Yea, I Don't think we are on he same page here. We aren't talking about how long a film has to stay in theaters before streaming, but how many theaters it has to be in for what amount of time. And the percentage of the box office Disney gets. Yes the theaters wanted a longer guaranteed run before streaming, especially for tent pole films. Because Disney was killing the theaters. We all saw what pulling the movies early did to box office. Disney was taking, I think it was 65% of the first 2 or 3 weeks? After that the theater could drop the amount of theaters and they got a better percentage take. By pulling a film at 30 days, for D+, you all but killed the chance for legs on a film. Therefore making the chance for the theater to make money almost non-existent. So yea they wanted a longer guarantee.
What we don't know, is what's the revenue split percentage and theater counts Disney is requiring. So to tie it back to my original question, would the theaters try to get better leverage with Disneys slump at the box office? Any intelligent business would do that. Disney has a pretty well documented history of stiff arming theaters. And while we don't know the exact terms, it's been complained about by the owners. So we know it's well in Disneys favor. As it should have been, they had ALL of the leveraging power. That doesn't seem to be the case right now. So even if you are right that the contracts are better for the theaters, why wouldn't the theaters want to do the same thing to Disney that Disney did to them?