Thought the same thing and said to my wife afterwards that it felt more like a comedy out of the 1980's (circa "9 to 5"), especially the Will Ferrell "mens club" executive board bit. In some ways, it plays on similar jokes/themes in "Anchorman" making fun of how women were treated in the 1970's (again, 50 years ago).
It was a comedy film.
There were a couple of key "villains" groups in the movie, played most notably by the Mattel executives and the city construction workers in that conservative backwater of oppression known as Santa Monica, California, were cartoonish in their presentation. Because no Mattel exec or construction worker in Santa Monica has actually been like that since at least 1975.
And again I have to note, Mattel approved this movie and helped create it. Can you imagine Disney execs having that same ability to laugh at themselves and allow Will Ferrel to portray them with great comedic goofery?
Because I can't. Disney can't laugh at itself now. Bob Iger and all his top execs are humorless and take themselves very seriously.
Even the "but not on the Supreme Court" joke was "1970's sitcom" funny as O'Connor was on the Court in 1981 and there have been a half dozen women justices already. That was a line that would have felt completely at home being said by Maude in 1978.
Exactly. This was slapstick comedy circa the Jimmy Carter era.
No one actually thinks that Mattel execs are buffoons, that Santa Monica construction workers sit around cat-calling surfer girls all day, or that a girl roller skating on the beach in LA would have her butt slapped randomly by some guy and then
she would go to jail for it, or that Century City is a place run entirely by men who spot each other in the gym all day and tell their female assistants to be silent while men talk.
Heck, it is so "not woke" that they have the only curse words in the movie shouted by a black woman because um...apparently black women are angry and cannot articulate their thoughts without profanity like everybody else? (It was an odd choice)
I actually laughed out loud at that one. Not because of the swear word that was edited, and not because the President of Barbie Land said it, but because they bleeped it out with the official Mattel logo. See my comments above about Mattel having a corporate sense of humor that Disney and other big companies today now lack.
It's going to do $1B++ all around the world precisely because it is not woke, but straight ahead, silly, self-aware comedy.
That's exactly what it is. Mainstream, witty, charming, toe-tapping, colorful, pretty, laugh out loud funny, summer entertainment.
Warner's deserves every penny of that Billion Dollars Plus they're going to get from this hilarious and sparklingly charming movie.