Disney Irish
Premium Member
Lets be honest here, and I say this as someone who defends more than criticizes. Disney can spend money on the Parks anytime they wanted to, they have the capital to do so now with 10B in cash and access to 10s of Billions more.That's right. A bunch of us have been saying that for a long time when the "why do you care, it's not your money" comments come in. What do people think happens when the company has to tighten the belt because the movies are falling short financially? The parks get the lions share of it. There's zero chance we as parks fans see Disney address the capacity issues of the resort if the studio side is bleeding money.
So don't get fooled into this false sense of hope here that somehow when studios start doing better its going to somehow lead to a sudden influx of investments. The Parks will always be the cash cow that Disney uses to squeeze as much revenue out of while trying to spend as little as possible on improvements.