As a family of six, we tried to book BBB, only to learn that you have to be age 11 or under. My wife and daughters do this on special family night, our anniversary. Get all princess hair doos and then enjoy the day, with my youngest at 7 wearing her gown. It is a family day for the girls to spend time together, then meat up, and go to diner. This year though, my 15, 12, year olds and wife can not get there hair done. We were told "it takes away from younger children, and two that they might resemble a character" I smell BS! Why can't they spend good money and have an enjoyable day together. Basically WDW has said " dont spend your money here, do not have fun as an adult, and do not try it without a valid birth certificate!" We are just trying to have fun as a family. Its all the girls getting their hair done together. And then go have a great dinner all dressed up, not in costumes, except for the little one. really! Oh, and this just recently changed within the past year all because of one 17 year old girl who looked too mich like tinkerbell! Ridiculous! Hey, don't take my money for unfulfilled reservations, fine with that. Makes me wonder where the MAGIC has gone. Walt always said, for EVERYONE!!!!!! Responses?