Discount does not apply to all rooms? Not happy right now.


New Member
Hello. So my family and I going to WDW staying the Contemporary Resort from 7/28 until 8/4/2014. We assumed that a 30% off would apply to all existing reservations. When I called to make a payment today we were told our room did not apply to that as they only had a certain number of rooms for the discount and we had to call and ask for one! Needless to say I almost cancelled my reservation and had to hand my phone to the wife to get the correct information. Has this happened to anybody before? The discount has always automatically been applied to our reservation. Thanks for listening to me venting.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Hello. So my family and I going to WDW staying the Contemporary Resort from 7/28 until 8/4/2014. We assumed that a 30% off would apply to all existing reservations. When I called to make a payment today we were told our room did not apply to that as they only had a certain number of rooms for the discount and we had to call and ask for one! Needless to say I almost cancelled my reservation and had to hand my phone to the wife to get the correct information. Has this happened to anybody before? The discount has always automatically been applied to our reservation. Thanks for listening to me venting.
Discounts have never been automatically applied and they have never applied to all existing reservations. It might appear that they are, but what actually happens when a discount is applied is Disney cancels your original reservation and creates a new one. The only way that can happen is if their is an open room identical to the one you have booked available. If there is not, there will not be a discount.

Why wouldn't they discount a pre-existing reservation? Why should someone who only books when their is a discount get the break?
It is just like any other sale. You can't take your Xbox One you got at launch for full price back when they start cutting the price.

We had a theme park view in the Cont. Tower. Really disappointed in Disney right now. The discount should apply to all reservations. Last time we went we had a pre existing reservation it automatically applied.
The room type you have is the most popular one on property. Depending on the time of year, it is not uncommon for all theme park view rooms in the tower to be sold out more than a year in advance. When I was a TA I had a client that had me book that exact room type for the week of Christmas and New Years 499 days in advance every year. In three years, I never saw that room discounted for that time frame.
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I booked a club level deluxe for July. I called the morning the discount released and they did not have any club level deluxe rooms for that discount. I switched to standard club because of the price, even though it was to the room I wanted. Our cousins are going with us and called later that day and they had no club level rooms on discount.
I kept checking the disney resort site and a few days later a standard club room was released,but not deluxe. At 3 am last night I checked the website (a problem sleeping that turned out being a blessing) and there was a deluxe room included. At 7:05 this morning I booked it!
Maybe when I canceled my original deluxe room at rack rate it stayed in the system and disney decided to sell it cheaper. It took about a week if this was the case. Or someone else cancelled it.
Either way, the lesson is flexibility and to keep checking.
Good luck
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Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
Same experience as @Sandy Carroll, except we had existing reservations at two Deluxe resorts 7/26-8/1 and 8/1-8/6 with a couple add on days at POR. When my wife called to get the discount applied the morning the latest offer came out she was told our view (water view) was not available with the discounts but Club level was and all of them have a water view at our resort. This saved us over $$$ per night and with added club level saves me money for continental breakfast (I hope.)

To the OP, on all discount offers you must call in as fast as the offers are made available. When discounts add up to thousands of dollars, you always have people looking every morning for them. We always do to take advantage of any savings options possible. Last summer I was on a Disney bus between parks when the free dining offer was made available for the holidays, we had four adults and a 17yo in a Deluxe room with no discounts at the time. We called within a half hour of the offer going live and had to change resorts because ours was already booked for the offer. As many other members have stated, the early bird gets the worm.
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JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of a discount being applied to a pre-existing reservation without the customer/travel agent requesting that it be applied and then only if it applied to the room type reserved. Frustrating for the OP who assumed it would be applied to all rooms already reserved, but standard practice that it was not and may no longer be available for the OP's room type.
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Well-Known Member
I already had a reservation for 6 nights at POR prior to the summer discounts.

I knew that, depending on availablity, I may have to change the room type, from a standard to a pool view, et cerera.

We ended up switching to WL woods view instead. The 35% for that resort, in that category of room, made the difference.
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Well-Known Member
Last year was the first time in a long time that we couldn't use any discounts for free dining or the room only discount (being that it was Jersey Week and we stayed at POR)... they just simply don't need to offer free dining that week since they have no problem filling rooms. I was not mad about it, I knew it could happen. That is the way we all need to look at these discounts to begin with. I book my trip because I want to go and love it there so much.. if I get a PIN or a discount is abled to be applied to our reservation, that is just an added bonus for us! That is how I see it.
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Well-Known Member
This is just like flying- I fly from a small airport (Bloomington, IL to ORD) with limited times and direct flights. So I always book a flight early to ensure my family sits together and we are not stuck in standby. I also know that if there are any seats left under 4 weeks out from the flight, they are discounted in order to fill them. Most Airlines, including this one (Frontier) do not allow customers who purchased tickets previously to get a partial refund now that the last seats are going cheaply. It's a trade off- simple as that. BTW, Frontier service is so bad now, we're just going to drive on our trip in Sept.
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Well-Known Member
Hello. So my family and I going to WDW staying the Contemporary Resort from 7/28 until 8/4/2014. We assumed that a 30% off would apply to all existing reservations. When I called to make a payment today we were told our room did not apply to that as they only had a certain number of rooms for the discount and we had to call and ask for one! Needless to say I almost cancelled my reservation and had to hand my phone to the wife to get the correct information. Has this happened to anybody before? The discount has always automatically been applied to our reservation. Thanks for listening to me venting.
Yes, this happened to us our first stay at the Contemporary. We wanted the MK view room. Booked with a TA. After the discount released I thought we'd get it, assumed it would be taken care of. Didn't hear anything from the TA. After a day or so I called Disney myself and asked. There was no more available discounted rooms in that category for our travel dates. I have no idea if there was ever that category room available under the discount or what. I only know when I called I was outta luck. We wanted that specific room type bad enough we paid full rack rate for that trip. Very pricy trip. I became very obsessive over the details, discounts, etc. after that. I also tried not to get too set on a specific room type & resort in order to maximize my likelihood of getting a good deal. Don't think I've paid a rack rate since. I definitely know how you feel and fully sympathize.
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Well-Known Member
Well if anyone needs one i have a PIn for something close to the deal everyone is talking about.

Up to 30% off with a 5 day magic your way + free park hopper.

If anyone needs it inbox me.
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Well-Known Member
Well if anyone needs one i have a PIn for something close to the deal everyone is talking about.

Up to 30% off with a 5 day magic your way + free park hopper.

If anyone needs it inbox me.

Unfortunately PIN offers are linked specifically to the person who it was mailed to. A stranger wouldn't be able to use it.

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