Well-Known Member
For some reason, Gal just got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - prematurely, IMO.
Have you ever been to Hollywood and seen the blocks after blocks of stars? People no one has ever heard of have stars on Hollywood Blvd. The handprints at Grauman's Chinese are relatively exclusive, the sidewalk stars are not.
I just Googled, and there are over 2,800 stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. So Ms. Gadot certainly qualifies.
So its not as prestigious in my opinion as it once was. Not that she doesn't deserve it, but thought I should put it into perspective.
I honestly don't think it was ever truly prestigious. It might have been the first few years, when they were still installing them daily. But by the 1970's they already had a bunch of people you'd never heard of, or had no idea what they did.
When they're giving stars on Hollywood Blvd. to Alvin & The Chimpmunks, you have to question the whole thing.

Most of the people screaming about her comments now were utterly silent during months of racially-motivated attacks against her, because a significant portion of the population openly enjoys cruelty but refuses to accept any criticism.
Your posts entertain the heck out of me! Your world seems so bleak and scary, and yet so firmly entrenched in your mind; a world of Millions of people who "openly enjoys cruelty" and is all ruled over by "the country's most powerful people" who operate a well orchestrated "hate network" to instruct us miserables how to think and act in the most cruel and mean and immoral ways possible.
It's just fascinating to consider how it all works in your mind, but it's also entertaining as all heck to get a peek at!
Luckily, things certainly look and feel far more sunshiny and good on my end of reality.

Yeah sure at Disney Springs, not a surprise. How’s it doing in Jacksonville?
Here you go, in Jacksonville's popular Cinemark location tomorrow at 7:30pm. This isn't surprising at this point...