Discount does not apply to all rooms? Not happy right now.


New Member
Hello. So my family and I going to WDW staying the Contemporary Resort from 7/28 until 8/4/2014. We assumed that a 30% off would apply to all existing reservations. When I called to make a payment today we were told our room did not apply to that as they only had a certain number of rooms for the discount and we had to call and ask for one! Needless to say I almost cancelled my reservation and had to hand my phone to the wife to get the correct information. Has this happened to anybody before? The discount has always automatically been applied to our reservation. Thanks for listening to me venting.


Keep Moving Forward
I have had this happen last trip we were planning to stay at one resort - guess what that resort was blocked out of any discounts. So we tried to switch we ended up with our 3rd choice resort since all the other discounted rooms were taken up so quickly and we called the same day the discount came out.
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Well-Known Member
Did you ask if you could get the discount by switching to a different room category (if you were willing to do that, anyway)? For example, last time we went a room discount came out for our resort --but only for "garden" or "water" view rooms. To get the discount, we had to "upgrade" our existing reservation from a standard view to a garden view, which had a higher "rack rate" than a standard, but we still saved a little money.

This is always the way Disney discount offers work. They're trying to fill certain room categories at certain resorts. If you read the "small print," it's generally clear that the discount is restricted to a certain number of rooms in particular categories/resorts, with certain blackout dates. WDW never offers an across-the-board room discount. Calling early (like, the day the special offer comes out) and being flexible are the keys to being able to take advantage.
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Well-Known Member
Ok Cretin, I did not understand how Disney worked their discounts. I can understand that they want to bring more people into the resort to sell out rooms, but people who booked first should clearly have access to the discounted room rates.

Are you seriously name-calling? Decorum, please! We are expected to maintain a civil tongue on this board. (Or do you think you have contacted some sort of official Disney website and are trying to lodge a complaint? This is a fan forum, and the people who have responded are trying to help you.)
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Well-Known Member
Because it's already sold.

If you buy a Winter dress today and three weeks later the department store puts it on sale to make room for Spring dresses, you don't expect to get a rebate do you? There is no price protection.

That may be the most reasonable explanation about how a supply and demand discount system works. However, I have a feeling that some people would be back at the store three weeks later with the original receipt asking for a refund of the price difference.

As we mostly stay at the CR, had the OP cancelled a 7/28-8/4 Park View reservation over the discount issue, it would have been gone before the end of the day. That resort is one of the most difficult to book in all of WDW, especially during the summer.
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New Member
My 2 cents:
  1. If you must keep your chosen resort/room, keep calling Disney back and/or checking online for available rooms with a discount. I booked a room 2 years ago at POP for my 15th wedding anniversary. I really wanted to stay at AOA. Since it was a new resort, most offers Disney released weren't available at AOA. I called and this was confirmed by a Disney reservation specialists. However, they told me to keep checking and that some discounts for AOA might become available. I did just that. I kept searching online for any discounts at AOA and what do you know – I was able to get one. I called and had my reservation swapped from POP to AOA.
  2. The key to getting a discount is to be flexible with your resort choices. The number of rooms at any resort that are available for the discount rates is very limited. Whether this is a Free Dining discount or % off each night’s stay.
  3. Book your vacation using an authorized Disney vacation specialists/travel agent. There are tons of them out there that offer their services for FREE! This includes checking for available discounts after they have booked your Disney vacation.
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Well-Known Member
If getting a discount is your primary goal, your advice is spot on. The Disney vacation specialists take all the work out of it. In my personal situation, the specific resort and view is more important than the discount. We go less often just so we can afford to have the location we want.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't have any problems at all with getting my discount, but I booked my entire package, from start to finish, online, and I made sure to click only the links that mentioned discounts LOL. I ended up getting my room at the POP for about $30 off per night, so about a 20% savings if my math is right. For me, that's the easiest way to be sure I'm getting exactly what I want; it was all very clear, and I didn't have to remember to ask anyone for anything... I just clicked a button. We would have gotten the same deal by going through a travel agent, but we like to do things ourselves whenever possible, so this was our best option.
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Well-Known Member
That may be the most reasonable explanation about how a supply and demand discount system works. However, I have a feeling that some people would be back at the store three weeks later with the original receipt asking for a refund of the price difference.

As we mostly stay at the CR, had the OP cancelled a 7/28-8/4 Park View reservation over the discount issue, it would have been gone before the end of the day. That resort is one of the most difficult to book in all of WDW, especially during the summer.

That was what I was saying. I've been stalking the resort prices for a variety of stays at a variety of the deluxes since January. You want CONT, you better grab a room when you want it if it is availble in your category of choice and dates and then be flexible and quick when discounts roll out. BC standard view room is also tough to get on the discounts.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't have any problems at all with getting my discount, but I booked my entire package, from start to finish, online, and I made sure to click only the links that mentioned discounts LOL. I ended up getting my room at the POP for about $30 off per night, so about a 20% savings if my math is right. For me, that's the easiest way to be sure I'm getting exactly what I want; it was all very clear, and I didn't have to remember to ask anyone for anything... I just clicked a button. We would have gotten the same deal by going through a travel agent, but we like to do things ourselves whenever possible, so this was our best option.
Yes, it was for you at that time, but you booked your room when a special was available for your travel dates. The OP had booked their room before any offers were available for their dates, and you cannot go back online and modify your reservation online - you need to call or use a travel agent to call for you.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, it was for you at that time, but you booked your room when a special was available for your travel dates. The OP had booked their room before any offers were available for their dates, and you cannot go back online and modify your reservation online - you need to call or use a travel agent to call for you.

