Discusted with Disney World

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As a child Disney World was my favorite place in the world. It was hard to explain but there was just something about it. It was the kind of place you could go as child wth your parents, your grandparents and any other family members or friends and everyone would have an amazing time. The rides were unique, as they still are. They didn't spin you upside down or drop you from 200 feet in the air. They showed you clips of the past the future and what we dreamed the future could be like. They were immaginative and at times educational, but still lots of fun. Many originated from classic Disney movies. Each time you would go back you would look forward to going on your favorite ride. I personally loved Horizons (gone), Journey into Imgaination (completely changed), Universe of Energy (soon to be changed) and SPace Ship Earth (probably changing sometime in the near future) My whole life I was fascinated by Walt Disney. All my reports in school were on Walt Disney and have read many books and watched many programs about his life. He was a dreamer. A creative man and a genius. The point I am trying to make is that I am completely Discusted with Walt DIsney World lately. It is being completely destroyed. Classic rides being closed down and being replaced by more "modern rides". Walt Disney was fasicnated with what the future would bring and it is of course important to add and expand, but to replace classic DIsney rides is ridiculous. They need to expand and add to appeal to everyone. It all seemed to start with Mr.Toads Wild Ride, WOlrd of Motion and Horizons being closed down and now its just getting worse and worse every year. Journey into Imagination has been changed, completely destroyed, The Wonders of life have been taken out, Pirates of the Carribean is about to be completely renovated which is never a good thing with WDW lately, Space ship Earth is supposedly being turned into a roller coaser, The Universe of Energy is suppose to undergoe major renovations soon. I mean the list gets longer every few months. In time there will be no more original Disney WOrld rides left. Although not all of the original rides were completely planned by Walt himself, most are based on plans and idea he left before he died. But now they could just change the name of the park because pretty soon there will be no reason to call it Walt Disney World anymore. Why are they trying to compete with Universal and appeal to teenagers. Why would anyone who only loves scary rides go to Disney World when they could go to plenty of other places, Universal, Six flags, DOrney Park, Bush Gardens, and pay a fraction of the price and probably be closer to home since they are all over the country. Why try to be like everyone else when being so Unique is what made you popular. I cannot explain how upset and sick to my stomach I was when I heard about these rumors especially about spaceship earth. They destroyed the most special part of my childhooh and destroyed something Walt Disney spent his whole life on. Its horrible because there is nothing anyone could do. They tried with Horizons and MR.toads wild ride. Thoasands of Protests and petitions. It is obvious they dont care what the people think which I find funny since the people are who spend the money on their parks. They always claim things aren;t working right...SO FIX THEM....if something needs painting, paint it, if the tracks or cars to the ride need to be repaired, repair them, ..donyt just destroy the ride. There is an amusment park close where I live that I go to every year called rye playland. It has been around since 1928 and was made a landmark so nothing has really changed. They are constantly adding but the design and the original rides must stay. They can be fixed but not changed in any way which is what makes it so popular. Its amazing how this park could make it work but WDW cant. They have great rides old and new but it makes you feel like you;ve been brought back in time. I am only 20 so I wasn;t around when it first opened but I appreciate it very much. Anyways, If these rumors I hear about DIsney World are true I will never go there again. I am not spending a fortune on people who couldn't care less about what their customers think and who want to destroy what for most people is their greatest childhood memory. WDW used to be my favorite place in the world, now I just get upset think about it. I was looking forward to bring my Boyfriend next year since he has never been there but I wont. I wont spend a dime on WDW. MAybe I'll just go to Universal. They wanted to compete with them but instead they have drivem at least one person away from WDW and straight to universal. Walt spent his whole life dreaming of and making a place like disney world possible and these people manage to destroy it practically overnight.


New Member
Sir I think you are at the wrong web site come on I show you the door. I find your comments very rude and you should be a shame of yourslef

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'd say you're overreacting a bit. The rumors about Spaceship Earth are just that. The POTC rehab hasn't even happened yet. Ditto UOE (which isn't a "classic," anyway, since the original show has been gone for years) so those really aren't examples of anything.

It's fair to ask whether the people in charge of the parks are really adhering to the principles Walt espoused, but to say they're "destroying" the parks is complete hyperbole. Things may be changing, but that isn't always bad.


Well-Known Member
some people would agree, some people would disagree. Some people like the classic rides while some like the newer rides. It all depends on your taste. Over time, rides NEED REPLACING. It's just a fact we all have to accept. However, i do agree with you that the replacments have been below par and unacceptable, ie stitches great escape, pooh ride, (test track and mission space debatable). If Disney wants to replace a clasic ride, they need to put in a ride that will be an instant classic. Cleary stitch's great escape,winnie the pooh, and imagination are example of disney's blunders and complete failures imo. Whoever says they like the new imagination or stitches great escape are clearly delusional. However, soarin and ee, are sure to be instant classics. Sometimes its just a gamble. But no rides can last forever.


New Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
All my reports in school were on Walt Disney and have read many books and watched many programs about his life. He was a dreamer. A creative man and a genius.
So I'm guessing you would have heard or read the the famous Walt Disney quote, "We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together."

