And unfortunately, that's what gives them the runway to continue lowering standards and raising prices.
It'll have to be well past the point of " it's now worse and way more expensive than" before enough people are willing to step away, though and there will still be people that insist that everything that isn't Disney "is just not Disney" or fall back on the "I just feel a certain way when I'm there" to justify to themselves and others why it is still worth their money and their time, even then - those are just not reasonable or logical positions so there is no reasoning with that argument.*
I guess it's like the saying goes "all good things..." and now, just a matter of where each person decides their stepping off point is.
*and we all have those kinds of feelings about certain things in life. I'm not trying to shame anyone but there will be someone that says it's still worth it well past the point of you thinking it is, whoever you are and wherever your point is.