would def. look into it and see if it is something you would be interested. Go to the website listed above, you will learn a lot about the program there. Good luck! :wave:


New Member
Wow, I agree completely egionet. How can you possible say it sounds horrible if you've never done the program?! Such harsh words for a high schooler. The people that hate it here are those who thought it was going to be a semester off school and party. You work hard but you play hard too!

I've completed one program and I'm on my second currently. I absolutely love it down here. You don't live with massive amounts of people. In one apartment, you can have 2, 4, 6 or 8 people. The rent for a 6 person at the nicer of the complexes is $71 a week. Not expensive by any means.

I love the program so much, after this one is done, I should be going part or full time for year to establish residency in FL before finishing school.


New Member
JerMerBear said:
Wow, I agree completely egionet. How can you possible say it sounds horrible if you've never done the program?! Such harsh words for a high schooler. The people that hate it here are those who thought it was going to be a semester off school and party. You work hard but you play hard too!

I've completed one program and I'm on my second currently. I absolutely love it down here. You don't live with massive amounts of people. In one apartment, you can have 2, 4, 6 or 8 people. The rent for a 6 person at the nicer of the complexes is $71 a week. Not expensive by any means.

I love the program so much, after this one is done, I should be going part or full time for year to establish residency in FL before finishing school.

Really only $71 a week wow I must have been told wrong then that is cheap, how are the apartments? Maybe ill check into it more. Can you attend a different college and do the program at the same time?


New Member
Videoteck said:
Really only $71 a week wow I must have been told wrong then that is cheap, how are the apartments? Maybe ill check into it more. Can you attend a different college and do the program at the same time?

I'm not sure if I should say anything because I haven't been a cast member yet, but I applied and my presentation is next week... anyway.

On the web site, they have pictures of the apartments and they are gorgeous! There is a huge pool outside as well, and things like tennis courts and basketball courts too.

The $71 are taken out of your paycheck as well, so you don't have to worry about paying for the rent. BUT you and three of your friends or family members get a free admission to parks and you get discounts in all the shops too!

I don't think you can attend college and do this program at the same time. Cast Members work full time, 40 hours a week, on holidays and weekends.. I think you get some days off though. So there is really no time for real college, but there are some classes you can take. I think the maximum is two, but you get credit for them at your college.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Yeah I'm not sure why she told you they fly you down there. You have to find your own transportation to get down there. There are about 8 classes that they offer. I guess this summer there starting to do a summer program again (not just for alumni), but the roles are limited to quick-service food and beverage and custodial for the summer. I would suggest doing the 5 or 8 month one anyway. I had a blast, and the summer definitely would not have been long enough, ofcourse you have to miss school for those ones though. And ofcourse, you can always extend your program if you go for the summer one and want to stay longer.

I agree with the person who said that the people who don't like it are the people who went down thinking it was going to be a big vacation. You work long and hard hours sometimes. During easter week I worked 67 hours that week and I knew people who worked more, but you there is time to play too. I actually got less hours in the summer because we had so many seasonal and international programmers working at my location.

During my program, my housing at Chatham for a 2 bedroom apartment was $71 a week, I think they've raised the rent a little, but they also raised the pay a little so I guess it works out. Feel free to ask if you have questions, I'm sure someone who is a campus rep could answer some of your questions better, but I've been through it before and am going back this summer so I like answering questions.


New Member
So basically if your missing some credits you might be able to get them through Disney, thats kinda a thing to fall back on I kinda like that. Or just if you wanna go in get some extra credits sounds good.


New Member
That was really rude of you, Videoteck. You're a junior in high school- you know nothing about the CP. There are a lot of CP alums on this site- saying what you have is (and was) going to get you flamed.

Now my 2 cents:
I did my first program in spring 2003 as entertainment. I went back for an alumni program last summer, and I'm doing another one this summer. It's more fun than you could EVER imagine. But don't go with expectations, or else you may not have as much fun as you thought you would.
You have to provide your own transportation down there, btw. And don't look into doing the WDWCP when you're still in high school. If you want to take some time off between high school and college, there's another program for that- Career Start. But I WILL say that it may behoove you to do the program earlier in your college career than later.


New Member
robynchic said:
I did my first program in spring 2003 as entertainment. I went back for an alumni program last summer, and I'm doing another one this summer.

:wave: See ya down there, im going for my first Fall Advantage in May, cant wait, I've already been accepted into Operations (see my sig lol).



I was on the College Program in the summer of 1990 and I am still reaping the benefits. Not only was it lots of fun, but it led to full time employment at WDW. I left there in 1997, but having Disney on my resume has opened up many doors.

I'm sure there have been changes since my time there, but I would think that it would still be a great opportunity for anyone who likes Disney World and wants to gain some really valuable experience.

On the negative side, I came home with maybe $20 after that summer and I did have to share an apartment with 5 other guys. But I didn't care. I worked there again the following summer and then went back after I graduated.

Good times! :)


Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
So basically if your missing some credits you might be able to get them through Disney, thats kinda a thing to fall back on I kinda like that. Or just if you wanna go in get some extra credits sounds good.
Well you would have to check with your college. Not all colleges give credits. I got 3 just for going down there, I think I would've gotten more if I took some classes but I didn't. A lot of people I knew didn't get any even if they took classes, and a couple people I met actually got 15! So you'd have to check with your college on that when you get to college.


New Member
Videoteck said:
So some people just go down there to get some experince with the real world or something? I am kinda confused.

Sure, that's what an internship is. It's real world experience in the field you are studying. And although you may not want to run an attraction or sell merchandise for your entire life, completing the program opens the door to many other opportunities within the company. You could get a full time job and work up to management, do a management internship, or a professional internship. Those will get you into positions in casting, guest relations, communications, and a lot more.

So regardless of whether or not you take classes or even get credit for the program at your college, it's a great way to jump into the real world. Plus writing that you worked for the Walt Disney World Resort on your resume looks fantastic. It's a great opportunity as well as being tons of fun!


New Member
Cool maybe...maybe ill think about doing it next year if not next year the following year. I was thinking of going to school in Washington next year but I really dont think I am ready for that, so maybe ill do the program first.

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