BRYANSBABY06290 said:
Why are they trying to compete with Universal and appeal to teenagers.

Last I heard teenagers were apart of a family....


Well-Known Member
Wow. where to start?

First off... businesses have to change to keep current and to do what they are supposed to do... make money. If they don't change, they will not succeed. Period.

Second... Everything you just said is based on YOUR opinion and that doesn't mean that a majority of others agree nor does it mean that it's what is best for the business.

Third... Several things you said are just rumors; therefore, they may not happen.

Fourth... Please try to use some paragraphs to make it easier to read long posts! :wave:

Fantastic Fact:
Bryan is in love with "expiriencing" the future at Epcot, but TERRIFIED of it actually happening!

That was one of the most exciting posts I have ever read. I REALLY hope he does not plan on leaving the house in that state, let alone visit Disney.

Valid points though. Unsound, but valid.



New Member
What I am amazed about is how illiterate this post was. Is there no education out there anymore? "Discusted" - I take it this means he took the topping off a pie. If he meant disgusted - well don't get me started. Doesn't anybody out there use spell check? or know English? This is so badly written and childish that it should be given the attention it merits - none!


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Fourth... Please try to use some paragraphs to make it easier to read long posts! :wave:
I'll second that!

That behemoth of a paragraph weighed in with 880 words and 3,955 non-whitespace characters (according to a quick paste into Word, I sure didn't count that by hand :lol: )

I don't think I'm the only person who started reading, and then after their eyes glazed over, skipped on to the next post or thread. :lookaroun

I think there is a middle ground somewhere between the opinions expressed in your post and the other extreme (where everything is la-la-la happy, and of course Disney is only looking to make us even more happy, they aren't here just to make a profit, etc) that is much closer to reality than you may care to admit.

And the attempted rebuke of the "bad Disney" by going to Universal is amusing, at best. If you want to get corporate Disney's attention, you need to be in their face directly, not as what only amounts to being a silent protester by going to Universal instead.


New Member
Relax, take a deep breath, brush up on your grammar and visit WDW. You'll find it's as magical as it's always been.


New Member
jojoyner55 said:
Doesn't anybody out there use spell check?
Speaking of which, is there a spell check feature to use when posting that I haven't found yet? I've been using the online dictionary on my computer while posting on this board more than I care to admit! :lol:


Well-Known Member
"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world."

-Walt Disney


Well-Known Member
OK. I'm not going to pull the typical WDWMagic.com response as of recent weeks and absolutely bash this post. Certainly there were mistakes, and certainly there were many statements that rely upon rumors.

HOWEVER, I certainly can't say I disagree with the post overall. Disney in recent years has not been focusing on the creative but rather the marketable. It is shortsighted at best, and I agree with the original poster's sentiments. Note that very few people complain about the transition from Mission to Mars or from Dreamflight today because these were upgrades. Even Food Rocks into Soarin' works. I doubt that many people are satisfied with replacements; they want improvements. Also, this is this person's opinion. If someone cannot vent frustrations here, then we have a problem. This is a DISCUSSION board not a happy, cheerleading post. Discussions are not always happy, so cut this person some slack.

On that same token, sentiments must be expressed clearly or given a caveat that this is a "rant" or whatnot. Therefore, please be as direct and concise as possible on your rants. If you don't want to deal with this (which you could figure out the direction in the first 3 lines), please just ignore the thread. These comments are not unfounded, just perhaps not expressed in the "most exceptional" way.


Account Suspended
First let me start by saying, that was the best first post I have ever seen!:rolleyes:

you don't get it do you? Walt Disney wanted change, he was interested in the future which is why disney world has some of the most innovative rides the world has ever seen. Walt Disney designed some of the most memorable rides in the world. I appriciate what the imagineers are doing. They are keeping the tradition and spirit of walt disney alive.

The fact of the matter is that disney might be competing with universal but not stooping so low as to have mindless, storyless rollercoasters dotting the "theme park". Although they are competing they are doing it in such a way in which keeps the remarkable expierance of disney world... a remarkable expierance!

And you are the worst Disney "fan" I have ever encountered. The thing that makes me sick is the fact that you dont give walt disney world the respect it deserves. You dont want to go back to disney world? FINE dont but there are so many others that are aching to go. I would be ashamed if I were you. And honestly, I think you should leave!:mad:


New Member
dflye said:
Speaking of which, is there a spell check feature to use when posting that I haven't found yet? I've been using the online dictionary on my computer while posting on this board more than I care to admit! :lol:

Not that I am aware of. If you use a search toolbar on your explorer (such as Google (personal favorite), yahoo, msn, etc) they usually have a spell check option that will check all text fill in fields. Mostly, though just C&P to Word and it'll do.


Well-Known Member
Also fitting. This shows even Walt didn't believe that rides should "not [be] changed in any way."

"Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved."

-Walt Disney


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peter11435 said:
Also fitting. This shows even Walt didn't believe that rides should "not [be] changed in any way."

"Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved."

-Walt Disney

this thread should end with your post. You just summed up everything that this thread is all about!!
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