I was watching one of the Disney “news” sites summaries of todays report and they said D+ had its most profitable quarter ever despite losing 700,000 subs.
I don’t recall seeing that stat in the release here, or in the forums, is that accurate? Was that loss from actual D+ subscribers or was that from cheaper subscriptions like Hotstar?
No one cares about the number of subs any more. Wall Street stopped caring 3 years ago. The metric is profit.
So, yes, DTC lost subs, but, the ARPU for D+, Hulu, and ESPN went up. The loss of subs was expected with the price increase. But the total income of all those subs that remained and paid the increase more than made up for the loss of subs.
Also, as compared to 3 years ago, streamers are getting ad revenue on top of subs. So, sub numbers alone don't tell the full story.
It's all there in the financial reports. The guidance is that this new quarter will also see a small decline in subs, but overall profit will still go up.
This wasn't discussed here because most of us have been through this several quarters and know that the only thing that matters is the bottom line.
As Disney continues to merge the three streamers into one (beyond merely being bundled), the loss of subs/churn will diminish since bundled/merged subscriptions see less churn. E.g., the parents in a household like Hulu, but don't care for D+, but their youngling is hooked on Bluey and the don't dare cancel that sub. And so, they pay for both.