Resident Curmudgeon
Bottom line: Disney now has even greater competition in Orlando. Not exactly new news. What we are seeing right now is the Harry Potter effect. Rowling's demands were considered unreasonable, so Disney walked away. That was a sad day, but perhaps inevitable. Disney will not let the tail of Rowling wag the dog of Disney. Maybe they should have; maybe not. But now, years later, we're seeing Disney type guests spending a day or two at Universal, which without Harry Potter, they never would have.
The NFL season just started, so let's analogize: Harry Potter is like a pro bowl quarterback. IF you don't have that great QB, there's not much you can do other than tout your other players, the coaching, etc . . . Landing Harry Potter would have been like drafting a perennial pro bowl quarterback. Disney didn't go along with that, so they're touting their current offerings, their history, etc . . ., just like a team with a mediocre new QB touts their coaches, their defense, and their running game. But it's not as if Disney is glorifying the new spigot on the Gatorade container.
Disney has great stuff, but HP is hard to match in many ways as far as new buzz is concerned. Disney's new stuff is very good, but HP is the big new thing of the last decade. Will Disney create some great new buzz of its own? I sure hope so. Will marvel super heroes invade the parks? I sure hope so. Will they ever match HP as far as buzz and excitement are concerned? Some day, but right now, the new buzz is primarily HP. That will fade eventually, but Disney cannot be lame in it's attempts to fight back.
So here's the question as I see it: Is Disney extolling the virtues of their Gatorade spigots while the competition's star quarterback is throwing touchdown passes, or are they strengthening the organization in order to ink a star quarterback for next year?
My vote is for the Gatorade spigots, They are after all so much more MAGICAL and they need a FP- to use