To begin with, Cheer for the new rates! (Wish it was a tiny bit more of a discount, but I'll take what I can get

) I wouldn't be able to travel 3-4 times a year like I do now without the discounts, and these are just in time.
However, a warning that may be too late for some :
Be VERY Careful when Changing Ressies!
Yes, it is possible, but note two things. First, do NOT make your ressie online if you plan to change it later (i.e. by adding a discount code). They CANNOT do anything with the deposit once you've paid it; if you cancel/change the ressie they cannot apply the old deposit to the new one and will have to refund it instead and in the mean time you must pay a new, second deposit.
This ONLY applies to Internet ressies - ones made over the phone should be just fine and they can move the funds around. Something about doing it on the net first prevents them from doing anything other than refunding (which can take several billing cycles, read below.)
Second, if you are faced with a refund from WDW, check it diligently! They cancelled a ressie and made me a new one under the scenario outlined above (internet ressie in the first place) and told me the standard "it will appear in 1-2 billing cycles". However, it was a debit card - so I could check instantly when it arrived. After a week or so it didn't, so I just shot them off an email wondering how long it takes. Got the same stock e-mail (think this one said 2-3 billing cycles!). I had to call for PS's anyway, and when I did I mentioned the situation and the fact that it was a debit card, so I knew it hadn't been processed yet as I could see my account online.
Long story longer, accounting "lost" my refund. If I had waited 2-3 months before looking into it, I may have never gotten it. When they processed it this time it showed up in about three days.
Moral of the story? Always call and make your ressies (you always pay full-rack rate no matter what on the website anyway), and be diligent if you are ever owed a refund. CRO really can be helpful and is usually a wonderful experience, but knowing about their policies and procedures beforehand can be very valuable in getting the most out of the experience.