Gotcha... I figured there was something I was missing.
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Well-Known Member
I know its so frustrating but hey thts business for ya. For our honeymoon this past October, we snagged a 30% off room rate at the Wilderness Lodge BUT ONLY for a room with a queen bed and bunk beds. We didn't care so we took it and saved $1,100 but for some families that wouldn't have worked. Tricky deals. Sorry :-(
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Well-Known Member
Wow,..some really hostile people one this website. Clearly some people have way too much time checking out when their is a discount.
I think that you are just not understanding that the discounts only apply to a certain room type in some cases, and that they have a limited number of rooms that they apply the discounts for. Thus if you have already booked, you would need to call back and if the discount was available for your room type, then you would receive it, however, it is a first come first serve on the discounts, so the people that are "stalking" the discounts can sometimes take all of them before you get a chance to save. I think @jlsHouston was pointing out that the specific type of room you had booked was no longer available (in actuality, it may never have been an option for discount), but that the club level is so if you wished you could change to Club level and get a discount, even though it would be at a higher rate.
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Well-Known Member
If you have a reservation for one resort/room, and then the discount posts, there is no guarantee that the place you are staying at will have the discount you want. My first choice had a 20% discount (it was booked) but another equally nice option for us was available at 30% so I changed my reservation. Sometimes you have to just go with the flow and make a change. Other times it works out.
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Well-Known Member
It all boils down to there only being a limited number of rooms qualifying for each discount - and the proverbial early bird catching the worm.

Last year, I was booked in the Contemporary...discounts came out, but I waited a day to call because it didn't look like the discount would apply to our room. Well, turns out I misinterpreted it and the discount would apply, but over the course of 1 measly day- all of the discounts for those rooms had been taken. Was I upset? Sure, but it was my own darn fault. I had the option of bumping up to a pricier room to get a discount, but opted to switch resorts instead to stay in a better price point for our budget. Either way, any blame to be placed was on me and any legwork to get this done was totally my responsibility as well- i.e. Disney isn't just automatically going to do it for me without me asking.
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Well-Known Member
I think that you are just not understanding that the discounts only apply to a certain room type in some cases, and that they have a limited number of rooms that they apply the discounts for. Thus if you have already booked, you would need to call back and if the discount was available for your room type, then you would receive it, however, it is a first come first serve on the discounts, so the people that are "stalking" the discounts can sometimes take all of them before you get a chance to save. I think @jlsHouston was pointing out that the specific type of room you had booked was no longer available (in actuality, it may never have been an option for discount), but that the club level is so if you wished you could change to Club level and get a discount, even though it would be at a higher rate.

Yes that was what I was saying. I have been stalking CONT room rates and availability since before last Thanksgiving under all the rates and discounts I am eligible for because I would really like to stay at that resort but looking for best rates for best possible acceptable room category. Those CONT theme park tower rooms don't discount often and they don't last long when they do.
Under the current summer discount the cheapest deal is the garden view garden wing for only $300/night. You can get Tower/Bay Lake view for $350 I think. But Theme park view only discounted under Club level.
Was just trying to help. I understand being annoyed when you miss a deal but in this case I don't think Disney has even extended the summer discount yet to that category of room they had reserved prior.
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Well-Known Member
Because it's already sold.

If you buy a Winter dress today and three weeks later the department store puts it on sale to make room for Spring dresses, you don't expect to get a rebate do you? There is no price protection.

Beat me to it. I just didn't know if I wanted to go there. Lol.

It's up to the consumer to be vigilant for discounts. I know you tried, but sounds like you need a room change for discount as others are suggesting? Try getting a better discount at any other hotel after you paid (free cancellations aside).

Wow,..some really hostile people one this website. Clearly some people have way too much time checking out when their is a discount.

You posted for advice/feedback/vent on a forum, and not liking the feedback because you disagree. Most of us are just trying to help.

EDIT- just checked website. Garden view and bay lake view show discount. Not including club level. So as of this moment, no one can get a discount on theme park view?
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Well-Known Member
Just to add a data point, we've never had the discount automatically applied to a pre-existing reservation. We've called and had the discount applied by asking, and we've had to keep calling back to get the discount (when someone cancels that had the discount, that opens up a slot). This happened on our last trip. I wasn't diligent enough to watch for newly released promotions, and missed it. When I called, all of the discounts were gone, so I had to keep calling until one opened up. Yeah, it's a pain, but it saved us nearly $900, so it's worth a little time, IMO. :)
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Arty Cordova

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately a discount does not apply to all the rooms. For example, I'm the first one to jump all over the Florida discount rates when they come out, however not every room has this rate (nor does every hotel for that matter). The discounts are a privilege not a right.
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Well-Known Member
Disney is a business and they first and foremost want to make money. I don't see why they would give EVERYONE with a pre-existing reservation a discount, that would definitely cut into their profits. Discounts are pretty much a "first come, first serve" with only a limited number they offer. So no matter if you already have a reservation or calling to make one you have a chance of getting a discount. You ought to be glad they will willingly give them out to people with pre-existing reservations rather than only new ones. What a pain it could be to have to cancel and rebook, you may not be able to get what you had before. Disney does not "owe" you a discount simply because you have reservations. Sorry.
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New Member
Beat me to it. I just didn't know if I wanted to go there. Lol.

It's up to the consumer to be vigilant for discounts. I know you tried, but sounds like you need a room change for discount as others are suggesting? Try getting a better discount at any other hotel after you paid (free cancellations aside).

You posted for advice/feedback/vent on a forum, and not liking the feedback because you disagree. Most of us are just trying to help.

EDIT- just checked website. Garden view and bay lake view show discount. Not including club level. So as of this moment, no one can get a discount on theme park view?
Which website are you checking?
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